Apocalypse Cheater Chapter 112 We meet again Bella

Chapter 112 We meet again Bella

[: Daniel POV :]

[: You have received the Quest of Inheritance of the Class Irregular(Unique), do you wish to accept it? :]

[: You have obtained the Class Irregular(Unique) and have received the following boost :]

[: Due to Irregular rarity, 200 points have been added to all points :]

[: You have received the following skills of an Irregular :]

[: The Fragments of Thorns(S), Irregular Path(S), Irregular Control(S), Irregular Recovery(S), Mana Loop(S), Blessed By Mana(S) :]

I nodded in satisfaction upon obtaining the Irregular Class, a class renowned for its overpowered abilities, all thanks to my unique skills.

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The Irregular Class was notorious for defying the world’s logic, for being a forbidden existence, a walking calamity destined to consume ’Administrators,’ or so the legends suggested.

But for me, none of that mattered. As long as I could achieve my goal, I was willing to embrace this newfound power, consequences be damned.

"So...it was about facing you, not defeating you?" I chastised myself for not reading the quest carefully and making assumptions.

But in the end, everything had worked out as planned, and I had obtained what I desired.

It was time to bid farewell to this old man.

"Yeah, it was to assess your abilities, and I must say, I’ve never seen anyone perform better’’

’’You might not realize this, but to achieve this level of strength at your age and in just one year, you’re nothing short of a monster," he admitted.

I wasn’t surprised by his implication that he knew I was a player, as all living beings in the world were aware of it.

"But what are you seeking more power for? With your current strength, you could be a king or a ruler’’

Why chase after power that might one day consume you?" he asked.

I understood what he meant.

I had witnessed countless individuals become intoxicated by their own power and tyrannize over their small domains.

I wasn’t pursuing power for the sake of ruling over others.

"But how can I be sure that my power will ensure the safety of my loved ones?" I locked eyes with him and posed the question.

Witnessing the unwavering determination in my gaze, he fell silent, his expression growing solemn.

We remained in a momentary silence, the weight of the unspoken question hanging in the air, before he finally broke it.

"I understand... In that case, all I can do is wish you the very best," he replied.

With a click of his finger, I was summoned back to where the bar was.

However, the old man could no longer be seen.

I couldn’t help but wonder about the mysterious old man and his incredible power.

His identity remained shrouded in secrecy, leaving me with more questions than answers.

However, I knew I had to put those thoughts aside for now and concentrate on my mission.

With the barrier finally lifted, I had achieved the first part of my goal.

Now, it was time to focus on the next phase: finding the "Princess," or as I now knew, Bella, the daughter of the hero.

I wasted no time and headed to a crucial location where I intended to intercept a quest from its original owner.

This quest would mark the beginning of a significant event - a war that held the key to my plans.

Navigating through the winding streets of a city known as The Blinding Light, I kept my eyes peeled for my target.

It didn’t take long before I spotted her, Bella, who had concealed her identity beneath a hood.

The Bella I encountered was far from the cheery character depicted in the game’s lore.

Instead, fear was etched across her face, and it was evident that she was desperately fleeing from pursuing men.

I understood that the prerequisites for obtaining the quest I sought were unconventional – I had to bump into the princess herself.

This peculiar requirement would initiate an unexpected chain quest, and while it seemed odd, it was the only way to draw the princess’s attention.

Her desperation would trigger the quest, setting the wheels of my plan into motion.

From my view, Bella was sprinting through the bustling streets, clutching a mysterious item tightly in her hands.

It was an object that had evidently piqued the interest of the men pursuing her.

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I could see the desperation in her eyes, illuminated by the fiery determination to escape her pursuers.

Unlike her father, who had earned a hero’s reputation by defending the kingdom against ferocious monsters, or a gifted princess skilled in wielding powerful magic, Bella appeared to be an ordinary individual facing overwhelming odds.

Her panting breaths echoed through the crowded streets, the strain of her desperate flight evident in her every move.

Bella was far from being a remarkable individual; her only notable feature was her bluish-icy hair, a legacy from her late mother who had passed away during childbirth.

’I need to run away! I can’t let them get a hold of this treasure! T-This treasure is what Father had always kept and it’s the only memo I have from Mother’

As she raced through the labyrinthine streets, her thoughts were a jumble of fear and panic.

She clutched the mysterious item to her chest, fully aware of its significance.

It was a treasure that her father had safeguarded, the only tangible connection she had to her late mother.

Bella?couldn’t allow these relentless pursuers to lay their hands on it.

She knew she had to escape, no matter the cost.

She had tears dusting off her eyes while she ran, and for a second she closed her eyes without realizing she was about to collide with Daniel who mysteriously appeared.

I guess it’s about time for my appearance.

Slowly as she was getting nearer towards where I was hiding, our paths collided, and she knocked her head against my body, tumbling to the ground with an exclamation of surprise.

"Are you alright?"

Concern filled my voice as I extended a helping hand.

Bella, still reeling from the impact, gazed up at me, her recognition dawning.

’Isn’t he...?’ Her thoughts trailed off, but before she could make sense of the situation or accept my offered hand, the men who had been relentlessly chasing her closed in, surrounding us both.

"Where do you think you’re going?" one of them sneered, his voice dripping with malicious intent.

"Now that you can no longer run, how about you just hand over the item that you have in your hands?"

Another man chimed in, a sinister grin on his face.

"Hehe, don’t be rebellious and listen to us, or else... don’t you know what will be your fate if you refuse to comply?"

Their words were laden with threats, and their intentions were clear.

Their gazes fixated on Bella, oozing with a sinister desire that sent shivers down her spine.

Bella’s heart raced as the menacing men closed in, their predatory expressions sending a shiver down her spine.

Their words hung in the air like a dark omen, and she knew she couldn’t simply hand over the precious item she clutched in her hands.

Nor could she use it to protect herself, not in her current state.

As the men advanced, their malicious intent palpable, Bella felt a rising desperation.

She had no escape, no way out, and she had recognized that I was her only hope.

With each step they took, her sense of helplessness grew, and a sinking feeling of despair settled over her.

Time seemed to slow as she watched the men draw nearer, their lustful gazes intensifying.

Bella’s world had shrunk to this narrow, dimly lit alley, and she felt trapped, like a cornered animal with no way to escape.

Bella’s voice quivered as she cried out for help, desperation and fear evident in her eyes. She turned to me who she had collided with, her voice shaking as she implored, "Please, mister, I’ll need your help!"

Torn between the fear of the approaching men and her last hope, Bella’s plea hung in the air, her gaze locked on the my face as she awaited his response.

In this dark and dire moment, she clung to the hope that he would be her saviour.

[: Princess?Bella has requested help from you :]

[: You have been offered the Quest: Crisis for War(Ex), do you wish to accept it? :]

"Yes," I didn’t hesitate for a moment to accept the quest.

This was the opportunity I had been waiting for the past year.

Bella’s plea was my ticket to good things that awaited me, and I was ready to face them head-on.

[: You have accepted the quest for the Crisis of War(???) and have initiated the first chain quest :]

[: First Chain Quest: Save the damsel in distress(S). Reward: Divine Dividing Core(S) :]

[: There’s no penalty in killing anyone as long as it compromises with the quest :]

"Don’t worry, with me here there’s nothing to fear" I ensured that her safety was prioritized and with a smile that charmed her heart, she became paralyzed by how I looked.

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