Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs Chapter 466 Prina

Chapter 466 Prina

Since she became an overseer just 237 years ago, Prina had forgotten what it meant to be in the face of death, she had forgotten that there were situations where one could become powerless and hopeless.

As an overseer, the worst feeling Prina ever got to experience was the oppression from the guardians, and even then, things weren’t so bad with them, as these people let them do what they wanted as long as they followed the few rules.

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Life for Prina was all about receiving worship, looks of envy, and admiration from nearly every existence.

With a hundred percent certainty, Prina knew that she had 763 years to live, years which no one could tamper with, but on this day and at this moment, her very being told her that life was about to come to an end.

In such a desperate time, Prina did something she had forgotten how to do she begged. When it came down to it, Prina had no feud with Seth, and in the face of her life, what was her dignity? She had no idea who Seth was, but what she did know was that she wanted to live, and looking for Seth’s mercy was the only way to keep it.

Making her plea, the woman kept looking at Seth’s mulling figure, praying to any deity that existed for mercy, unceasingly pouring out her most sincere prayers until the darkness came and took her to a peaceful world.

"Booooof" was the sound that all heard as they watched an overseer, the peak level of cultivation on earth, explode into thousands of pieces.

They all watched the female overseer die like she was nothing but a common animal, and everyone who saw this scene couldn’t help but feel a chill up their spine.

Alice, who was used to Seth’s ruthlessness and had experienced it firsthand on more than one occasion, couldn’t help but take a step back, her breath getting a bit heavier.

Unlike before, where Seth’s powerful acts might turn her on, this time it made her spine crawl with fear and also served to strongly remind her of what Seth was.

Though shaken by Seth’s act of killing an overseer like she was just some stick, Basco got control of himself and took a step forward and though Seth was still with his head facing down, Basco spoke.

"It’s one thing to kill a kaiser, but now we’ve killed an overseer, this will bring about a storm we might just not survive.

The guardians will come knocking, and we need to prepare for how we’ll deal with them," Basco said.

Why Seth had done it, Basco didn’t know, and though he felt that what Seth had done was extremely stupid and unbecoming of a leader, that still didn’t change the fact that he was scarily strong.

Rather than try to berate or accuse him and inspire an argument or his possible death, Basco went seeking a solution.

When Seth said nothing to words, Basco spoke further, "We should go meet Dorian so she can prepare for how to deal with sanctions. We might just be able to get out of this with just sanctions."

"Not a bad idea if we were the run-of-the-mill Ergand citizens," Seth suddenly said, nodding his head. But then he turned and looked at Basco straight in the eyes.

"When I said I was going to spill expensive blood, whose did you think I meant?" Seth said.

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"But you can’t just kill the overseers as you wish, there are...…"

"The Guardians."

Extremely unhappy with Seth’s failure to see the blunder he had just committed, Basco was about to tentatively reprimand him when Alice cut him off with just two words which were the answer to his question, two words that had him tremble to the core and look at Seth for confirmation.

Not minding the intense look Basco was giving him, Seth turned to the somewhat ashen-turned woman. "Good job, Alice.

Now you and Basco get pursuing that old woman, and when you get to her, kill her. The woman is no pushover, so Basco, you’re in charge."

After saying those words, Seth’s figure blurred, and then he was gone in the direction of Jin.

Of course, after watching their own fellow overseer die from just being in front of him, a mysterious cultivator they had no idea of, only a fool would stay and engage him.

Immediately after Seth had killed Prina, both Maggy and Jin had taken off without the least bit of hesitation,

Now, after assigning both Basco and Alice to kill Maggy, Seth had gone after Jin and while Basco and Alice would be giving a stressful chase, a few minutes later, Seth was in the air waiting for the approaching Jin, having overtaken her.

Putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers, Seth stayed floating in the air, looking at the bright speeding light which was Jin and was heading for him. About 100 meters from Seth, the light rapidly began slowing down and moved to change route, but then for some reason it changed its plan once more and kept up with its original route, quickly picking up speed and shooting in the direction of Seth.

In no time, the blazing light was close to Seth and began decelerating, coming to a stop a few steps from Seth and revealing the face of the beautiful overseer Jin.

Coming to a stop in front of Seth, Jin did her best to suppress the fear in her heart and keep a stoic expression.

Jin didn’t know what Seth wanted with her, but at the moment, she was terrified and was just on the edge of showing it.

On her way here, she had seen Seth’s figure from afar, but just as she moved to immediately take directions, a voice had rung in her head.

"Come to me or die."

Being an overseer, Jin would have bravely ignored those words and changed routes were it not for the sudden sense of incoming death that had wrapped around her entire being.

Jin felt like her life was hanging by just a thread, and perhaps she might have tried to challenge fate and ignore the threat, but then she remembered what happened to Prina, and her desire to live could only take control.

Now standing in front of the mysterious man who had killed her fellow overseer without making a move, Jin steeled her nerves and barked out a question at him when she saw his eyes roam over her body, her hips in particular.

"What do you want?"

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