Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground Chapter 319 Fire

Chapter 319 Fire

Each of the tall and imposing doors mirrored the different colors of the icons, and they all seemed to depict different elements.

’I see,’ Atticus thought as he gazed at all the doors. The door they had entered from had the same shape as all the other doors, only that it was just plain black.

The rest of the doors were sprawled across the space on each side, forming a long hallway.

And Atticus and Seraphin stood at the entrance of the hall. They both stood together for a few seconds, each of them waiting for instructions on what to do next.

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But despite standing and waiting for more than a minute, nothing happened.

’Are we just supposed to enter one of the rooms?’ Atticus wondered.

They were both the only ones present in the space. Atticus turned to see Seraphin also staring around, confused about what to do next.

’It should know the answer.’ Instead of simply standing here wondering what to do next, Atticus decided to ask the Oracle.

Clicking on his artifact, Atticus navigated to the oracle section. "What are we supposed to do in this situation?" he inquired.

"You’re currently in the space designated for LEMT-01 class," the Oracle responded.

"LEMT-01 is an independent training period where each student is allotted a maximum of 5 hours to utilize any of the facilities available within this space."

"What are the facilities behind each door?" Atticus pressed for more information.

Although he already had an idea of what was there, he thought it best to confirm from the Oracle.

"The facilities present in this space are known as Elemental rooms. Each of the icons on the room represents different elements, and all of these rooms have the perfect conditions and elements in abundance to train each element you want effectively."

Hearing the Oracle’s answer, Atticus nodded, his lips curling up into a grin.

He was glad he wouldn’t have to use another 5 hours of his time sitting down and listening to lectures!

And what was best was the fact that he would get to train his elements!

Hearing the sound of footsteps by his side, Atticus turned to see Seraphin walking through the hallway without saying a word to him.

’I didn’t hear him speaking, so he must have just decided to check the rooms out.’

Atticus watched as Seraphin walked while looking at the icons on each wall.

After a few seconds, he finally stopped and approached a bright orange-colored door, which immediately creaked open as he got closer.

Seraphin suddenly turned and locked eyes with Atticus, his lip, which had been curled up into a grin before, was now normal.

His once bubbly face now expressionless as he stared at Atticus intensively.

Atticus’s eyebrow shifted upwards.

Although the boy was currently at a significant distance away from him, Atticus was still able to see him clearly.

The change in demeanor was glaring.

Before Atticus could wonder what was happening, Seraphin suddenly turned his gaze forward and walked through the door.

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’What a weird boy.’

Atticus shook his head and decided to focus on his next move. He gazed at the doors, wondering which one to enter first.

He currently had a lot of elements in his repertoire that needed intensive training.

After briefly thinking about it, Atticus’s gaze landed on the first door to his right. It had a red fiery icon on top of it, and the door was red just like the icon.

’Fire element first,’ Atticus thought as he approached the large imposing door.

As he got closer, it was as though it could sense his presence; the door shook a bit and creaked before suddenly opening.

As soon as the door opened, Atticus experienced a wave of searing heat hit his form like a relentless storm.

"Damn," Atticus couldn’t help but mutter.

The heat wave that hit him just now was hot, incredibly hot. It was so scorching that it would most definitely immediately turn a normal human on Earth to cinders.

If Atticus didn’t know any better, he would have thought this heat wave was a test to see if a student entering could handle the temperature.

Atticus gazed through the door, but all he could see was pitch-

black darkness.

Steeling his mind, Atticus took a step and walked through the darkness, the door creaking to a close behind him.

Unlike what Atticus was expecting, there was no surreal feeling. He hadn’t been teleported anywhere.

But as soon as he walked through the darkness, Atticus experienced the temperature around him suddenly increase by at least 400 degrees, as it became scorching hot.

And then, the darkness suddenly receded, and Atticus’s gaze landed on the true nature of the fire elemental room.

It was hell.

Apart from the entrance floor being made of metal, every single part of the room was filled with scorching fire.

That was all Atticus could see.

There was a single pathway made of a hard surface that cut through the fire and led deeper into the room, and on both sides of this path was a huge wall of fire.

Atticus wasted no time. He stepped onto the pathway and started moving deeper into the room.

Unlike the rest of the space being filled with fire, the pathway was made with something students could walk on.

The pathway radiated an intense orange glow and a crazy amount of heat on its own. It was simply a straight path cutting through the room.

Atticus kept walking deeper into the room with a huge grin. Why was Atticus smiling? It was because he had just discovered something amazing!

The deeper he went into the room, the more the temperature seemed to be increasing with intensity.

After a few seconds, Atticus’s rapid steps slowed down a bit.

At the current distance Atticus had gone, the temperature was off the charts.

It had already passed a staggering 1500 degrees. Without even needing to do anything, Atticus could subtly feel his fire element thriving a great deal.

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