The light from Erik’s bucket reflected off the walls as he entered the building. The interior was vast and open, but everything was rusted and dirty. The musty odor of time and decay filled Erik’s nose with a scent that would be hard to forget even after many days.

The young man started walking inside the base, but as soon as he did, it appeared that something terrible happened there in the past. Erik saw the skeletal remains of soldiers everywhere, still dressed in their tattered uniforms. Their positions suggested a last-ditch effort to stave off the inevitable.

They were armed with weapons Erik had only seen in history books: old firearms and blades, which it was clear hadn’t been enough to stop whatever they were trying to kill.

Erik moved reverently, each step leaving a haunting echo in the vast corridors before him. The light from his bucket cast long shadows on the skeletal figures, adding an eerie, solemn glow to the scene. He felt a shiver of fear, the tragic scene sending a shiver down his spine.

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The skeletal remains were silent witnesses to a long-lost battle, their positions and weapons indicating the urgency and despair of their last stand.

The young man also observed the base layout. The metal-wrought architecture emphasized functionality over aesthetics. Solid steel beams, whose structures showed signs of aging but were remarkably sturdy, supported the high ceiling.

Control panels and broken machines were scattered around, their once-flashing lights and buzzing sounds now silent and dark.

As he moved deeper into the base, Erik felt a wave of profound sadness wash over him,

as the place was littered with things that made him understand what desperate times those were, a period in human history when survival was the only goal.

Learning about that in history books was something, but looking at their fear with his own eyes gave Erik a deeper understanding of his forefathers’ struggles.

However, his thoughts were immediately cut short as the awakener’s eyes spotted a distinct form on one of the ancient metal walls while navigating the dimly lit interior of the building. On closer inspection, the image on the wall appeared to be a collection of interconnected lines and symbols that had faded over time.

Curiosity drove him to approach the glowing bucket, its flames casting an eerie yet illuminating glow over the tarnished surface. The lines and symbols became more structured in the light, forming a recognizable pattern—a building layout map.

Erik felt a wave of realization wash over him as he realized the significance of the layout. This blueprint could lead him to the command center, where he hoped to find what he sought.

He cautiously approached the faded map; the fire-warmed bucket’s heat starkly contrasted with the cold, metal surface.

He held the bucket close to his face, allowing the flickering light to illuminate the layout more clearly.

The design of the base was depicted in detail on the map, which was an intricate network of passageways, compartments, and larger common areas. Cryptic symbols and numeric codes denoted different sections.

Erik deduced from the design that there were living quarters, training areas, and armories inside the base, and everything was built around a central command room placed in the middle of the structure.

There was even a lab inside that base, which took a huge chunk of the building’s space. The young man was curious to see what was there but refrained from investigating since finding a map was more important.

The map’s layout featured a sizable, distinct rectangular shape in the center. It bore a distinct symbol, a universal indicator Erik recognized as a ’Command Center’ sign. The layout’s pathways led like veins to this central point, indicating its importance.

Erik walked lightly through the base’s metal-lined corridors; his senses heightened in anticipation of potential danger. His bucket’s flickering flame cast long, ominous shadows on the walls around him, and the muffled sound of his footsteps echoed in the silence. His eyes darted from one shadowy corner to the next, half expecting a creature to appear at any moment.

He finally arrived at the command center after navigating the maze-like structure for what seemed like an eternity. However, when he noticed the state of the room’s entrance, a cold chill ran down his spine.

The sturdy metal door was broken and twisted, with a huge gap in the center. A deliberate, forceful breach caused the damage, probably the result of whatever killed the soldiers along the path. It was characterized by deep, curved gouges resembling those of a wild animal. On closer inspection, he realized they were claw marks—five slashes as clear as day.

the young man thought.

The young man stopped for a moment. It was interesting to find out what attacked this place and whether there were more of these creatures today. He hoped that wasn’t the case since it appeared this beast wasn’t weak, judging from what it left behind.

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As he approached the breached entrance, a low growl of apprehension rumbled in his throat, every sense on high alert. After all, the command center had not remained untouched; besides, no place was truly safe from Thaids. He prepared himself for what lay within by taking a deep breath.

"Whatever did this can’t be alive now… Right?" he said in a form of self-assurance.

It had been centuries since this location had housed people, so ancient thaids could not have survived. That was the only thing that made Erik feel better. Because the main entrance door remained closed, any other thaid was unlikely to have entered the building, and he should have been safe.

A chilling draft swept past Erik as he pushed the fractured door open, the stale, musty air of the room carrying an eerie stillness. The young man’s boots echoed hollowly off the metallic floor as he entered the room. His heart pounded in his chest, and his senses were alert for any indication of danger. But there was no movement or life in the room.

However, the first thing he noticed were skeletons. Even after all these years, they were still positioned as warriors in their last stand.

Their lifeless bodies were strewn about the room, their skeletal fingers still clutching at their weapons and their hollow eye sockets fixed on the entrance from which he had entered. It was a bleak scene, bearing the stark testimony of a battle fought and lost.

"What the hell happened here?"

Erik came to a halt, his gaze fixed on the fallen soldiers. He could almost hear the clamor of a battle fought within these walls, the men’s shouts, and the terrifying screech of the Thaids that killed them all.

The silence in the room starkly contrasted with the chaotic scene that had played out here years before, which in the young man’s mind was louder than any sound he could hear. The soldiers’ last stand told a story of desperation and bravery.

Despite the impending death, they stood firm, their resolve unwavering until their last breath. Erik felt a surge of admiration for these brave souls, their bravery evident even in their skeletal remains.

The young man shook off the gloomy thoughts with a deep breath. There was no time to mourn or reflect. There was still a lot to be done. His gaze shifted from the tragic scenes of the past to the present challenges.

His gaze was drawn to a table in the center of the room, cluttered with old paperwork and a faded map. Erik discovered it was a building layout after further inspection. His heart sank for a brief moment.

"Shit, this is not useful at all."

Though intriguing, it was not what he was looking for. He required a comprehensive map of the city.

The awakener focused his attention on the cabinets, a series of metal compartments layered against the room’s walls. The once-shiny, well-polished surfaces had become tarnished with a layer of dust and grime, replacing their glossy sheen with time.

He started his search with determination. He approached the first cabinet, its door ajar, revealing the interior’s long-forgotten contents. He pushed the door open, breaking the silence with the sound of rusty hinges.

The cabinet had numerous folders, their once crisp and neat files now discolored and frayed. Erik carefully picked up the first one, holding it close to the bucket’s firelight. He flipped through the worn-out pages, sifting through the fading ink for helpful information.

He returned the folder to its original location and reached for the next one, finding nothing of immediate interest. He went about his business methodically, his gaze sharp and focused as he sifted through years of forgotten information.

His patience paid off when his fingers brushed against a thick sheet of parchment after rummaging through several cabinets and discovering pieces of lost technology, personal belongings, and even the soldiers’ diaries. He took it out and held it up to the light of the fire. The map was old and faded, but the intricate lines and markings were still visible.

He carefully spread the map on the table after pulling it out, his eyes hungrily taking in the details. Erik immediately recognized the detailed renderings of the cityscape, roadways, and key building locations. His heart puffed up with relief.

It was a detailed map of the entire city. The details were visible despite the aged appearance and faded ink. The young man carefully unfolded the map, smoothing it on the table before him to see it better. His fingers traced the map’s lines, mentally charting his course.

"System, memorize the map of the place; I don’t want any surprises."


As the map entered his mind, the grim setting of the room seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Erik felt one step closer to navigating his way out of the labyrinthine underground city and continuing his journey.

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