Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs Chapter 187 War God

"Sir, do we attack?"

"Sir, do we attack?"

"Sir do we attack?" the voice of the head guard atop the wall sounded.

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Three times the head guard asked Edwin’s authorization for the gates to be opened and for Monwac City to join in the weird battle going on outside, and in none of these times did Edwin give a reply or react.

At the moment the head guard and his men were standing atop the wall and they could see the scene happening outside the city wall with the dome.

At first, it had started with the unbelievable scene of a single man taking on an entire army, the man swinging his weapons left and right and slicing through the enemy with ease.

Like a war god, the man fought without rest, his stamina having everyone begin questioning his humanity, but just when they thought they had seen all there was to him, he shocked all of them once more.

Before everyone’s eyes, the man subdued every single soldier who stood outside the wall with a single scream, and while it was possible that this was all a trap, the temptation to vanquish their enemies once and for all was quite tempting.

Haven asked and being given no reply by his commander, the head guard could only keep quiet and stand beside Edwin, though a minute later, his emotions were once again sent erratic, but this time it wasn’t caused by the war god out on the battlefield.

The sight of a moving blue dome containing thousands of people within it had been quite eye-catching.

The dome had been attacked several times, yet it stood firm and never stopped moving forward, this ability of it lending no credibility to the authenticity of the view it portrayed.

How could a barrier that was so powerful be moved was the thought that went through everyone’s mind.

Edwin had earlier orders from the consultation of several seal masters who were allowed to come atop the wall, and after watching and evaluating it, even they had concluded with doubts on the sincerity of the dome-shaped barrier that seemed to be protecting a bunch of civilians.

Edwin had no idea what the enemy was trying to accomplish with the dome, but what he knew was that right now that dome had been associated with all sorts of rumors and distrust.

Many had believed the people within the dome to be nothing more than illusions, and so it had been taken as part of the enemy’s plan, with the mounted cannon ready to fire at the moment’s notice.

Little jokes were being shared around by the soldier to lighten the atmosphere, but then they all went silent when the dome suddenly shattered, revealing to the eyes of many atop the wall, what it truly held within it.

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The sight of thousands of citizens scrambling and rushing towards the walls shook all the soldiers atop the wall and they couldn’t help but look to the commander, anxiously waiting for orders.

.....minutes earlier…

With his eyes, sharply staring ahead, Edwin took in everything that was happening, everything his soldiers could see he could also see, and though he had remained silent all this while, his mind had been busy processing all the events unfolding before his eyes

While it was true that Seth’s ability to suddenly subdue everybody was suspicious, Edwin had no interest in taking down the barrier and going on the offensive.

Edwin wanted Seth to die, and if everything he had seen so far was truly genuine, then it seemed his wish was soon to come true.

Seth might have taken down most of the soldiers, but it seemed his actions had severely drained him as Edwin could catch sight of an exhausted Seth getting to his feet, the man not moving a step forward as he remained in his same spot desperately struggling to recover his strength.

A tiny smile crept up on Edwin’s face, and he couldn’t help but look down at Ella who was beside him.

While Ella maintained a stoic expression, her eyes trembled with anger as she stared in Seth’s direction, Edwin not really knowing how Ella felt about Seth.

Edwin was just about to finally turn away from the conflict going on outside the gate to give the head guard beside him his orders when his eyes were drawn to the suspicious blue dome which finally came down.

The sight of Monwac city civilians rushing out and heading for the city walls sent Edwin’s mind into chaos.

From the time his attention had been called up to the wall, Edwin had remained here due to his worries over what schemes were being hatched and how the approaching dome was going to be a part of it, but now everything had changed.

Initially, Edwin had been surprised to see civilians some of whose identities had even been confirmed inside the dome, but when Edwin saw Seth defending the dome, he wrote it off as a trap, a very dumb one.

Now watching the blue dome go down and the people it had once protected rushing over to the wall Edwin was left stumped.

The moral and right thing to do will be to immediately open the gates and let the people into the inner city, but as a commander, Edwin had to take into consideration the fact that spies, kamikazes, or other hidden threats could be within this crowd, and if that wasn’t enough, the scariest thing was that Seth might actually also get into the city.

A man who could survive through a law powered flame, could somehow control his personal beast, and now could also bring thousands of men to their knees just with his scream, as a commander how could Edwin risk letting such an enemy into the last haven of his people.

It had been some time since Seth’s roar, and now Edwin could see the soldiers who had been stunned, sent unconscious, or paralyzed all slowly gaining control of themselves, some already getting up and rushing towards the fleeing citizens, not wasting a moment to cut them down.

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