Apocalypse Cheater Chapter 107 Jason Downfall

Chapter 107 Jason Downfall

As Cecilia glanced at her stats, she couldn’t help but smile, making her way toward the Kail Family’s residence.

Her smile didn’t stem from her overpowered status but rather from the passive skills and items she possessed.

She was well aware of Daniel’s care and love for her, though she still struggled to comprehend why.

She loved him more than he loved her, of that she was certain.

Yet, at times, she couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed by her inability to do more for him.

"Someday, I’ll surprise him in a way he won’t forget," she whispered with affection, her gaze fixed on the Ring of Doom, her most treasured possession.

The memory of the shock she had experienced upon discovering the ring’s incredible power still sent shivers of excitement down her spine.

"Giving me something like this is almost like being married..."

Her eyes sparkled with love as she allowed herself to daydream about their future together.

"I wonder when that day will come? And how many children will we have? One, three, five, or even seven?"

She let her imagination run wild, picturing a future filled with love and happiness.

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"My lady, we’ve arrived," Lestia’s voice brought Cecilia back to reality, and she felt a slight flush of embarrassment at her wild imagination.

"We have indeed. Alright, then, issue the orders to infiltrate the house,"

Cecilia commanded, and her maid promptly relayed the orders to the rest of their team.

As soon as Cecilia stepped out of the car, her men began to make their way into the mansion that belonged to the Kail Family.

"W-What in the world is happening!?"

The first person to let out a panicked cry was none other than Michael Kail, the current head of the Kail Family.

He and his wife were forcibly dragged from their room and brought to the living room.

And unfortunately, the remaining maid and butlers of the mansion were killed without any hesitation, showing what kind of business Cecilia wanted to settle.

"It’s been a while, Uncle," Cecilia’s voice was as cold as ice as she addressed Michael Kail.

"C-Cecilia? What’s happening?"

Michael’s wife, Rafia, stammered in response.

"Hello, Auntie. I understand this must be quite a shock, but it’s all because of your son’s actions,"

Cecilia stated, showing no remorse for her treatment of her aunt.

"W-What did my son do to you!?"

Rafia’s voice trembled as she struggled against one of Cecilia’s butlers, who held her in place.

Rafia was completely in the dark about the situation, and Michael had failed to inform her of anything.

Even with the shock of their situation, she never suspected that it had anything to do with the child of her husband’s friend.

Jason, his son, was not known for frequent social outings.

However, to Michael’s surprise, Jason had recently been visiting several houses and even making friends.

He had felt proud and delighted that Jason was making progress, expanding his influence, and building relationships with other influential families and organizations.

Yet, Cecilia’s unexpected visit and her ominous reasons made Michael question whether their activities had been uncovered.

’Surely it’s not about that...right?’

As she observed her husband’s flabbergasted reaction, Rafia’s mind was flooded with thousands of questions.

"Honey! What’s going on!? Is there something going on that you’ll never tell me!?"

Rafia asked with desperation.

Turning his head to face her, Rafia saw a face that silenced her.

"Rafia...we had committed the most sinful action he has ever done..."

His expression became empty as all hope seemed lost.

"W-What are you ta-"

Before she could ever question, sounds of gunshots could be heard.



Two bullets were fired and they penetrated their skulls.

Their bodies fell on the ground...dead and cold with their eyes wide open, unable to comprehend what had happened.

With the holes in their skull, blood dripped as it formed a string of a river.

And they lay down on the ground, 2 married couples who were alive seconds ago had died.

"Sigh, I guess that settles it. What about the culprit himself?" Cecilia inquired.

She walked and crossed over their corpse and sat down on a chair with her fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of her chair.

"We have apprehended him hiding in his room, my lady,"

Lestia replied, her voice steady and professional.

"What would you like us to do with him?"

Cecilia leaned back in her chair, her gaze fixated on a painting of a serene landscape hanging on the wall.

Her expression was unreadable.

After a moment of contemplation, she finally spoke, her voice still cold "Bring him to me."

Jason’s heart raced as he cowered in the cramped closet of his room.

Panic and regret gnawed at him from the inside.

"It shouldn’t be like this!" he thought, his whole body trembling with anxiety.

"Why did this happen? I had everything planned out, and all I needed was just time! So why, why, why, why, why!"

His thoughts spiralled into despair, and he felt like his mind was on the verge of exploding.

