An Owl’s Rise Chapter 38 38 The Eagles Attack

Being surrounded by three very large eagles, Evelyn began to panic.

She could tell from just looking around at them quickly that they were of a higher level than her, all being peak fiend beasts.

Each one of them radiated an aura just as strong as her parents had, and she knew that there was no way she could win in a fight.

Maybe if she was against just one of them, she would have some chance if she used her different powers well and out maneuvered them. But against three, she doubted she could win.

That meant she had really only one option, and that was evasion.

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’I have lived through way too much to end up being killed by a few eagles.’ Evelyn thought as she steeled herself.

Luckily these eagles were underestimating her since she was supposed to be much weaker than they were, but she had more tricks up her sleeve than they knew.

Turning towards the smallest one which was still around elven feet tall and nearly twice as big as her, she charged at full speed towards it.

Of course, these eagles thought it was just a desperate move, until the one she was aiming at suddenly began to plumet.

In an instant as it was hovering there, its body suddenly felt nearly four times heavier and its wings were no longer able to keep it aloft with the amount of force it was exerting.

Using this opening Evelyn slipped past the eagles’ encirclement and flew full speed ahead though the jungle, hoping to lose them.

Naturally they all quickly gave chase, not willing to let their prey go free so easily.

It was their mission to kill as many owls as they could, and they were not going to let this especially weak one go.

Maneuvering through the trees Evelyn tried to give the eagles the slip, but found they were keeping up with her even though she was increasing her speed by lowering her gravity and controlling the wind.

’What the hell!?’

Suddenly feeling her feathers stand on end, she felt an incredible sense of danger and soon heard a crackling sound coming from behind her.

Arching her head around to glance at what was going on, she went wide eyes as she saw sparks of electricity surrounding the lead eagle who was the largest.

Then a bolt of lightning was fired from its body towards her.

Barely having any time to react, she spun her body around as the bolt passed right by her and singed a few of her feathers.

Unfortunately, this maneuver slowed her down, and the other two eagles caught up to her, with one of them slamming into her.

This one was crackling with fire as it hit her, trying to burn her to a crisp.

Except while at first she thought she was going to get burned, she soon found that she did not feel any pain, and in fact did not feel the slightest bit of discomfort.

For her it seemed as if it had just gotten a bit hotter, but no actual damage was being done thanks to her heavenly flame that prevented its host from being burned by a lesser power.

With this stroke of luck and the fact that the eagle had not pierced her with its talons and instead opted to hold onto her own feet to prevent escape or any sort of counterattack, meant that Evelyn was actually pretty much unharmed.

Switching up her gravity field from lower to higher, she increased the pressure around her and the eagle that was grappling with her.

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Immediately the two of them started falling towards the ground as Evelyn allowed herself to sink like a rock, and the eagle could not support both of their increased weight even as strong as it was.

Seeing that it was going to crash, the eagle let go of Evelyn and struggled to fly up, while figuring the stupid owl would crash into the ground and they could finish it off with ease.

Yet as soon as the eagle let her go, she twisted her body around and lowered her gravity, while sending a gust of wind under her to act as a cushion.

Barely keeping herself from impacting the ground, she flew just inches away from hitting the surface of the jungle, much to these eagle’s surprise.

They had no idea how this little owl pulled of such a maneuver, or how it had survived being smothered with flames.

Still, they kept after her, not pondering these questions for long, as while they were not close to stupid, they really only had the intelligence of a normal seven to eight-year-old human child and were just doing as they had been told.

Keeping after her, these three eagles continuously shot out their elemental attacks at her trying to score a hit.

But now that she was on the lookout for and was wary of their basic magic attacks, she was easily able to dodge them while flying.

The only one that could cause her any trouble was the leader’s lightning attacks, and as long as she stayed vigilant, she was able predict when they were going to come, since it had to charge up for a few seconds before releasing a bolt.

Nevertheless, she could not lose them, and was having to use a lot of her magical energy to keep ahead and protect herself.

At the same time the three eagles were beginning to get impatient. They could not believe that a mid-tier fiend beast was giving them the runaround, when they were at the peak of the rank.

’Damn it. Why do they not just give up? They are coming after me way more intent than just looking for a meal. They really want me dead.’

Seeing that shaking these eagles was not going to happen, Evelyn began considering drastic action.

’For anyone else in this jungle, do not blame me if I burn it all to the ground.’

Funneling her magical energy to her heavenly flame, she caused its power to grow and then channeled it outside of her body behind her.


Not even attempting to control the crimson flame that boasted immense power, Evelyn let it cause a massive explosion behind her and right towards her eagle pursuers.

Not expecting this and being caught off guard, all of them tried to stop abruptly and move out of the way of the fiery explosion.

Two of them were actually successful, but one of them got caught up in it and their body began to burn.

Still, this was not enough to kill any of them, for while the heavenly flame was powerful, its strength relied on Evelyn’s own, and it simply did not contain enough magical energy to kill the eagle it had hit with one glancing blow.

And unfortunately, the force of the explosion had propelled Evelyn like a rocket. Causing her to lose control and slam headfirst into a tree.

At the very least her gravity was lowered quite a bit so the damage was less than it could have been, but it still left her stunned for a moment, and the two unhurt eagles caught up to her.

This time they were not playing around and began using their elemental affinities to their fullest. As the lead eagle began crackling with greater electrical power. and the other began amassing a large amount of fire.

Being caught off guard and unable to escape, all she could do was stand and fight. So, she began focusing all of her own magical power into wind.

Yet before they all attacked, two large spikes made of ice went flying towards the eagles, and they had to drop their concentration to move out of the way from being impaled.

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