As the Minor Gay Love Rival in Het Novels Chapter 5.10

Chapter 5.10

Staring at a certain someone who had suddenly appeared right in front of his eyes, Fan Yuan felt that the whole situation was extremely surreal, and also very embarrassing.

It’s like you’d been fanboying while looking at a picture of your secret love, and all of a sudden, the person in the picture appears right in front of you in the next second, wearing the ‘I know it all’ expression. As long as you’re human, you’d feel that you have no way to face others anymore, OK?!

Fan Yuan felt unwell, he was in urgent need of a burrow to hide in now. As long as he was given a shovel, he could dig to the other end of the earth! It was even better if he never had to appear in front of Yan Rui ever again!

The conversation on the computer screen could still be heard as clear as day, and Yan Rui’s magnetic, low voice was particularly charming. Faced with the female host’s question, he gave no further explanation and simply smiled, “I have no ideal type, because in my eyes, he is the best.”

Fan Yuan was already extremely embarrassed, and when topped off with Yan Rui’s words, he was embarrassed to the point that he couldn’t even lift his head. On the other hand, Yan Rui didn’t seem affected at all. He moved over to the computer and opened the folder containing the screenshots, and once he clicked on the dropdown box and skimmed through the contents, he let out a long “Ohh” in surprise.

Fan Yuan furiously snatched the mouse away and frantically closed the folder and video. His eyes dared not meet Yan Rui’s as he mumbled, “You’re not allowed to look!”

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Yan Rui didn’t push it too far, after all he wasn’t looking for a fight. Although the little guy was a bit difficult to deal with, it was much more interesting to flirt like this.

“Wasn’t there an operation this morning? You should be in the operating room at this time, no?”

‘Of course, it was all because the male lead was creating a racket again’, Fan Yuan said, sighing in his heart. Though the male lead was causing him a fair amount of trouble, he didn’t dare to tell Yan Rui the truth. If he did, the male lead would be whisked away by Yan Rui in mere minutes, and be directly thrown into the little black room. Though he really wanted to do this to that annoying fellow too, no matter what, he had to endure till the plot progressed a bit more.

“The patient’s condition recurred so the operation was postponed for a few days until their condition stabilises,” he replied in a distressed manner, then changed the subject seamlessly, “What about you, why are you back so soon? Weren’t you filming the program?”

Yan Rui observed him for a moment before answering with a smile, “The filming crew gave a last minute notice that the live broadcast had been changed to a pre-recorded one, so I had to go over an hour ahead of schedule.”

Fan Yuan nodded in understanding and changed the topic again, “Then why didn’t you go to your studio, but come to the hospital instead?”

Yan Rui couldn’t help but laugh, reaching for Fan Yuan’s chin and turning his face towards him. Though Yan Rui’s grip on his chin was quite strong, his tone was unexpectedly interlaced with helplessness, “You heartless little thing, who did I participate in the program for? Trying to wipe your hands of this debt so quickly, hmm?”

Fan Yuan was forced to face him. Yan Rui was still wearing the black tuxedo suit, and the two uppermost buttons on his inner shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his healthy, wheat-coloured chest. It was supposed to be an aloof and suave style, but it was warmed by the smile that Fan Yuan saw in the corners of Yan Rui’s eyes. When he spoke, his Adam’s apple would quiver slowly, it was super sexy!

Fan Yuan unconsciously swallowed, his gaze drifting to the side as he inwardly spat at his impure self. It seems that he had watched too much gay porn in the past few days, but it was all because he was trying to amass all kinds of knowledge to suppress Yan Rui! Now what was up with him feeling sexually unsatisfied?!

Yan Rui saw that Fan Yuan’s eyes were wandering, but he didn’t know what the guy was thinking about. He had no choice but to reluctantly release Fan Yuan’s jaw and give him a quick peck, “I’m going to settle some stuff, I’ll come find you during lunch.”

Fan Yuan thought Yan Rui was going to kiss him, but who knew that he would merely brush his lips like a dragonfly and decisively head out. He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. He almost reached out his Erkang hand and pleaded for the man to stay! What the f*ck, where was the deep kiss?! Laozi was ready!

As Yan Rui closed the door, a flash of amusement flickered in his eyes. The little guy has been growing rapidly recently. In this period of enlightenment, it was better to let him starve him a bit, and later on he could then provide some ‘proper guidance’.


In the elevator, Yan Rui pressed the button to the top floor. The reason why he came to the hospital on such short notice today was because he received a message from his dear “brother”, asking him to meet on the hospital’s rooftop.

As expected, a newborn calf wasn’t afraid of tigers. Since he wanted to challenge him so badly, he couldn’t be blamed for going all out.

When he got to the top floor, he climbed to the roof step by step to see that Yuan Song was there waiting for him. He looked very thin and delicate in his wheelchair and patient gown which rustled in the wind.

Yan Rui raised a well-defined eyebrow, “Where are your lackeys?”

Yuan Song feigned a confused expression, “Brother, I don’t really understand what you mean?”

