Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword Chapter 305 From The Ashes 7

Total silence. Distance and logistics have always been an issue in warfare. Mages who could create short ranged- teleportation portals were highly valued. Vanessa’s short sojourn in over ten cities demonstrated the safety and ability of the portals of Three Swords.

Stupefied by what they saw everyone present actually forgot all about the catastrophe and simply allowed their minds to wander. Thoughts about possessing the power they just witness made the dominants extremely greedy. The desire in their eyes could be witnessed by Raylene and her sisters. Hiding their disgust they continued smiling while continuing with their skit. fr𝚎𝗲𝐰ebnov𝐞𝐥.𝐜o𝗺

"As I mentioned. Any kingdom that wishes to leverage our services must participate in the combined battle harem assault force that will be used to clear the invasions.

"Our people will create a plan to take out the monsters before they arrive in the cities. Anyone who participates will be considered future business partners while anyone who acts improperly will be blacklisted."

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One by one the various dominants present started to ask their questions. Raylene articulately answered each question in a rehearsed manner.

"Is there a fee needed to be paid for each person to use the portals?"

"No, no fees will be collected at this time. Only participation in combat will need to be exchanged."

"Will Three Swords be placing an arbitrary limit to each battle harem participating?"

"No, anyone who will join the assault force will be allowed to do so."

"Does Three Sword intend to monopolize the loot and materials from the battles?"

"No, spoils will be divided by contribution. Of course, granted the large span of the battlefield it would be impossible to retrieve everything at once. However, our sister company the Verdant Golden Shower group will collect all the materials for a fixed 3% of the materials collected."

"Who will be leading the force?"

Raylene then smiled and gestured to the Crown prince. "The Dominii empire has divided the attack and defense initiatives between Prince Dylan and Princess Rhyne. As the assault force falls under the Prince, Gae-bolg would be the one taking point."

"Will Three Swords be participating as combatants or only as support personnel?"

At this point, Dylan stood up and answered for everyone. "Three Swords will only serve as support personnel. Their job would be to maintain the portals as well as protect the extraction of monster materials. Everyone else has the option of joining the assault armies or fending for themselves."

A few belligerent representatives asked in an arrogant manner. "This sounds like a ruse to leverage free labor. How sure are we that our kingdoms will be protected if we will be running around putting out fires?"

While the others remained silent the man made a valid point. Because the one to make the decision will be someone else, people would remain anxious if their own kingdoms would be protected while the assault force would be running around. What if there were two locations under siege? Would the group split in two? Or will one kingdom be abandoned?

At this point Raylene stomped her foot on the floor, she then used her inventory to change from the simple dress she wore to the red heavy armor she bought in partisan.

When her dress changed to that of a warrior her golden Aura started to undulate outwards in an oppressing manner. Together with the calibers the woman’s amber eyes started to glow like jewels.

The blue-haired empress looked heroic as she reassured the group in a calm manner. "I will be the one to direct the assault force. The responsibility shall fall on me. As for why you should believe me. I am a [Adept] ranked System User from the Valorious empire."

"Why should we believe you? Many could claim to be part of those righteous bastards what is your proof!"

At her words, a female knight with blonde hair stood and shouted from one of the screens. "Morons should shut up! She already showed her proof you fucking imbecile!" The aggressive woman had large breasts and shapely hips her combat uniform could not hide her marvelous assets.

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No one took the woman’s words lightly though, even with such a feminine frame the Calibers rolling off her could be felt by even those not in the same room as her.

"I am Lara Cavaliere, a survivor from the fall of glory. Commander of the last Valorian Crusader regiment. Amber eyes and golden Aura are marks of a true Valorian Knight. This woman is a true Valorian! Unlike you fuckers we would rather die than use such underhanded tactics!"

She then looked at Raylene with a serious tone as she declared. "Pleased as I may be Dame Musashi, we need to talk about where you have been all this time after this is all over. Please make some time for me. I will not take no for an answer." Lara then sat back down in the room she was in.

At that moment Hiro, Jei, and Nessa all felt the extreme emotion that overflowed from Raylene’s link. Sadness, joy, and regret such powerful emotions spilled forth, Raylene held it all in and nodded. Jade and Vanessa stepped forward and presented other parts of the plan.

With the confirmation of Raylene’s origin, none said anything further about the one calling the shots. The words of a Valorian Knight were that heavy. A few others asked some small nuances which Hiro’s wives answered as well. After the presentation, Vanessa adjourned the meeting with a reminder.

"The operation shall begin tomorrow at 9 AM. We will again use this setup to get in touch with everyone. Please Assemble your battle harems and get ready for combat.

"Any group not present shall be ignored moving forward. Please use the time between right now and tomorrow morning to decide. Once we begin there will be no do-overs. "

When the meeting ended the other screens turned off except one, Rhyne’s. Knowing the royal sibling would be speaking with each other the other representatives and Heavenly Sword all left the hall. When Rhyne faced only her brother, She clapped her hands as she spoke in an exhilarated voice.

"Well done Dylan! I have heard from Gil that there was a powerful force hiding out in Partisan. To think that this force was yours. I am in awe of it. Take care they do not get NTR’d from you dear Ototo-kun. Do remember that even if you did manage to save the other kingdoms. You abolished your right to the throne."

"I am aware sister. Please use Starfall to protect the cities. I shall handle the invasions."

"Yes, I await how powerful your battle harem would be. Three Swords is a magnificent blade. Take care of them well. However, never forget you can only be stabbed by those behind your back. Play with fire too much and you will get burned."

"I will keep it in mind Onee-sama."

Rhyne then make a flying kiss and said goodbye. "Well, talk to you again tomorrow. Toodles~" At her final words the last screen shut off and disappeared. Dylan made a heavy sign and whispered under his breath.

"To win against you I resolved myself to be burned Onee-sama. Even if I die, I will rise from the ashes in order to take you down. "


Back at Arcus Kiss, Hiro and his battle harem, together with the golden pair were doing a debriefing of what happened with the presentation. Noticeably, Raylene lacked strength and just rested her head on the man beside her.

The plan they just did was something Hiro and his wives concocted. It was a multi-layered plan that has a number of objectives. On top of using someone else resources to defend the entire country, the showcase of power would call for those with evil intentions to attack Raylene, Jade, and Vanessa to be NTR’d. Lastly, this would vastly increase Hiro’s battle harem in both levels and funds.

After the debrief ended. Jade and Vanessa left the room with the others to give Hiro and Raylene some privacy. As those familiar with the blue-haired empress, they knew Raylene needed to talk to someone to get the emotions out of her chest. Hiro similarly believed the same thing so he stayed behind with her and asked.

"Lene, who was that woman? I felt your emotions from seeing Lara, is there some unresolved conflict between the two of you? I got surprised at the chaos in your heart."

The woman didn’t respond Immeditatively and spoke once she got her emotions in check. "She is Lara Cavaliere a Valorian Paladin from the same battle academy as me. She was my senior and my best friend. I had thought she died during the fall of glory. I didn’t get to look for her all this time, but she is extremely dear to me."

Hiro then placed his arms over his wife’s shoulders and expressed his delight. "I am glad you found your friend. Did you think she notice who you were?" Unfortunately, his wife responded in a voice mired with anxiety

"I am not sure. What do I do though darling? What happened to her all this time? What if she hates me for vanishing during the fall of the capital? What if she blames me for what happened? All trainees and knights were expected to defend the capital. And I am the only one who ran away like a coward."

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