Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs Chapter 218 Freedom For All

"You can lock my body but you can’t lock my soul" a very popular saying on earth by revolutionists or freedom fighters and one that literarily applied to Seth though with a few word replacements.

"Edwin could lock his qi, but he couldn’t lock his body".

No, on further thought this sentence didn’t perfectly portray his situation seeing as his ability to call upon his ridiculous physical strength had been taken away.

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A more better way to put it will be by saying,

"You can lock my qi and muscles, but you can’t lock my organs".

Though it didn’t roll off the tongue as smoothly as the original statement, it perfectly explained Seth’s situation, and that was enough for him.

Dragon flame and dragon roar, these were Seth’s two trump cards, and they had always been available to him right from the moment he had been locked up till now.

These two techniques had proven infallible in leveling or overturning the playing field whenever Seth used them in battle, well that was until he met Minuha.

Dragon flame, Dragon roar, Seth had tried readying both attacks when he faced Minuha, but none of them had even so much as lessened his feelings of impending doom.

That his best cards had become obsolete let Seth know how much of a danger he was in when he faced Minuha.

But those were the things of the past, right now was the present, and in the present, his Dragon flames were proving why they were invaluable.

Not taking on any strain, Seth gently breathed out, letting red flames pour out of his mouth and onto his arms.

"If my flames don’t burn my tongue and mouth when I breathe them, then by all the laws of reasoning in the world, they should be able to burn any part of my body".

This was the theory Seth had come up with when he thought of using this plan to get rid of the armguards, and though he had a little bit of faith in it, he couldn’t help but internally breathe of sigh of relief when he felt no pain from his arms.

Before Seth’s eyes and the shocked Irene’s, the armguards which had hung as a reminder of Seth’s status as a prisoner turned green and began releasing a green smoke.

Various symbols flashed on the different bracelets of the armguards, but before it was even up to a minute, the armguard turned soft and began falling off Seth’s arm, melting the ground as it cooled down.

With his hands blanketed in red flames, Seth couldn’t have a look at their situation so he couldn’t exactly be sure if he had burnt off every trace of the armguard on him or not.

The flames burned for a few more seconds, a few drops of green falling, and only when Seth felt himself regain control of his qi did he seize breathing out his flames.

His hands now free, and no longer weighing him down, Seth couldn’t help but roll them around, a smile on his face as he clenched and unclenched his fist, feeling his qi roaring within him.

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Seth didn’t waste time, celebrating his release, he turned to Irene and began walking towards her, but as she approached, the woman spoke out,

"Are you sure those flames won’t burn my neck?"

"Of course they will" Seth replied, sitting on the bed beside Irene and taking her head into his arms.

Seth could feel her body tight up after he gave his reply, but she lessened up when he held her.

"Don’t worry I won’t burn off your neck" Seth said when he realized Iren was breathing a little too heavy, this action portraying her fear despite how much she tried to remain calm herself.

Whether Irene believed him or not, Seth decided to ignore her and carry out his work, they both didn’t have the time to dawdle around, Dilise could be back any minute.

While Edwin and his seal masters had definitely taken their precious time to craft a one of a kind armguard for him. It would seem they had still been complacent and gone ahead to give Irene and everyday normal collar, forgetting or perhaps deciding to count Seth out of the equation.

With his current knowledge, Seth had no doubt he could break the collar around Irene’s neck, but with caution and haste in mind, Seth had the enlightenment sphere rolling.

Within seconds, there was a "clack", the collar falling off Irene’s neck and to the bed.

With Irene now free, Seth internally let out a sigh of relief that he had decided to use the sphere, the little trap he had found wasn’t one he was sure he could have detected under normal circumstances, who knew what it was meant to do.

The collar safely off and seeing no reason to tell Irene that just a wrong decision from him might have sent her head flying off, Seth then stood up and bent to one knee in front of Iren, presenting his back to her.

A sense of confusion about what Seth was doing flashed in Iren’s eyes, but she understood what he wanted from her, and without hesitation pushed herself off the bed and onto his back and grabbed the collar which Seth had thrown to the bed.

With Irene on his back, Seth walked up to the window he had been staring out from earlier, looking up to the sky and taking in calm breaths.

"We have no weapons or supplies" Dilise pointed out, already having an inkling as to what Seth wanted to do.

"Perhaps, but we can’t risk seeking out resources," Seth said and Irene didn’t need to ask why they could not take such a worthwhile risk remembering Minuha’s total domination.

"Seth please don’t abandon me" Irene softly muttered, more than aware of her current uselessness even as her qi freely moved within her.

"I won’t, "Seth said, turning to look at Irene, expecting to stare into the eyes of a vulnerable woman, but all he saw were the eyes of a determined lioness.

Turning away from Irene, Seth looked back to the window, took a deep breath, and the next time he breathed out, what left his lips was a quaking torrent of flames.

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