Yan Rui sneered and stepped closer to him, calmly replying, “Don’t tell me that a cripple like you climbed up by yourself?”

Yuan Song seemed to be set off by the word “cripple”, and quickly dropped his facade, breaking out in loud laughter. After a while, he stopped, “As expected of you, Yuan Cheng, you clearly knew this would be a trap, yet you still came here. You sure are confident in yourself, never ever saw me as anything worthy, you think that I’m a burden, huh?! ”

“Is there any difference?” Yan Rui answered.

Yuan Song’s gazed bristled with poison, “Yes, of course there isn’t a difference. You, Yuan Cheng, are simply such a person. You think that the whole world is at your beck and call, that what you say is the absolute truth and can never be questioned by others. On the other hand, I, this little brother of yours, am just a piece of waste that can only depend on you! A doll at your mercy! I can’t be the master of my own life, you are my master! Aren’t I right, HAHAHAHA....... ”

Yan Rui squinted at the sight of Yuan Song cackling maniacally. He didn’t deny anything and simply waited for the boy to stop before calmly responding, “What I, your brother, have done for you, is all for your own good.”

Yuan Song scoffed and rolled the wheelchair forward near the railings. He pointed to the traffic whisking by below the hospital, “Look at the cars below. Don’t you think they’re very small, blurry, almost invisible?”

Yan Rui walked forward a few steps and looked downstairs, not uttering a word. In fact, he could see everything clearly, and as long as he willed for it, he could see every corner of the world. But there was no need, the only thing he wanted to see was just that one person.

Yuan Song didn’t pay heed to Yan Rui’s lack of a response, continuing, “My ward is on the 13th floor, that’s pretty high, isn’t it? But I know the two of you too well. I know even by seeing a vague silhouette of his back that you come to pick that man up from work every day, whereas I’ve been watching it from up here every single day. Yuan Cheng, my beloved brother, you surely are aware of how much I like Shi Yuan. I came back here to find him, but you’ve come between us once again. Why, why? Why can’t you just let us go?!”

Yan Rui was a little stunned. No wonder he blackened so fast, his previously inexplicable malice made sense now. This time, it was really his fault. He didn’t expect that Yuan Song would be secretly watching Shi Yuan from his ward every day. If he knew, he would have changed Yuan Song’s ward earlier.

——No one could secretly peep at his man.

Yan Rui snorted and leaned back on the railing, “I can’t pursue Shi Yuan because you like him? What right do you have?”

Seeing his attitude, Yuan Song covered his face and pulled at the corners of his mouth, “My mother was right. I never saw your true colours, it was I who had poor eyes.”

Yan Rui said, “Indeed, you can’t tell the difference between the people closest to you and the people you love the most. You don’t just have poor eyes, you’re blind.”

Yuan Song thought that Yan Rui was insinuating that he couldn’t tell whether others had sincere or fake intentions towards him. He nodded with approval and laughed darkly, “You’re right, I’m blind indeed. Once upon a time, I thought you kept him from approaching me because you didn’t want me to become a despised gay. Although I blamed you in my heart, I also know that you did it for my sake. It turns out that I was wrong. You didn’t do it for my sake, you just couldn’t get Shi Yuan, so you tried everything to stop us from being together! You’re despicable. If I didn’t get to come back again, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have known this even till the day I died. The family member I trusted the most is actually a hypocrite! ”

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Yan Rui listened to his words, not even bothering to retort.

Not only did Yuan Song suffer from severe mental illness, he was also a victim of paranoia. Yuan Cheng gave the boy his heart and soul, treating him well for his entire life. To be wiped out by him just like that, it could also be considered a “peaceful death”.

With a cold face, he replied apathetically, “What exactly are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t understand. Maybe you’ll understand when you die.”

Seeing Yan Rui’s eyebrows furrow, he casually glanced at his watch and felt that it was about time. He slowly pushed his wheelchair to the edge of the railing and faced Yan Rui.

“Brother, this is the last time I’ll call you that. We won’t be brothers from here on out.” With that, he rolled his wheelchair backwards.

Yan Rui naturally wished that Yuan Song would die like this, but he had made a promise to Fan Yuan, so he could only cooperate and save him. As soon as he grabbed his hand, he was held tightly, and the wheelchair had already fallen to the ground. Yuan Song shouted in horror, “Yuan Cheng, let go of me, don’t kill me, please don’t kill me!”

With a wooden face, Yan Rui let him cause as much of a ruckus as he wanted. Within two minutes, a large number of nurses and doctors rushed to the rooftop. At the forefront were Yuan Song’s mother and their father.

No matter who it was, there was only one thought upon witnessing the scene at this moment—the tall and strong brother wanted to push his disabled half-brother off.

Mrs. Yuan rushed forward without any regard to grab hold of Yuan Song. Her tears flow down, “A sin, a sin! What did I do wrong in my past life! God wants to do this to both of us, mother and son. You’ve already been crippled, but some people still won’t let you off! Who knows if that car accident was really an accident! Let’s just jump off together from here today! ”

Ever since her son became crippled, she had been worried all day long, so she looked haggard to begin with. Seeing her wailing like this, many young nurses had reddened eyes.

