BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM Chapter 17 Attack To The Barrier (3)

Raveena then retreated back to the safety of her team ranks. "It’s too much for us," said one of them. They had already lost someone from their group.

"We still have a job to do, private," Raveena said loud enough for them all to hear.

A group of Densoph ran toward their position; they were six, while the team only had four members now. Raveena charged her power and pointed her finger at one of the creatures. She aimed at the bulk of the thaids and fired.

The energy traveled through the air like a spearhead before it pierced into the center mass of two thaids. The impact sent both beasts flying backward.

Their bodies smashed against some other thaids, making them tumble down. A few seconds later, another explosion occurred, this time the result of the brain crystal power of Raveena’s squad member.

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The explosion illuminated the area momentarily; the light disappeared after a short second when the blast dissipated. It left behind scorched grasses on its path.

A member of the squad instead rushed toward the group of thaids with a sword in hand. The weapon was coated in a sort of electric field that caused an electrical current to travel along its blade.

This allowed the user to cut through most things easily without exerting effort and, at the same time, electrocuting whatever enemy was unlucky enough to meet the blade on the battlefield.

He slashed his way through several thaids until he reached where Raveena stood.

Though more thaids approached the four humans. One of them dashed toward Raveena, it was running at an insanely fast speed, and it became hard for the sergeant to see the creature clearly.

She went into position to fire his power again, and energy surged inside her body like electricity surging within a wire.

Then she shot the energy out, sending shockwaves throughout the air. The blasts struck three nearby thaids simultaneously, killing each instantly.

One of the monsters fell over dead, while others flew away in fright. Though, Raveena’s aim failed her since she coulnd’t kill the thaid charging at her.

The creature then managed to get past the fire-wielding soldier. It got past him and jumped toward Raveena with its maws opened wide. Its fangs were sharp and long enough to rip her arm off her.

"ACK!" she screamed in pain. The soldier wielding the electrical sword slashed at the creature severing the head from its body and making blood leak as if it was a fountain.

Blood dripped down onto Raveena, who became drenched in the liquid. Her team members then went toward her to protect her from the other thaids.

She took the head of the creature off the arm, picked up a small gummy bead from her pouch, and applied it to her wound, stopping the bleeding.

The pain was high, but this didn’t stop her from using her power. After getting up, she looked around for another target. Another thaid appeared in front of her.

The rat-like creature dashed toward the team with ferocious looks, but Raveena charged her power more and killed the enemy.

"We must retreat," She said. But there was nowhere to go since the building which could have shielded her had been breached.

Monsters were rushing inside the corridors, searching for humans to eat. Their numbers significantly reduced, though, thanks to the effort put in by the soldiers, but it wasn’t enough to stop all of them.

Inside the building, the thaids were going upstairs, where the bulk of the soldiers was. A group of humans went in front of the staircase blocking every access to the upper floors.

They kept shooting at the thaids without pause. In front of them, there was carnage; multiple Densoph bodies were littering the floor, and the stairs were painted red from the blood of the rat-like creatures.

Though, it didn’t take long before the soldiers were overrun and killed. The beasts ripped off arms, chewed on legs, ate hearts, and gouged out eyes. It was a terrific scene to see.

The creatures swarmed the higher floor, and another group of soldiers came down to shoot at the creatures. Each shot sent a laser beam traveling through the air, cutting open the flesh of the thaids and burning the flesh near the wound.

Many thaids died, some immediately, while others were able to stay alive and tried to reach the soldiers until they eventually succumbed to death.

They continued doing so until the last human standing tried to fight alone against the horde of beasts. There was no escape in that building, and the beasts quickly reached him and tore his guts apart. His screams echoed across the walls. "RAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

His cries turned into silence as the monster consumed what remained of him. Only the sound of chewing filled the hallways.

Raveena and Roma met outside the building, most of the Densoph outside the perimeter died, and only the ones inside the building remained.

Roma immediately noticed that the number of people on Raveena’s team had decreased.

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"What happened," the young woman asked her friend.

"I wasn’t able to save him," Raveena replied.

It was heartbreaking watching how the monsters killed everyone in sight.

"This is why we can’t let them live. C’mon, let’s head inside and kill those beasts," Roma said.

She knew very well that killing the beast would be hard work; however, the alternative was far worse than any kind of labor. If left unchecked, these things would enter the city and multiply inside the territory, spreading terror throughout New Alexandria.

Roma and Raveena, together with their teams, went inside and followed the blood trails. Inside the corridor, dead bodies lay everywhere.

As soon as the teams saw the mess, they had problems not throwing up. Some of the corpses were torn apart, and others were missing parts of themselves.

Even after being devoured by the thaids, some of the victims still possessed organs intact. Raveena and Roma looked at each other and made a sign of understanding. They had to stop the monsters.

They ran ahead, following the trail of the beasts who moved slowly along the halls. At times, the smell of bloodied meat overwhelmed them and caused them to gag.

As they approached the stairwell, they heard a scream coming from above. When they climbed the stairs, they found one soldier fighting two thaids.

He fought valiantly, but his gun ran out of energy, so he was left fending for himself with a sword and his brain crystal power which gave him a stone-hard skin. That was the only reason why he was still alive; the sharpened teeth of the creatures couldn’t pierce the man, and he was able to save himself.

The thaids were biting at the man’s arm and restrained him, trying to rip the appendages out of the torso. Though, they weren’t able to do so.

As Raveena and Roma went to the floor where the man was fighting, Raveena shot two beams at the two creatures, making them explode in pieces.

The men fell back and hugged the floor. The wall and the ground were covered in blood. It was a disgusting scene.

Roma rushed forward and helped the wounded soldier. He thanked the girls profusely and then told them about the situation.

There were at least fifty thaids inside the building. Roma, Raveena, and their squads rushed to the upper floors. They could hear the sound of brain crystal powers being unleashed and of guns firing.

Once they were on the top floor, they found a stalemate. Multiple soldiers were stopping the monsters from going forward, and the remaining thaids trying to get past them and kill the humans.

The soldiers saw Raveena and Roma, and their eyes lit up. Then, Raveena charged her power, and Roma summoned her flaming whip. The two then unleashed carnage over the thaids.

The soldiers watched as the women cut down every single beast. After ten minutes of constant slaughter, all the thaids were destroyed.

"Thank you!" one of the soldiers said.


Inside another room, a thaid was still alive. It was desperately trying to reach an air vent in order to escape that hell hole.

It jumped and jumped until it finally reached the vent and entered. The Densoph crawled through the air vents, trying to head outside and escape.

It took the creature at least half an hour to escape the building by following the scent of fresh grass traveling through the air. The thaid arrived at the exit, but it was barred by the air vents cover. The creature slowly destroyed it with its sharp teeth, and it finally got free.

It was on the other side of the barrier; in front of it, multiple fields stretched outwards. The thaid was ecstatic and started running around the area looking for food, and meat.

Soon enough, the thaid came across a herd of cattle. As the cows tried to flee, the thaid lunged at one of them and bit off its head slowly.

With the same pace, the creature started eating the cow until it was satisfied. Blood spilled onto the field as the thaid gulped down the fleshy mass. Though after having finished, the creature resumed its traveling. It was going northwest, where it could smell the human scent.

The creature walked until it was deep inside the wheat fields, and It was then that the beast heard a human voice.

"Mister Fox? I just finished collecting the carrots; where do I put the last ones?"

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