Apocalypse Cheater Chapter 97 Cecilia’s Possessiveness

Chapter 97 Cecilia’s Possessiveness

Daniel couldn’t help but feel somethin wrong with Cecilia’s mother as her intentions became increasingly evident.

Her compliments had taken on a possessive edge, and her intense gaze seemed to penetrate his very soul.

She delicately traced her fingertip along his chest, all the while maintaining her captivating gaze.

"I’ve always been drawn to exceptional individuals," she whispered, her breath tantalizingly warm against his ear. "And you, my dear, are the most extraordinary of them all."

Daniel’s frowned his eyes and he subtly shifted his position, aware that the atmosphere had shifted from casual conversation to something far more dangerous and he fear he may cross the line.

’’I’m sorry, the one that I loved is Cecilia, not you ma’am and I don’t think you should be doing this’’ Daniel said.

Although she had the same appearance as her cecilia, it’s not like he would immidiately go and have sex with her.

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She may be pretty and hot, but he wouldn’t know what to think if Cecilia discovered that he had sex with her mother.

She even had yet to know about his incest relationship with his mother and if he started another one with her mother, then who knows what would happen.

Being exposed to pleasure, he doubt he could control himself. He promised that he wouldn’t leave regret, but he didn’t want that promise to cause more regret.

’’And I would take my leave now’’

As Daniel exited the room, leaving Veronica in a state of shock and rejection, an eerie transformation began to take hold of her.

Her laughter, once light and flirtatious, now turned into a haunting, chilling echo within the confines of her chamber.

"Did you just reject me...?" she murmured to herself, her voice trembling with a disconcerting blend of disbelief and anger.

Her eyes darkened, devoid of the warmth they had once held.

The transformation was unsettling, as if a switch had been flipped, revealing a hidden, unsettling side of Veronica.

Her thoughts spiraled into a sinister monologue.

"How dare you reject me!" she hissed, her words laced with a venomous rage.

"Why would you reject someone beautiful like me? Aren’t I pretty? Aren’t I pretty?" She repeated those words like a haunting mantra, her sanity teetering on the brink.

Minutes passed, and Veronica’s madness slowly subsided, replaced by a cold determination.

Her voice regained a creepy calmness as she whispered, "It’s alright."

The room seemed to shiver in response to her unsettling presence as she declared, "I won’t let it end just like this."

Her eyes locked onto her reflection in the mirror, an eerie smile twisting her features.

"I won’t stop until I make you mine."

Veronica’s descent into obsession and madness was palpable, leaving an unsettling aura lingering in her room.

Her fixation on possessing Daniel had taken a dark and chilling turn, one that would undoubtedly have dire consequences.

Cecilia, unaware of the unsettling encounter her mother had just experienced, was growing concerned about Daniel’s absence.

She had been waiting in another room for over an hour, her thoughts filled with questions about his whereabouts.

"Where is Darling?" she wondered aloud, her worry evident in her expression.

It was at that moment that a soft knock echoed through the room, and her heart lifted as she hurried to answer the door.

Opening it, she found Daniel standing there, and relief washed over her.

"There you are, darling," she greeted him with genuine affection, a smile lighting up her face.

"Where had you been?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I’m sorry I was a bit late. I never thought that your mother had the same look as you," he chuckled and explained, hoping to ease her worries.

Cecilia’s confusion deepened as she inquired, "My mother?" She was confused by what he was talking about, and her expression showed her lack of understanding.

"Yeah, I met your mom in one of the rooms and mistook her for you," Daniel admitted, deciding to omit the part where Veronica had tried to seduce him.

Cecilia’s demeanor changed abruptly, her voice dropping to an icy tone.

Her eyes bore into Daniel, filled with a mix of concern and protectiveness.

"Did my mother do anything to you?" she demanded, her worry turning into something more intense, as if she were ready to take action if needed.

’’Well, she never did anything to me, and she seems kind," he lied.

He didn’t know what kind of relationship she had with her mother, and he didn’t want to destroy their relationship.

On the other hand, Cecilia had different thoughts.

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"I’m glad that she never did anything to you," she smiled creepily.

At the same time, she knew that he was lying, call it a lover’s intuition.

She didn’t blame Daniel for his lie.

Knowing what kind of personality her mother had, she developed a chilling determination towards her. f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.c𝗼m

Cecilia, at this moment in time, had her heart in turmoil.

Thoughts of murdering consumed her every waking moment.

’That bitch! How dare she touch my darling! There’s no one and no other woman in this world who can lay their eyes on him, not even the single strand of his hair,’ she thought viciously, her obsession and possession over Daniel growing with each passing day.

As she carefully planned her next moves, Cecilia couldn’t help but envision the downfall of her mother.

Her heart, once filled with love for the man by her side, had now transformed into a dark abyss of resentment and rage.

The thought of her mother’s suffering became an obsession that fueled her every action.

Nevertheless, this experience taught Cecilia a valuable lesson, she wasn’t the only one who had her eyes on Daniel.

Trying to imagine him interacting with other women, a gnawing insecurity took root in her heart.

Perhaps, there would be another woman who would prey on him, someone who might steal his attention away from her.

And this greatly concerned her.

’It seems I have to speed things up, or else there will be others who take my darling away. I can’t allow this to happen’ she thought severely.

Her eyes darkened at the mere thought of another woman embracing him, holding his hand, or sharing the intimacy they had developed.

Just trying to imagine such a scenario tore at her heart.

The idea of another woman enjoying the warmth of Daniel’s smile or taking her spot was unbearable to her.

Cecilia’s obsession and possessiveness had reached a new peak, pushing her to take drastic measures to secure her place in his life.

As she plotted and schemed, her possessiveness to keep Daniel by her side grew fiercer.

Cecilia knew all too well about her mother’s true nature, which was why both her father and she hated her to the core.

For James Carlson, marrying Veronica had been a matter of circumstance rather than choice.

It was an arranged marriage they were both powerless to prevent, as their parents were the ones who had forced them into this union.

Despite loathing the idea of a forced marriage, James Carlson had gone through with it for his own reasons.

He was a power-hungry man who wasn’t content with just wealth and social status.

He aspired to be like a king, where his words would be the law, the rule, and the definition of authority.

On the other hand, Veronica was a carefree woman who pursued her own desires, even though she had a husband and daughter.

She didn’t love her husband, and she had no desire to be under his control. The only emotion she felt for him was emptiness.

Regarding her daughter, her feelings were complex and difficult to articulate in just a few words.

Some might label Veronica’s actions as promiscuous or immoral, but ultimately, her choices didn’t harm anyone.

In essence, James wasn’t concerned about the depth of her love for him; what he detested was how her actions brought disgrace to his reputation.

Cecilia, in turn, felt unworthy of the title of mother.

However, the most poignant aspect of this situation is that no one seemed to inquire or seek the reasons behind Veronica’s transformation.

Why did she engage in such behaviour, and why did she persist in it?

For every action, there must be an underlying cause, suggesting that something might have occurred to lead her down this path.

Yet, no one appeared willing to explore those reasons.

They only believe the things they see, but not the other perspective.

"Darling, how about we return to the party as we promised? Let’s not forget we still have VIPs to engage with,"

Cecilia urged, wearing a smile that suggested her previous murderous intent towards her mother had vanished as if it had never existed in the first place.

She sought to put the matter behind her as swiftly as possible, changing the subject.

"Shall we, then, my lady?" he offered, extending a hand. In response, she accepted it with a smile that could kindle desire in any man.

’I definitely shouldn’t repeat this same mistake, but it’s a bit unsettling how much they resemble each other,’ he thought as he left the room.

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