But before he could comprehend the situation fully, a hand suddenly penetrated through the closet and yanked him out with unexpected force.

Jason was abruptly pulled from the closet, his words cut off as he was dragged, and eventually was thrown away before he realized he was at the mercy of Cecilia.

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His eyes widened in shock and fear as he realized who had him in their grasp.

"C-Cecilia," he stammered, confusion swirling in his mind. "Why is this happening?"

His breath caught in his throat when he saw the lifeless bodies of his parents, lying in a pool of blood.

Panic and grief surged within him, and he screamed in anguish, "Father! Mother!"

He rushed to their side, tears streaming down his face as he witnessed the horrifying scene.

"How can this happen?" he cried out, his voice trembling with disbelief and sorrow.

"Hm? Why are you asking?" Cecilia questioned, her tone almost playful.

Cecilia’s innocent demeanour sent shivers down Jason’s spine.

He felt as though the ground beneath him was crumbling, and he struggled to comprehend the situation.

"Isn’t that what I should be asking?" She replied.

Jason’s eyes widened further, his confusion deepening.

Cecilia rose from her chair, taking a gun from one of the butlers.

She lowered herself to Jason’s eye level and pointed the gun directly at his head.

The room seemed to grow colder, and her once-familiar eyes now held an emptiness that sent chills down his spine.

"Don’t try to pretend that I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing,"

She said, her voice devoid of its usual warmth.

Jason was struck by how different she seemed from the person he had known.

The realization of the grave situation he was in sank in, and fear coursed through him like a shockwave.

Jason, feeling the weight of Cecilia’s cold judgment, started to give excuses in a desperate attempt to justify his actions.

"I was just protecting you! That’s right! I’ve been gathering men to protect you from harm! There’s nothing else to it!"

He stammered, his voice filled with anxiety.

Cecilia’s disappointment was evident as she listened to his feeble explanations.

She couldn’t help but ridicule him, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Harm? Protecting me? You?" Her words hung in the air like an accusation.

"About that, you won’t have to be worried. I already have someone who can protect me more than you ever could,"

Cecilia declared with a hint of madness in her smile.

Her mind was filled with thoughts of Daniel, and her obsession with him shone through, leaving Jason with no room for further excuses.

Jason’s desperation reached a breaking point, and he shouted, "B-But I had done so much for you!"

His voice trembled with a mix of fear and frustration.

Cecilia, however, remained unfazed by his outburst.

"What could the man that you’ve been with possibly give you?"

"Who knows, he’s just a coward with nothing to offer!"

Jason continued, unaware of the grave mistake he was making.

Little did he realize that his words had sealed his fate as if he had issued a death sentence for himself at that very moment.

As Cecilia’s anger surged, her voice transformed from soft to a crescendo of madness.

"How...." she began, her tone ominous.

"How dare you...."

"How dare you!" Her grip tightened on the gun, and she aimed it at Jason’s hand.



Jason screamed in agony as the gunshot tore through his hand.

Panic overtook him as he saw her aim at another part of his body.


But it was too late.

Another shot rang out, and he felt a searing pain in his leg.

"How dare you!"

Cecilia shouted with an unhinged look in her eyes, and blood spilt from Jason’s hand and leg.

As she pointed the gun toward another part of his body, Jason tried to beg for mercy, but it was all in vain.


"How dare you!"


"How Dare you! How Dare you! How Dare you! How Dare you! How Dare you! How Dare you!’’

Cecilia continued to shoot Jason’s body relentlessly, her madness consuming her.

The sound of gunshots echoed through the room, and blood splattered across the walls.

She showed no mercy, no remorse, as she fired shot after shot until Jason’s body lay lifeless on the floor.

It was a gruesome and brutal scene, one born out of anger and madness.

Cecilia’s rage had subsided, leaving her in a cold, emotionless state.

She stood there, gun in hand, staring at the lifeless body of the man who had once been a part of her life.

The room was filled with the heavy silence of death, broken only by the faint sound of a gun clicking empty.

Gazing at her gun and Jason’s corpse which had blood all over him, Cecilia’s eyes were empty and she formed an eerie smile.

"Well, let’s go," She said with a wide smile as though what she had done wasn’t something out of a psychopath.

As she exited the house, she hummed a sweet melody as though she was delighted, and she looked forward to the next moment with Daniel.

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