The two then dashed again, but the fight was going to end soon, given how it was progressing. Anderson was now having too many problems keeping up with Erik, not only because the awakener had stepped up his game but also because he was tired.

The fight went differently from how he imagined: despite knowing that Erik had won against Nathaniel, he still thought himself to be able to win.

After all, when they were still at school, he and Nathaniel were on the same level, and he didn’t even need to use his brain’s crystal power to achieve that same level of power.

It was true he lost against him during the tournament, but that was only a single defeat. He had won against him other times, and that loss didn’t mean much.

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Now, however, after so much time passed, he even surpassed Nathaniel regarding neural link numbers, and his physical prowess was greater than his. Of course, Matthew’s son clearly had an advantage since he could use his power without blowing up buildings, and that gave him an advantage.

But if all of that was true, how was it possible that Erik was still winning? He suddenly remembered one time when he saw Logan, Conal, and Orson beating him senseless, with him literally begging for mercy as the trio gave him pain.

Now, he was facing the same kid, but he was too different. It was like he wasn’t the same person at all; how was it possible that he had grown so much in such a short amount of time? How could he have surpassed him after all the effort and time he poured into his training? He cursed his own brain crystal power in his mind because if he had another one, he would be much more powerful.

With these thoughts in mind, Anderson started going on the offensive. He threw a fast punch at Erik, who tilted his head and counterattacked with one of his own.

However, Anderson knew what he was going to do, and for this reason, he raised his leg and parried the attack. It was painful, but not as painful as taking a hit on his face or abdomen.

Knowing what Erik was going to do meant that Anderson was aware of what he had to do to take advantage of the situation; for this reason, he jumped, poured all his strength onto his leg, and threw a kick at Erik. However, the awakener performed another inhuman feat and jumped backward in a fraction of a second.

It was like Erik could see what he was going to do in slow motion and was able to react accordingly. He wasn’t far from the truth, to be honest. No, he was spot on. That was due to his high dexterity; he was basically a cheat in such kinds of confrontations.

In the meantime, Erik analyzed Anderson’s movements, looking for patterns and weaknesses. He learned to do this thanks to master Nieminen but was still far from using this technique perfectly as Anderson did.

Despite the intensity of the fight, Erik remained calm and focused, keeping his composure as he observed Anderson’s defenses. He noticed a slight hesitation in Anderson’s left side after a feint—a small opening that could potentially be exploited.

The awakener reflected on whether Anderson had intentionally left that opening as bait to lure him into a trap. But Erik knew he had to take the risk. This was his chance to turn the tide of the fight. With lightning speed, Erik feinted a high kick toward Anderson’s right side, drawing his attention away from his left side.

Anderson was having trouble keeping up with Erik again but noticed the move; he didn’t know it was a feint. Erik never made such moves; it wasn’t in his style, at least from what he saw up to that point. So this time, he genuinely thought he was going to attack, and he went into stance to block the move. In that split second, Erik seized the opportunity and launched a powerful right hook, aiming for Anderson’s exposed ribs.

The punch connected with devastating impact, sending Anderson staggering back, gasping for breath. Erik’s calculated strike had found its mark, and Anderson’s defenses had been breached. The awakener didn’t hesitate, not even in front of a friend.

He followed up with a rapid combination of strikes, targeting Anderson’s vulnerable spots with precision. Anderson could do nothing to defend himself, as he was out of stance, and Erik was too fast. As Erik unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, he overwhelmed his friend’s weakened defenses.

The young man, caught off guard by Erik’s sudden burst of offense, tried to counter at a certain point, but his movements were slower and less coordinated after those heavy punches and kicks. He struggled to regain his footing and defend himself against Erik’s assault. The awakener’s determination and strategic thinking had paid off.

He continued to capitalize on the openings he had observed in Anderson’s defenses, landing powerful blows with each strike. He moved with fluidity and precision, exploiting Anderson’s too many induced weaknesses and keeping him on the defensive.

Despite Anderson’s resilience, he could not fully recover from Erik’s previous devastating blows, and his defenses faltered. Erik’s attacks continued to land, and wounds and bruises gradually accumulated on his body. If they were less than Erik’s, now they were more than his.

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There was basically nothing he could do anymore but wait for the inevitable. With one final, powerful strike, Erik delivered a decisive blow to Anderson’s midsection, sending him crashing to the ground. "I surrender," Anderson said as he realized he could do nothing more. He had lost.

The awakener stood victorious; once again, it was thanks to the system, as he was much weaker than Anderson if it weren’t for his pumped stats. He had been able to turn the tide of the battle in his favor. He extended a hand to help Anderson to his feet, showing respect for his friend and opponent’s skills and resilience.

Anderson grabbed Erik’s hand and stood back on his feet. "You made it," Anderson said. "Yeah. Thank you for having given me this opportunity," Erik said. As the two fighters stood in the center of the room, Erik’s mind was filled with a mix of triumph and admiration for Anderson’s formidable skills.

He wondered how strong he would become if he managed to reach Anderson’s skill level just a bit. With a nod of mutual respect, Erik and Anderson exchanged a firm handshake, acknowledging each other’s abilities. At that moment, both fighters knew that they had given their all and that they were splendid fighters regardless of the outcome. 𝑓𝓻ℯ𝑒𝑤𝘦𝑏𝑛ℴ𝓋ℯ𝑙.𝘤𝓸𝓂

Anderson’s chest heaved as he caught his breath, his eyes fixed on Erik with a mix of admiration and respect but also showing a tint of sadness for having lost. He couldn’t see the kid who feared everyone anymore.

"You’ve come a long way, Erik," he said, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation.

"You’re not the same weak kid I used to see daily at school." Erik nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Thanks, Anderson, it means a lot," he replied, his breathing still heavy from the intense fight.

"You didn’t give me an easy time, uh?" Erik said, laughing.

"Hahahaha, well, I tried." Just as they were catching their breath and sharing a laugh, Martin Middleton, the healer, emerged from the control room.

"Congratulations, Erik," Martin said with a smile as he approached the two fighters. "That was an incredible display of skill, I must say."

Martin then turned to look at Anderson and said, "As for you, Mister Worthington, I bet that… No, I’m sure you will grow to be a splendid fighter. Your future will be boundless. I’ve seen many fighters in my years at the Red Palace, and I’ve never seen someone with a technique so perfect." Erik and Anderson both nodded, acknowledging Martin’s kind words, but wondered when he would start healing them as he kept talking.

The wounds they accumulated were not one or two. "But enough wasting time; let me heal you quickly," the healer said.

Martin’s skilled hands glowed with warm healing mana as he examined Erik and Anderson. He mended their bruises and strained muscles, relieving the soreness from their bodies. Erik and Anderson exchanged grateful glances, appreciating Martin’s power.

After a few moments of silence, Martin straightened up and declared, "You’re both in good shape now. Now, since this was an official fight, it is now time to declare the winner. Congratulations, Erik, you advanced to rank 190."

Erik’s heart swelled with pride, and he extended his hand to Anderson once again. "Thank you, Anderson," he said sincerely. Anderson clasped Erik’s hand firmly, a genuine smile on his face.

"You’ve earned it, Erik," he said. With the fight behind them and their injuries healed, Erik and Anderson exchanged a few more words and decided to go have a shower and then head to the cafeteria to put something in their stomach.

They knew that their bond as friends had only grown stronger through the intense competition. As both the contestants left the room, Erik got another notification on his smartphone.

The Red Palace was asking again if he was willing to meet Hais again. Apparently, the man was here and asked for him once again.

At this point, it was clear that the man suspected him of the murders. However, once again, he decided to meet the man.

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