Erik pushed himself to his feet even though he was utterly exhausted. The scent of the vegetable stew he had prepared during his lunch break drifted into his nostrils, prompting him to reflect that he had chosen to ignore his hunger to concentrate on his workout. As a response, his stomach rumbled quite loudly, which caused him to chuckle to himself.

He moved over to the stone stove, the room floor feeling refreshingly cool under his bare feet as he did so.

He lit the fire to warm the leftovers, and soon the room was filled with the soft flicker of the firelight, which cast dancing shadows on the walls and illuminated his modest dwelling with a warm, inviting glow.

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He poured himself a substantial bowl of stew. The aroma of fresh vegetables and herbs wafted up from the bowl and the steam from it.

As he sat at the simple dining table in his home, Erik savored each forkful of the piping hot stew, the myriad of flavors exploding in his mouth. He permitted himself to stop and appreciate the straightforward pleasure of savoring the simple comfort of a warm meal in the peaceful solitude of his home. There was an inherent peace to this, especially after a grueling day.

Erik’s eyes darted around the cramped space, taking in everything from the neatly stacked pile of firewood near the stove to the spear propped up against a wall.

The straightforward nature of this place held a certain allure for him, one that he had come to appreciate throughout his time spent here, but the absence of technology wasn’t simple to sustain, so he was a little bit bored.

As he finished his meal, the day’s exertions finally caught up with him, and it showed in his eyes as they began to feel heavy.

He washed his bowl and spoon, put them back on the shelf, and then headed for the comfortable bed tucked away in the corner of the room.

While lying down, he kept looking up at the ceiling, and his mind kept returning to what had happened earlier in the day.

The recently acquired technique, the neural links, and the upcoming travel all constituted an adventure just waiting to take place. But for now, sleep was calling, and Erik was more than ready to respond to its beckoning.


Erik’s week flew by in a whirlwind of intense workouts as he prepared for the upcoming mission. Every day was a new opportunity for him to understand better the new technique Vanessa had taught him and put it to use.

As the young man immersed himself in training, the hours turned into days as the fervent fire of determination that was burning in his heart continued to grow.

However, that wasn’t clearly his primary training technique since the young man was studying it only for the sake of giving the biological supercomputer more data to implement in the technique it already developed.

However, the neural links connecting to his brain crystal powers gradually formed. He could feel two distinct connections, one for each of his brain crystal powers of force manipulation and parallel will. The sensation was uncanny, like invisible threads spun inside his mind, connecting different parts of his consciousness.

Training the force manipulation power, Erik could now exert more precise and controlled force with his mana. The mana was converted more efficiently, responding directly to his will. He could gently lift a feather or forcefully hurl a stone with equal ease. It was a testament to his progress, a clear sign that he was heading in the right direction.

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Simultaneously, the parallel will brain crystal power, which allowed Erik to multitask efficiently, also strengthened. It was as if he had acquired an additional pair of hands that could not be seen but were fully functional.

He could focus on multiple tasks simultaneously without losing concentration, which could mean the difference between life and death in a fight.

Even though the days were challenging and the nights were brief, Erik did not give up. He remained alert because he knew that his departure was drawing nearer.

Every drop of effort and every bead of sweat he shed were necessary sacrifices to be made on the altar of his mission.

The days passed swiftly, but each brought a small victory in the shape of newfound strength. With the week drawing to a close, Erik was as ready as he could be with two new neural links in his set.

The day before, Vanessa paid Erik a visit with a message that she had received from Amos. She informed him that the members of the village council who would accompany him on the dangerous journey to Lumisgrove had finally been chosen. In addition, they were planning on leaving the next day, today.

Upon receiving the news, Erik’s heart surged with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. It was finally happening. The decision was made, the wheels were set in motion, and there was no turning back.

He started getting ready for the trip while he was home, where he could enjoy peace.

On the table before him, his backpack was open and ready to be stuffed with the required items. He started gathering what he would need after giving it some careful consideration.

This included food rations, a basic first aid kit, seeds, sturdy water bottles, and other necessities, such as the Thaid repelling plant.

His eyes moved over each item, mentally checking them off his list. Every object was a lifeline, a means to survive in the wild and unpredictable Lumisgrove.

He took the time to carefully pack his clothes, selecting items that would allow him to feel at ease and comfortable throughout the journey.

As winter had set in, the journey through the forest would undoubtedly be frigid. Erik was aware of this, so he paid particular attention to packing warm, heavy clothing. In his backpack, he stuffed a thick woolen coat, a knitted cap to protect his ears from the biting cold, and a pair of sturdy gloves.

He packed innerwear to layer beneath his clothes, ensuring he would retain his body heat while traversing the snow-laden terrain. Extra socks also found their way into his bag, as he knew well how crucial it was to keep his feet dry and warm.

Next to his backpack was a pair of snow boots that were resistant to the chilly dampness of the season and were ready to be worn.

In the end, he added a flask, thinking about how he could fill it with something warm, like hot soup or hot chocolate, to provide sustenance and a reassuring warmth from the inside.

He was aware that the cold could be a ruthless foe, just as formidable as any other physical adversary, and he intended to face it with the appropriate preparation.

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