Beware Of Chicken Chapter Volume 3 41: Hard Won Victory

Meiling was utterly exhausted. She could barely keep her eyes open. She was still drenched in sweat and felt a bit sick after what she had been through, even though it was, in all honesty, a simple birth. It had been fast, and easy to the point of being textbook— which she was grateful for. She could barely imagine going through what Hu Li had experienced. Twenty four hours instead of six. Now that was hell… and some women had to labour for a day and a half.

She wasn’t done quite yet, either. She was glad Jin had taken their child… because she still had business to attend to. The unpleasant spasms in her core continued as the afterbirth progressed, her father and Ri Zu still between her legs removing the umbilical cord and placenta. It was worth it to see the look on Jin’s face as he looked at their child, their son, with joy.

Despite her exhaustion, she couldn’t help but smile as she saw the look of absolute wonder as he held their son for the first time.

A son. They truly were lucky.

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Her dear husband was completely and utterly entranced. The child’s cries were quieting as Jin rocked him back and forth gently.

“Good job, Meimei. Good Job.” Meihua whispered in Meiling’s ear as she dabbed down Meiling’s forehead with a damp cloth. Hu Li simply nodded to her as the older woman patted Meiling’s thigh.

“See. Toldja you got them birthin’ hips.” Hu Li teased. Meiling snorted, but was too tired to retaliate. Xiulan ran her fingers through Meiling’s hair, getting some of the tangles out, before leaving to go and talk with the others still outside the room. The spell finally seemed to break on Jin, as he properly held their son to his chest. His eyes turned once more to her.

Meihua and Hu Li glanced at each other, before both women stood and gave them some space.

Jin walked towards Meiling and knelt down beside her.

“Hey, beautiful.” He whispered, one hand coming to rest on her cheek. She leaned into the touch. Beautiful? She probably looked disgusting.

Meiling huffed and held out her arms. Jin smiled and returned their son to her so that the baby could rest his bare cheek against Meiling’s chest. She stared at the wrinkled, absolutely adorable face and paused. It was a little strange, because she thought most fresh babies were ugly. He was wrinkly and just a little bit like a dried prune, like all fresh babes were, but he was hers so he was handsome in spite of his pruny shape!

Abruptly, tears sprang to her eyes. The pain. The effort, and the hardship, it was all worth it.

They both stared for a moment at the life they had made together.

“He’s got your hair.” She mused as she looked at the tuft of downy brown.

“And your eyes,” Jin said fondly, before he blinked. “A boy, then?” He sounded surprised, and Meiling arched an eyebrow.

“Xiulan did say as such when she went to get you.”

“I kind of… wasn’t paying attention.” Jin admitted. “And it doesn’t really matter, does it? Son or daughter… both are good, eh?” Jin returned, his voice thick with emotion.

“...I suppose it doesn’t, does it?” Meiling returned with a smile. They leaned closer into each other… and moment by moment, Meiling felt her exhaustion fade. It felt like their hearts were beating in sync.

The moment lasted until her father gently cleared his throat.

Both of them started and glanced up. Her father’s eyes were wet with tears and his forehead damp. His grin was the brightest Meiling had seen in years, full of fondness. Ri Zu was upon his shoulder, her ears folded back, and tiny cloth with she was drying her eyes in her hands.

“I’m sorry to interrupt… but I think we have others who wish to see.” Her father said with gentle amusement.

She turned her eyes to the doorway, where a truly impressive pile up was staring in, yet not daring to come closer. She supposed it was time for her son to meet his siblings and uncles..

Meiling nodded, not really trusting herself to speak, and beckoned them closer.

It was like a dam broke. Tigu was the first to scramble forward, followed by Yun and Gou, and then the rest of their disciples. Bi De was the most hesitant of them, and seemed a bit troubled, yet started forwards as well, hopping up onto Jin’s shoulder so he could take a better look.

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“You good, Meimei?” Gou asked as he dropped to his own knees, looking at her with concern. Tigu nodded rapidly from beside him.

“It sounded like you were engaged in a fierce battle, Mistress!” Tigu stated, her yellow eyes searching and nose likely smelling the scent of blood. Meiling cupped her cheek with her free hand.

“I’m fine.” Meiling managed to croak. “Just tired. You’re right though, Tigu. It was a fierce battle.”

“But you came out victorious!” Tigu declared, mollified but she abruptly looked pensive as her gaze turned to the bundle in Meiling’s arms. “...and this is the Young Master…” she muttered. There was a complicated expression on her face.

Then, Tigu sucked in a breath, and stood. She clasped her hands together in a formal salute and bowed. “Rou Tigu pays her respects to the Young Master!” She saw the rest of the animals startle, before they too started to stand up straighter. Meiling frowned at the sudden oath, of all things. It was flattering, but not quite what she had in mind. “She swears to serve him faithfully—”

Jin’s hand landed on Tigu’s head in a short chop, cutting her off.

“Little Brother. Not Young Master. We’re family.” Jin said to her. “That means Big Brothers and Big Sisters need to guide him well… not serve him, okay?”

Tigu looked up at him with her big yellow eyes. There was something oddly vulnerable in her expression.

“...okay.” Tigu murmured meekly, in a manner that seemed almost surprised.

“Now… say hi to your little brother properly, okay?”

Tigu stumbled forward on shaky legs and knelt down so that she could see the baby again. He was asleep, her son. Already dozing in spite of the commotion.

She peered at him curiously before seeming to decide something. She huffed. “Very well! He shall grow to be a fine man! With Rou Tigu as his sister, how can he be anything but?” she declared, hands on her hips. Mieling glanced at Jin, and her husband shook his head in amusement.

Tigu was soon nosed out of the way by a massive boar.

Chun Ke was rarely pushy, but now, his tail was wagging, his nose was twitching, and his trotters were tapping on the ground excitedly.

His nose pressed gently against the child, and then Chun Ke oinked happily. PI Pa was beside him, offering a little bow.

The next most eager was Xianghua, to Meiling’s surprise.

“Ah! He’s just as ugly as Bowu was!” Xianghua stated, nodding her head. “How wonderful!”

Meihua looked scandalized at the statement, but Meiling took the compliment for what it was. Hui Li just burst out laughing as Yun Ren came back downstairs with the recording crystal.

Some were less interested in others. Bi De bowed politely, but he seemed to keep his distance, lost in his own thoughts. Yin and Miantiao were merely curious. Wa Shi squinted at the baby before shrugging, not exactly knowing what he should do.

Huo Ten ran a gentle finger across the baby’s face, before smiling. ‘This Huo Ten has taken care of many Young Ones. If you need aid, I can carry him on my back for a while.

Meiling smiled and nodded…. But she was fast fading even if she was feeling a bit better.

In the end, she could barely keep awake as Jin and Xiulan helped her to the bath and bathed her. She was glad for the help, as her child awoke and started trying to feed for the first time. She was rather occupied as they helped her get all the sweat and afterbirth off of her.

There would be more congratulations and praise for her tomorrow, when the rest of the village arrived but there wouldn’t be any party for the newborn until he was at least a hundred days old. That would wait for the end of his first hundred days. Only then would a child receive their name. Meiling had no doubts that her son would thrive.

She drifted off, dreaming of names.

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