Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs Chapter 144 Scary Murmurings

The rising sun of a new day saw a haggard looking man sitting by a thick black block, voraciously eating from a wrapping beside him while he stared at the papers spread out before him, nodding his head from time to time and mumbling things under his breath.

Whereas it had taken him 4 days to make progress in understanding the seal, activating it without the key had taken him 12 days, and luckily for him, figuring out such workings had been time intensive and not brain intensive, the seal being filled with tons of safeguards and traps.

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Seth had initially feared that he would have used up his enlightenment sphere before he was done with the seal, but as of now, the enlightenment sphere while no longer gigantic, still stood as tall and far wider than him, a quantity that Seth would have once thought was a lot.

As Seth bit into the meat in his palm, his eyes going over the various deductions he had made, he couldn’t help but feel amazed by how much he had suddenly transformed back to his former self, the days when he could be entrenched in the study of seal for days, he could imagine how much his former would have wished to have an ability like the enlightenment sphere, but those were only wishes as the current Seth no longer had the luxury to spend his time as he wished.

Increasing his cultivation, bettering his fighting ability, and escaping from whatever pursuers were probably on his tail was Seth’s main goal right now,

Finished with the food in his hands, Seth stood up ready to activate the seal and go see what was on the other side, with his powerful physic going without sleep for a month was possible for him, though he would have to watch his mental health.

"I should probably also clean up," Seth thought as he stared at his ragged clothes, 12 days without change had made them improper for presentation.

Some mites later Seth was standing in front of the slab of stone, sporting black boots, black trousers, and a black T-shirt with a jacket on it, this time, Seth had decided to look a little serious.

With a circular disc being held in his hand, and taking in a deep breath, ready to check the fruit of his labor, he placed the disc in the empty round space in the middle of the block.

With the disc placed in the stone, Seth poured some of his qi over it, and then took a step back and another for good measure and observed the seal.

With the disc placed in the stone, it began spilling out qi which flowed out into the lines making up the drawings on the stone, lighting them up in a bright red light whose appearance was accompanied by the loud humming from the stone.

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As each second passed, the humming got louder and began turning to screeches, the loud screeches piercing into his soul like it wanted to rip it out, and just when Seth thought he could no longer bear the horrid sounds, he felt a powerful force grab on to his being, pull him forward, and the next second he was gone from the ruins.


Like with his earlier transit into Ashad, Seth had expected that when next he opened his eyes, he would have arrived at his destination, but when next he opened his eyes, a shiver of fright went through his body as he found himself being dragged and flying through a bunch of white circles by a power he could not identify.

Seth tried to move his arms and legs, exerting his strength and even using his qi, but he couldn’t budge a single limb, he felt like he had been grasped in a giant hand that was currently pulling him up this path made with white floating white circles to a place he didn’t know.

Unable to do anything, Seth’s eyes finally went back to the void that hung outside the circles, when he had first opened his eyes, concern over his dark surroundings had come secondary to the fact that he could not move, and now that he couldn’t do anything about his movement, his focus finally went back to the darkness that surrounded the bright white shinning circles.

Just darkness, pitch black darkness, a scene that had Seth in fright, but only for a short while as Seth shook off his fear and firmly stared into the darkness, and then to his shock he began hearing quiet murmurings like a voice trying to whisper to him, but when he looked harder into the darkness, trying to find the origin of the voice, a deep feeling of fear one not of his own being but induced into him began creeping into of his heart and filling his entire body with fear.

Seth saw such feelings as a challenge to him, and so ignoring the warning signals which began going off in his head, he peered into the pitch-black void harder with an unblinking gaze and his ears alert, wondering what mysteries or terrors lay within it, and it wasn’t long before Seth began understanding the murmurings from the dark

Enraptured by the sayings of the dark, Seth had no idea that blood had begun spilling down his eyes, as the enlightenment sphere in his mind once again began shrinking, a look of strain appearing on Seth’s face.

As time passed on, blood began flowing down Seth’s nose, and perhaps his ears would have soon begun bleeding if not for the bright light which suddenly shined upon him, snapping his gaze away from the darkness as he suddenly found himself appearing in the air, his hands flaying about as he dropped to the ground.

Thankfully, Seth hadn’t appeared high up in the air or he would have been forced to figure out a way to begin flying or else run the risk of breaking a lot of bones.

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