Erik wiped the sweat from his brow as he stepped out of the training arena in the Yellow Palace, his muscles throbbing with exhaustion.

He had just completed his daily regimen of rigorous physical and mental exercises, pushing himself to the limit in order to hone his skills as a warrior.

Today he felt like it was the culmination of months of hard work and dedication, and Erik was satisfied with the progress he had made.

However, he was going to put everything to the test against Anderson. The young man was a war machine; not only was he insanely talented in martial arts, but he was even really good at making neural links, and he had a lot.

Recently, Anderson managed to get to the PI3 rank; essentially, he was as strong as the top-ranked Squires, but he was only at the Peasant one.

This basically meant that Anderson was almost as strong as Nathaniel, but the key difference was that he didn’t use his power. If he did, that was another thing altogether, and Erik knew he had nothing that could protect him from that. Besides, as much as Erik was known, Anderson was known for his unbeatable record in the ring, and many believed he was invincible.

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Many people inside the Red Palace highly anticipated the upcoming match, and the two students didn’t know that they even attracted the attention of some of the teachers. Everyone was curious to see if the young man could defeat the undefeated champion.

Due to Anderson’s handicap, the two decided earlier that they were going to fight without powers.

From this point of view, Erik was at an advantage since he was a lot stronger than he should have been based on his neural links alone; he was in a position where he was comparable to an OMICRON-1 ranked fighter; however, the difference between him and Anderson was that he was insanely skilled in martial arts, and that offset the odds.

It wasn’t only thanks to his many years of experience, it was his way of thinking, always outside the schemes, and he had a natural talent for finding his opponent’s weak spot. So, this was going to be a very difficult fight, one which he wasn’t sure of winning without his many powers.

Erik walked towards the elevator that would take him to the ground floor; his mind was absorbed with thoughts of the upcoming battle. He knew he had to stay focused and calm if he wanted to stand a chance against his opponent.

As Erik stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor, he felt a mix of nervousness and excitement coursing through his veins. His heart pounded in his chest, and his mind raced with anticipation. He had trained tirelessly in the past few days and was determined to give it his all.

Erik looked at his reflection in the polished metal walls as the elevator descended. He saw a determined man staring back at him, his eyes blazing with resolve.

This was more than just a simple competition for Erik. It was a chance for him to prove to himself and others that he was another man and that he had indeed changed. This fight represented his way of proving to himself that he wasn’t that pitiful, weak kid anymore. He had to win. He owed it to himself.

The elevator doors opened, and Erik stepped out onto the ground floor. From there, he quickly went out of the building and took the bus to reach the Blue Palace, where the fight was going to be held as usual.

As soon as he arrived, he got the usual notification he received whenever he had a fight—a notification that arrived on his phone but that he saw through his biological supercomputer.






"He got really assigned to me, uh?" Erik said once he saw that the Healer for the upcoming match was Martin Middleton again. Was the Red Palace now actively keeping an eye on him? But why show it so blatantly by always giving him the same Healer?

the young man thought.

That was not a smart move, to be honest. Erik went to the elevator and pressed the third button, as his fight was going to be held there; after a couple of moments, he arrived.

His heart pounded in his chest as he stepped out of the elevator onto the third floor. His mind raced with anticipation as he walked down the brightly lit corridors, following the signs that pointed towards the room where his long-awaited fight with his friend Anderson was about to begin.

He had been training for months now and had come a long way since he started; he was determined to win, but as he approached the door, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nervousness.

As he approached the room, Erik’s excitement grew. Taking a deep breath, Erik pressed the button, and the heavy metal door slid into the wall and gave Erik a view of the room; he found Anderson already standing in the center, waiting for him.

The awakener’s breath caught in his throat as he took in Anderson’s appearance. The man was tall, towering over Erik by at least twenty centimeters, with a muscular build that spoke of his dedication to physical training and martial arts.

His black hair was slicked back, giving him a sleek and confident look. But it was Anderson’s piercing blue eyes that caught Erik’s attention the most. They held a fierce intensity, a reflection of the man’s confidence in himself.

Erik couldn’t help but acknowledge Anderson’s handsomeness. He saw the man every day, but seeing him now, at this moment, in this situation, made him feel a little bit self-conscious.

Erik thought to himself as he approached Anderson.

The man’s chiseled jawline, high cheekbones, and muscular physique made him a magnet for girls and boys alike.

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As the two men locked eyes, the atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation. The air was thick with tension, and Erik could feel the moment’s weight pressing down on him.

"I’m here…" Erik said, sighing. He took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves.

"Good, let’s start; I want to really see how much the plant hugger did improve in these past months," Anderson said with a smile.

"Hey, that’s cheap!" Erik rebutted as Anderson used that nickname, one he had stopped hearing months ago.

Martin Middleton quickly entered the room and asked if they remembered the rules.



Both the contestants said, "However, we would like to add a rule for today’s match, no brain crystal powers are allowed, and we will compete purely on the basis of physical prowess and martial might," Erik said.

"A very honorable thing to do, I must say. All right, if you both agree with this, then we can start."

"I do agree," Anderson said.

"Me too," Erik added.

"All right." Martin entered the other room, and once he was there, he said, "Let the match begin!"

Erik squared his shoulders, his muscles tensing in preparation for the fight.

"Ready to do this?" Anderson’s voice was cold, devoid of the warmth that Erik used to feel from his words. His friend was clearly taking Erik seriously—something he deemed impossible at high school.

Erik clenched his fists, his determination hardening. "I’m ready," he replied, his voice steady.

"Good," a slight smile appeared on Anderson’s face, and then he shot forward.

However, before Erik did anything else, he asked the system to show him Anderson’s stats, which he had done only the first time he got the biological supercomputer.


- Name: Anderson Worthington.

- Brain crystal power: Mana Explosion-Atomic Annie (RARE)

-Race: Human.

-Physical characteristics: Approximately 1.90 centimeters tall. Very muscular. Estimated weight 105 kilograms of pure muscles. Blue Eyes, Black hair. Very good looking.

-Personality and traits: At first glance, he appears as a loyal and dedicated friend, always going the extra mile to ensure the well-being of those he cares about. His compassion shines through in his actions, as he is always there to offer support and comfort to those in need. Anderson’s sense of justice is unwavering, and he is known for taking a stand against injustice and fighting for fairness and equality, and his strong moral compass guides his actions. He generally maintains a regal demeanor, exuding an air of formality and distance. He may appear reserved and distant, often keeping his emotions and thoughts to himself. He carefully chooses his words and speaks with authority, commanding respect from those around him. Anderson’s reserved and regal demeanor may make it challenging for others to understand him fully. However, those who truly know him understand that beneath his stoic exterior lies a fiercely loyal and compassionate heart, always willing to stand up for his friends and fight for justice.

-Power Level: 120

-Approximate Strength: 40

-Approximate Intelligence: 16

-Approximate Dexterity: 25

-Approximate Energy: 789




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