The four remaining kids had to battle the monsters as Erik and Nathaniel ran. They lost too much time, thinking Nathaniel would have remained with them to fight the monsters, but they didn’t and were now trapped inside the alley with the monsters already on them. The four young men stood their ground, their weapons at the ready.

The thaids were getting closer, and Luke could feel the fear creeping up on him once again. But they couldn’t back down now. Their survival was on the line. Luke looked at Jack, Adam, and Alex, the other three that came with him to kill who they learned was Frant’s awakener; he saw the determination in their eyes, but with it, it was clear there was also fear. Luke took a deep breath and reminded them of the stakes at hand, emphasizing that failure was not an option as that would lead to their deaths.

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He then reassured them that they were a team and had each other’s backs, urging them to stay focused and trust in their abilities.

The monsters were getting closer and closer, their eyes glowing in the midday sun. Luke took his dagger, channeled mana through his neural links, and shouted a battle cry, and the other three young men followed suit, each readying their brain crystal powers. Jack made his dagger longer through his brain crystal power, growing as long as a sword. Adam summoned his javelins and started throwing them at the monsters, and Alex partially transformed into a human-rhino hybrid.

Luke had a power that allowed him to have short bursts of speed, so he wasn’t using it now. Jack swung his weapon and hit a thaid, killing it on the spot; Adam started throwing javelins, killing three or four of them, while Alex charged at the beast and behaved like the group’s tank. They tried to take down as many monsters as possible. But the thaids were too numerous. Finally, the monsters arrived, and a scuffle ensued.

The group fought valiantly, but the thaids’ strength and numbers were too high. They were quickly surrounded and had to fight for their lives. The thaids continued to pour into the alleyway, their razor-sharp teeth and claws dripping with the blood of the people they had previously killed.

The four young men fought valiantly for a couple of minutes more, but it was clear that they were quickly becoming overwhelmed. Luke used his speed to dart in and out of the group, trying to take down as many monsters as possible. Jack’s blade flashed, slicing through the air and striking multiple targets simultaneously.

Adam’s javelins were running out, but he kept throwing with deadly accuracy, taking down one thaid after another. Alex was holding his own, but even his increased strength wasn’t enough to keep the monsters at bay forever.

The monsters were beginning to break through their defensive line, and Luke knew they needed to act fast. "Everyone, fall back!" he yelled, his voice hoarse from shouting. They quickly killed the monsters blocking their way from behind and retreated a few steps, then turned and ran deeper into the alleyway.

pαпdα Й?νê1,сòМ The thaids followed, snarling and snapping at their heels. As they ran, Luke caught sight of a door at the end of the alley. "We need to get inside!" he shouted to the others. They didn’t have time to question him but trusted his instincts.

Together, they sprinted towards the door, and Alex used his immense strength to bust it open. There was a flight of stairs on their right, so the young men ran up and got a better vantage point to fight the monsters. The monsters were closing in on them, and they needed to act fast. Luke quickly assessed the situation and instructed the others on how to defend themselves using the weapons they had brought along.

Alex used his size and strength to swat at the thaids with his mighty fists while Jack and Adam continued to strike with their weapons. Luke darted in and out again, taking down any thaid that got too close and avoiding the attacks.

However, they weren’t that strong. Sure, they were better than the average kid their age, but they were not warriors; they hadn’t been trained like the young men and women at the Red Palace and didn’t know any fancy martial arts. Despite their lack of formal training, the group held their own against the thaids, relying on their quick reflexes and teamwork to fend off the creatures. However, as the battle wore on, they began to tire.

Their strategy seemed to be working for some time. The thaids struggled to climb up the stairs, and the four young men were holding their own. But just when they thought they might be able to make it out alive, something unexpected happened. One of the thaids lunged forward, reaching past Alex and knocking Jack’s enlarged dagger out of his hand.

Jack stumbled backward, trying to avoid the monster’s razor-sharp claws. But it was too late. The thaid’s claws ripped into Jack’s chest, tearing through flesh and bone. The other three young men cried out in horror, not because of the young man, as they didn’t know him, but because they were now three and were going to fight against the monsters, with which they already had difficulties dealing, as they kept rushing inside the building. Luke immediately understood that his decision was a bad one, as they were now trapped.

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Besides, there wasn’t even room enough for him to use his power, as he could hardly move now due to the small space in which they were fighting, and his power became rapidly useless as more monsters flooded the place.

However, they needed to keep fighting. With renewed determination, they continued to battle the monsters, striking with everything they had. But they knew their chances of survival had just taken a devastating blow with their comrade’s death.

As the battle wore on, the three remaining young men’s energy levels reached dangerously low levels. Their weapons felt heavy in their hands, and their bodies ached from the constant fighting. The thaids seemed to sense their weakness and pressed their attack with renewed ferocity. Luke’s heart sank as he realized that he was going to die, as there was nothing else they could do, and his idea to seek shelter inside the building led to their deaths.

Alex was the first to fall. A thaid managed to get past his defenses and sink its teeth into his neck. He fell to the ground, lifeless. Luke and Adam fought on, but without their meat shields and with the fear fueling their bodies, they quickly succumbed to desperation, and that was problematic.

"FUCK! KEEP FIGHTING!" Luke shouted. Adam struggled to get up, his vision blurry and his head pounding; he knew they had to keep fighting.

However, even he was soon overwhelmed by the sheer number of monsters attacking him. He tried to use his power, but there was not enough room to move. He burst forth, but once he appeared again, a thaid bit his neck and ripped his throat off; he fell to the ground, his body torn apart by claws and teeth soon after. Alex was the last one standing.

He roared angrily, summoning all his mana to make as many javelins as possible and take down as many thaids as possible. The young man took a deep breath, knowing he was the only one left to fight. He closed his eyes briefly, then threw all his javelins towards the horde of monsters.

But in the end, it was not enough. He, like everyone else, fell to the ground, his body devoid of mana and riddled with wounds. The monsters roared in triumph. The bodies of the four young men lay scattered around them, a grim testament to their bravery and determination.

But in the end, they had been no match for the horrors of the world they found themselves in. The thaids moved on, their thirst for blood and violence driving them forward. But before going away, they started eating the bodies.

The group had underestimated the danger of venturing into the city amidst a thaid attack and paid the ultimate price. It was a tragic reminder of the harsh reality of survival in a world where even the slightest misstep could lead to death.

They ripped the young men’s clothes off, shredding them to pieces. They started eating their flesh, ripping it off piece by piece and devouring it like a wild dog would eat its prey. After they tore open the flesh, they also started eating their innards.

The blood from their bodies was flowing out of them in streams that were splashing on the ground below, and as they munched on their stomachs and intestines, the contents leaked out and stained the ground below.

Then they went for the bones. The sound of these bones cracking echoed through the empty building as the group devoured their prey. Luckily, it was a gruesome scene that no one managed to see. Soon nothing remained of them but blood stains, feces, and piss that stained the ground where they had valiantly fought.

(A.N: Read Author’s notes)

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