Bedding My Vampire Mate Chapter 573 Who Let Her In?

Chapter 573 Who Let Her In?

"Don’t worry, you and the others will understand your crime in a few minutes," Chris replied nonchalantly. He diverted his attention to Joanna.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience Miss Joanna. I will make sure such a thing doesn’t repeat itself," Chris apologised with a bow. He glared at the guards whose grip hadn’t loosened around Joanna’s body.

Chris didn’t need to utter a word before the guards let go of Joanna and moved backwards.

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"Josephina, take His Majesty’s guest to the main hall. I will handle things over here," Chris instructed in a meek tone.

"Make sure to keep your word. You don’t need me to tell you what will become of us if you dare do a sloppy job," Josephina grumbled. She glared at General Morgan and turned to look at Joanna afterwards.

"This way, Miss Joanna," Josephina said politely and pointed at the pathway ahead of them.

Joanna did as she was instructed but stopped after taking less than five steps. She spun and took a last glance at the man who asked the other guards to throw her into the dungeon.

Until that moment she couldn’t understand why the guard would give such an order. As far as she can remember she didn’t say anything wrong.

"Let’s go, Miss Joanna," Josephina urged her. Together, Joanna, Josephina and the other maids made their way to the main hall.

At first, Joanna had thought that the main hall was the building in front of them but she realised she was very wrong after she walked for five minutes and they still hadn’t arrived at their destination.

"Aren’t we there yet?" Joanna demanded in a wearied tone.

"We are almost there, Miss Joanna," Josephina replied courteously and gestured at the white building ahead of them.

About three minutes later, Joanna finally arrived at the main hall. She approached the chairs carefully arranged at both corners of the room with a huge pathway in the middle.

Ahead of her was a golden throne stationed at the levelled part of the hall.

Joanna’s eyes glimmered as she peered at the glittering golden throne which was about thirty steps away from where she stood.

"I guess this is where he normally holds meetings with his ministers," Joanna mumbled.

She forced herself to look away from the throne and gaze at the chandeliers and the interior decorations of the hall.

Although hers and Audrey’s family were considered one of the top ten wealthiest families in the Kingdom, there were a lot of differences when one compared their homes to this enormous hall she stood in.

Joanna couldn’t help but admit that the palace was one of a kind.

"Miss Joanna, this way please," Josephina ushered her as she gestured at one of the seats at the front row of her right-hand side. As Joanna walked towards the chair, she continued to admire the beauty of the palace main hall.

Yes, she came to the palace for the first time on her eighteenth birthday but unfortunately, she didn’t have the chance to explore the beauty of this great place.

When she reached the chair Josephina picked for her, Joanna gently sat down and composed herself as always.

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"Miss Joanna, I beg to take my leave now," Josephina informed her.

"Wait, are you trying to say you are gonna leave me all alone here?" Joanna cut in sharply as she scrutinized the faces of the other maids she wasn’t familiar with.

"I would have loved to keep you company but I can’t Miss Joanna," Josephina started calmly. "I am in charge of overseeing the preparation of everything you will eat and drink during your stay in the palace. I can’t afford to slack," Josephina added. She didn’t dare to sound rude as she explained herself.

"Also, you won’t be alone here. I will leave the maids with you. They will see to all your needs while I am away," Josephina assured her and flashed Joanna a sweet smile.

Josephina turned to address the maids after she was done talking to Joanna.

"As of this moment, you are to do everything she asks and attend to all her needs, understood?" Josephina instructed sternly.

"Yes," All the maids in the hall chorused.

Josephina exited the hall after she made sure that everything was alright.

Not long after Josephina left the hall, a maid in pink uniform accompanied by other maids in blue uniform entered the hall.

It was as if they had been hiding in a corner waiting for the moment Josephina evacuated the hall.

The maids strolled into the hall with their shoulders and chins raised high as if they owned the palace.

The disgusted look on Tracy’s face was apparent the moment she caught a glimpse of the lady occupying one of the chairs in the hall.

"Who said just anyone can enter this sacred palace?" Tracy taunted while glaring at Joanna. She didn’t show Joanna’s courtesy, even though not for anything but to give Joanna face in front of the other maids.

It was as if she aimed to humiliate and reduce Joanna to nothing in front of the maids and guards.

"Who let her in?" She shouted. She turned and shot murderous glances at the guards stationed not far away.

A maid stepped forward following Tracy’s outburst.

"She is His Majesty’s esteemed guest. Josephina ordered us to treat her in the same manner we would treat any guest of such title..."

"And who said you could talk huh?" Tracy snapped at the maid whose brown hair was tied into a messy bun.


"Do you even know her identity? Also, does she look anything close to a guest worthy of being entertained in the palace, not to mention being His Majesty’s esteemed guest?" Tracy mocked, as she shot Joanna a disgusted look.

Despite being humiliated by the lowly maid Joanna clenched her fist and teeth to control her anger.

Although she hasn’t lived in the palace she was a bit familiar with the palace rules; Adhara always made her read those regulation books out of fear of being humiliated because of Joanna’s lack of knowledge.

She is aware that the palace wasn’t the place where anyone could act as he or she sees fit.

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