As Erik lay on his bed, he stretched out his tired muscles and let out a contented sigh. He had just returned from a grueling training day, and his body ached, but the sense of accomplishment and progress filled him with satisfaction. Amber was with him since Benedict had something to do with Martha, so they were currently alone in Erik’s room.

The young woman has now "officially" become Erik’s girlfriend. Of course, they didn’t tell the others about their relationship, but some of them had suspicions, especially Gwen and her keen eyes.

The young woman curled beside him as she saw him slumping on the bed, resting her head on his chest. Her presence brought the young man comfort like nothing else. Her soft touch and gentle embrace melted away the tension from his body. These past three days, since he killed Hais, have been harsh.

The fire Erik had started consumed the private investigator’s body and the whole building, and nothing remained of it. The other owners and the police thought the fire started because of a cigarette Hais left somewhere after he fell asleep. Since the whole building collapsed, the injuries Erik left on the man’s body were covered, and no one suspected him, at least for the moment.

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"Today was intense," Erik said, running his fingers through Amber’s silky hair. "Master Nieminen pushed me a lot; the training is becoming more gruesome as time passes. I feel like my muscles are going to rebel against me tomorrow."

Amber chuckled softly, tracing circles on Erik’s chest with her fingertip. "I know what you mean. My training session was tough too, but there is nothing much I can do except endure. Though, I’m getting better with each day." Erik smiled at Amber’s words, feeling a surge of pride.

His girlfriend was powerful, beautiful, and intelligent. Despite still having feelings for Emily, he quickly understood that getting something solid with Amber was his best choice and knew that what he felt for Emily was irrational since he didn’t even know her well.

Besides, Amber was giving him something he had never had in the past. The feeling of being loved.

"I couldn’t have done it without you," Erik said sincerely, pressing a kiss to Amber’s forehead. "Thank you for all you did for me…"

Amber’s eyes sparkled with affection as she gazed up at Erik. They lay in silence for a while, basking in each other’s warmth and comfort. Erik traced patterns on Amber’s back, feeling the rise and fall of her breath against his chest.

After a while, Amber stood up from the bed, put on her shoes, and said, "I must go. It’s getting late."

"Can’t you stay five minutes more?" he said, pouting. Amber chuckled, and she kissed Erik on his forehead. "No, no," she said, smiling. "I have to call my father as soon as possible. Lately, he has been working a lot, and to be honest, I’m a little bit worried. I must make sure he is okay."

"All right then, I think I will start training then. Remember that I won’t come to eat with you guys; I’m planning on going to bed early," Erik said.

"Ok." The woman then went to the door. Since they were alone, she didn’t bother sneaking away. Erik brought her to the door, where they shared one more lingering kiss, their lips conveying their feelings and longing for each other. Then Amber slipped out of Erik’s apartment, leaving him standing in the doorway, watching her disappear down the hallway.

Erik closed the door with a sigh, feeling a sense of emptiness in the apartment without Amber’s presence. He missed her already, but he knew she had her responsibilities to attend to. He decided to occupy himself with some training to keep his mind off her absence. Besides, today was a crucial day. Achim was going out with his girlfriend, so this was probably his only chance to get rid of him—the only one who could link him to Nathaniel’s death.

Then Erik went back to his room and sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes closed, and his mind focused. In the past few days, he has learned the biological supercomputer’s new training technique and was already making a lot of progress. If things went well tonight, he would be able to increase his neural links.

The technique consisted of weaving the mana from his brain crystal in a particular way. What did change compared to the previous method was how the neural links were made, despite the process still resembling the building of a bridge between his brain and the brain crystal. If before it was like building a bridge with logs, now it was akin to making them with metal and concrete.

Taking a deep breath, Erik began the training. He visualized his brain crystal as a complex network of pathways, with each brain crystal power represented as a beacon of light in the distance.

With focused intent, he started placing the concrete and the metal down, two at a time, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Erik felt that with a little bit more effort, he could actually make three neural links at the same time, but something was preventing him from doing so.

Since he learned the technique, Erik also became able to see the neural links better. Before, they just looked like tiny strands of light connecting the brain to the crystal, but now they were something more.

They were unique, reflecting the individual characteristics of the brain crystal power they connected to. Some were sturdy and stable, made of solid materials like steel, representing grounded and practical powers. Others were delicate and intricate, constructed with fine silk threads, representing subtle and nuanced powers. Erik could feel the feeling of building each bridge as if he were physically constructing a tangible structure in his mind.

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The process was not without challenges, as manipulating the mana was easier said than done. Erik encountered obstacles along the way, but with determination, he persevered, using his sheer will to overcome any barriers that arose.

Steadily and quickly, these two bridges started forming; Erik felt a surge of energy coursing through his mind and body as the links got established. Soon they grew stronger and more efficient with each strand of mana weaved and manipulated. He could sense the powers becoming more accessible and their energy merging with him.

What amazed Erik the most was that the ability to train two brain crystal powers simultaneously. It was like constructing two bridges simultaneously, each leading to a different power. He had to balance his focus and concentration, carefully building and strengthening the connections to both powers in harmony.

After a short while, he made it. The young man’s mana started traveling from the brain crystal to the brain and then spreading through the rest of the body. The flow became less obstructed, and he could easily tap into his mana reserves. He just made two neural links in the span of four days. That was an impressive feat.

Erik didn’t want to increase his main powers immediately, so he concentrated on building the neural links for the metallization and the mana exoskeleton power. For too long, these two powers lagged behind the others, and he didn’t have many neural links with them to begin with, as establishing these connections was hard.

As he opened his eyes, Erik realized that he had reached a new level of understanding and control over the two brain crystal powers. The neural links he had built were now solid and functional, allowing him to access and utilize his powers more efficiently.

The young man decided to metalize his arm. There was not much he could do with only two neural links for that power, but it was clear that metalizing objects became easier. He then built the mana exoskeleton and noticed that the mana expenditure decreased slightly.

Overall, two neural links were nothing compared to the 54 that each brain crystal power could have, but it was still better than just having one. After that, the young man watched the clock; it was now 19:00, so he had to prepare and leave the Red Palace.

He knew that he couldn’t afford to be seen or recognized by anyone, as he was going to commit another murder, which required utmost secrecy. To ensure his anonymity, Erik had chosen to dress in all black, a color that would help him blend into the shadows and avoid drawing attention.

He put on a black hoodie, which covered most of his face, and pulled up the hood to further conceal his features. He wore black pants that fit snugly, allowing him to move stealthily and silently. He strapped on a pair of black boots that were sturdy yet lightweight, perfect for navigating through various terrains.

In addition to his dark attire, Erik had prepared a backpack with all the essentials he needed for his mission. He packed a small first aid kit, a water bottle, some energy bars, and a few tools that might come in handy. He also carried his mask in his backpack, which he would wear to obscure his identity further if necessary, and had some spare clothes in case he needed to change quickly.


-Description: Sneak into the Red Lotus Lounge and kill Achim.

-Rewards for completion: A 1000 experience points and 150 DNA for completing the quest.

-Failure Penalty: Death or Imprisonment.


Erik checked himself in the mirror; he was satisfied with his appearance. He looked like a shadow, blending seamlessly into the darkness.

He was ready to slip out of the palace without a trace. Now he only had to get out.

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