Mister Yuan was trembling with anger, loudly swearing several times “unfilial son” and “beast”. He walked to Yan Rui a few steps and gave him a tight slap.

Yan Rui wasn’t someone easy to bully either. How could he obediently let someone slap him in the face? He directly caught the old man’s wrist so that he couldn’t move.

He said calmly, “You’re not young anymore, don’t be so impulsive.”

Mr. Yuan pulled back his hand hatefully and pointed his finger at Yan Rui’s face to scold, “I think your wings have hardened too much. You want to kill me as well?”

Yan Rui’s expression remained unchanged, and he directed a glance at Fan Yuan from his peripheral. Seeing Fan Yuan look at him while rolling his eyes impatiently, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

The mother and son were still playing at a drama of bitterness over there. Yan Rui wanted to watch more of it, but Fan Yuan was so hungry that he was getting really impatient, so he needed to finish things quickly.

He took out his phone and gently pressed the ‘play’ button. The conversation between the two of them started playing from the phone.

Everything was revealed from start to finish—how Yan Rui was calm and collected, whereas Yuan Song was hysterical, going so far as to push his wheelchair at the very end. The rumble of the wheelchair’s wheels becoming increasingly distant were clearly distinguishable. It was clear at a glance whether it was an attempted murder or a deliberate framing.

The doctors and nurses at the scene all whispered to one another, looking at mother and son as if they were looking at two idiots. At the same time, many obscure gazes fell on Fan Yuan.

Mrs. Yuan and Yuan Song’s faces turned pale, especially the latter. The amount of embarrassment he felt was akin to being slapped on the face by dozens of people. He subconsciously glanced at Fan Yuan, but Fan Yuan’s eyes were fixed on Yuan Cheng the entire time, leaving him without even a trace of a look.

“What a disgrace!” Mr. Yuan sneered coldly.

He instructed someone to take his younger son back to the ward to reflect upon his actions and apologise to his brother, but by then, he was nowhere to be seen.


As soon as Fan Yuan got in the car, he turned around and threw himself on Yan Rui, fiercely hugging the man around the neck.

Yan Rui wrapped his arms around his waist and laughed dotingly, “Why are you suddenly taking initiative?”

Fan Yuan was so angry that he wanted to bite him, “Taking the initiative my ass! Now the entire hospital knows that our relationship is ambiguous! ”

Yan Rui innocently quipped, “How is it ambiguous? It’s very clear.”

He then snaked his hand into Fan Yuan’s clothes and sensually stroked the delicate and smooth skin of his waist. Yan Rui leaned over and bit Fan Yuan’s earlobe, nibbling it gently between his teeth, causing the smaller man to tremble in his arms unconsciously. Yan Rui put on an evil smirk, “Baby, please restrain yourself, this is the parking lot. Let’s do it when we get home.”

Fan Yuan didn’t argue this time, and instead whispered softly, “You better mean it.”

Yan Rui held back his smile and patted his butt, “Alright.”

From that day onwards, Yan Rui suggested to his old man that Yuan Song should go home to recuperate. Mister Yuan felt extremely guilty towards him, so he couldn’t refuse. Besides, Fan Yuan worked at the hospital and he was worried this would cause his younger son to sink deeper and deeper, so he went through with the discharge procedures that very day.

Yuan Song made a big scene, refusing to eat nor drink. Such drama of self mutilation and suicide was staged in waves. Naturally, Lord God wouldn’t let him ‘go die’ so easily, so the more he caused trouble, the better his body became. Finally, he was forcefully taken away by the old man.

In order to follow the plot, Fan Yuan made several phone calls to comfort him. At last, Mister Yuan cut off all the modes of communication within his home and utterly stamped Yuan Song’s thoughts to the ground.

The female lead appeared just on time, but because Yuan Song was extremely resistant towards her, she was unable to get hired. As a result, she felt lost for a very long time, but she later fell in love and gradually forgot about this.

After that, the plot was very simple. He followed some sporadic clues to trace things back to the truth behind the accident, plus there was Yan Rui, a thick golden finger, so everything was a walk in the park. Very quickly, the original host’s plotline was completed.

At this time, Fan Yuan successfully evolved into version 2.0. Specifically, when engaging a certain kind of sport, he was particularly active and often sought for it tirelessly. Fortunately, the Main God was full of energy and had no problems satisfying him to his fullest.

After the completion of the mission, Fan Yuan kept his promise—he spent his entire life with Yan Rui in this world.

Sorry for the late chapter guys, work deadlines literally killed me this week This chapter is the last one for Arc 5, let me know what you think! I felt kinda bad for Yuan Song but he really went the wrong way about doing things But glad that Fan Yuan finally decided to properly spend this life with Yan Rui (his sex drive though, wild!!).

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