Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs Chapter 35 Battling A Rank 8 Beast

To weaker cultivators, well they wouldn’t even be conscious to observe what was happening, but to powerful cultivators, the scene in front of them was like a mountain moving towards a tiny bolt of lightning.

Rose for some reason found herself interested in the character called Evary Seth, she thought her interest in him was because he had saved her life, but on the first chance she got a somewhat genuine reason to find him, she had readily crossed over half the country just to see him.

She had saved his life once, and today she saved it a second time, their debts now more than squared with him even owing her, yet the brat remained arrogant and disrespectful at every opportunity he got.

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Deciding to humble him, she had practically placed the option of death or humility before him, but surprisingly he had chosen death and was now fearlessly running toward it.

Rose currently owed him nothing, yet she felt her heart twist at the thought of this arrogant prick actually harming himself.

"Fine, I will let you have your fun, and save you when you need it".


As Seth moved towards the approaching monstrosity, he couldn’t help but inwardly complain about how he had been tempting death throughout today, and now he was running straight towards it.

Seth was moving faster than he had ever in his life, his mind could barely keep up with his speed and

the only thing he could do was control the direction in which he was moving, but thankfully he didn’t need to see, his soulsense was enough.

Seconds later, just as both he and mama Slowly were about to collide, the wolf hovering above Seth howled and charged ahead, it collided with mama Slowly’s wind-covered beak resulting in a large explosion.


A huge dust cloud formed where they had just collided, and a moment later, Seth and mama Slowly could be seen flying out of the mushroom, they had both been flung apart by the explosion resulting from the collision of their attack.

Mama Slowly recovered first as she flapped her wings twice at Seth and then took to the air.

Seth found wind blades as huge as buildings appear in the air and begin falling down on him, but with a thought, the hovering wolf descend and covered Seth, as a huge bang sound rang out as the wind blade crashed into the body of the wolf.

Huge dust clouds rose as Seth was bombarded, and just immediately after the last wind blade hit, a purple light immediately lit up in the dust cloud, and a second later, a big ball of purple lightning zipped out at incredible speeds and smashed into the flying beast.

Just as the lightning ball was colliding with her, Seth burst out of the dust cloud with lightning surrounding his body and sped towards mama slowly.

Mama Slowly while not injured, had been stunned by the attack and was currently flapping her enormous wings to stabilize herself in the air when she saw a purple dot of light run underneath her and then shoot up at her.

With the help of the lightning dancing all around him, Seth had been able to jump so high up that he was currently barreling toward mama Slowly, and as he approached her, he saw a huge torrent of wind begin rotating around her, threatening to suck him in but the next moment the wolf hovering over him howled, with bolts of lightning spraying out of its body and smashing into the wind torrent.

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The bolts of lightning seemed to be nullified as they were sucked into the wind, but some seconds before Seth collided with it, the wind torrent surrounding mama slowly was rocked with several explosions which sent mama Slowly screaming, but when Seth burst through the explosion and saw the flying mountain before him, it was totally unscathed.

A second later, Seth folded himself into a ball and coated his fingers with a thick film of purple lightning, and then just after he crashed into Mama Slolwy’s, he stabbed his hand through her feathers and into her flesh, drawing the first blood of the battle.

With his hand inserted into her, Seth used her flesh as leverage to send himself up and rising across her mountain sized body, he repeated this same action whenever he ran out of momentum and landed on her body, dodging or withstanding the wind blades that kept on falling on him till he had finally climbed over her body and then using his legs he jumped as high as he could.

Seth had never been this high in life and probably wouldn’t in a long time, he could see the sun shining brightly and some clouds in the distance, but when he looked down all he saw was white, the huge body of the mama slowly filling his sight, with here Wings stretching out so far it looked like a white river.

Seth began falling back when he lost his momentum, and just a few seconds after he began falling down to mama slowly, he felt himself being wrapped in wind, and before he knew it, he was spinning around in a tornado.

Seth roared out and summoned more lightning around his body when he felt the tornado trying to crush him, it was like he was being squeezed by a giant hand.

Seth had been stuck spinning around in this tornado for a whole minute and just when mama Slowly thought she had finally destroyed the annoying insect, a howl blew apart the tornado, and a rapidly enlarging body of a snarling purple wolf began falling down on mama slowly.

Seeing the approaching danger, mama slowly screamed out, sending wind blades at the falling enemy, but they all shattered on collision with its body.

Mama Slowly seeing that her attacks weren’t working and knowing she was too slow to move out of the way, she released her qi all around her, and immediately, an enormous tornado the likes of which Seth had never seen rapidly formed around her.

A huge tornado that made the previous one Seth had been trapped in look like a toothpick in comparison surrounded mama slowly, the gigantic wind making Seth and his approaching wolf look like pebbles before it.

Seeing this made Seth realize how na?ve and ignorant he had been, Mother Nature wasn’t an unstoppable force, before true power, mother nature was nothing but a slave.

This time he was lucky that he had been able to impress this sentient lightning to the point that it had let him wield its power, but what happened if he went against it or it went against him, he would become what he really was, a noisy soldier ant.

Keeping this realization in mind, Seth focused back on the battle.

With a roar from the wolf, the sky instantly turned purple with huge bolts of lightning flashing in the sky, and then suddenly, the whole purple sky was sucked into the wolf surrounding Seth, enlarging it to half the size of mama Slowly, and with flash, the humongous wolf smashed into mama Slowly’s tornado.

A huge explosion appeared in the sky, and a moment later both Seth and mama Slowly fell out of the sky and smashed into the ground, then seconds later, the dust cloud surrounding them was blown away by an aura spike from both their locations, and their figures were revealed.

Mama Slowly had huge red spots all over her body, a sign that patches her feathers had been burnt off, Seth could also see a red stream flowing down her body.

While mama Slowly lost feathers and was currently bleeding, Seth was in pristine condition, he didn’t have a single scratch on himself and was currently hoping that mama Slowly bowed out of the fight, but then he felt her qi begin spiking, and dread filled his mind.

With a scream, mama Slowly flapped her wings and shot towards him, and Seth was left with no option but to also charge at her.

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