The group decided to make another trip through the ice-covered expanse of the winter forest. Thanks to the map, they could avoid being discovered by Frantian patrols and encampments, moving as stealthily as possible through the bone-chilling frost and snow.

Every step they took caused the snow to crunch beneath their feet, but the sound was muffled by the wind blowing through the bare branches higher up.

They moved deliberately and without any sense of urgency as if they were a natural component of the wilderness. The eerie stillness of their surroundings provided a striking contrast to the fierce battles they had fought only a few hours earlier.

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Erik led the group with a steely determination in his eyes while holding the map firmly in both hands. He would signal for them to pause whenever they got close to a designated patrol route or camp, and while he did so, he would trace invisible paths on the map with his fingers.

They would then steer their course in a different direction, avoiding potential run-ins with the Frantian soldiers by communicating in hushed whispers and making pointed gestures.

Standing close by, Garrett kept his eyes fixed on the area around them, his keen sense of observation allowing him to pick up on the nuances of the natural environment.

He followed the changes in the wind’s direction, listened for the soft rustle of animals in the undergrowth, and even listened for the faint whisper of snowflakes falling on the ground below the trees.

As they traversed the unforgiving landscape, Alexia frequently scouted from the tops of the surrounding trees. The fiery-haired archer had sharp eyes, allowing her to spot approaching patrols from a distance, giving her comrades plenty of time to hide or change course.

There was a spirit of brotherhood and cooperation among them all. They were more than just allies because they had a common goal and realized the significance of their mission.

This purpose and this understanding brought them closer together. Despite their challenges, they functioned as a cohesive unit and team throughout.

Even though it was harsh and unyielding, the winter forest had become their ally. Its snowy expanse had concealed their tracks, and its winds had carried away any sounds they had made. It appeared as though the forest was supporting them in their endeavor.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of flaming orange and smoky purple, the group became aware of the necessity of locating a secure location to take a break and rest.

After such a long journey, their muscles began to feel the effects of fatigue, and it seemed as though the chill would only become more intense as the night drew closer.

Erik broke the silence first, "We need to move a couple of kilometers away from here."

Ava turned her head, her green eyes reflecting the waning sunlight, "But Erik, we’re all exhausted. Why can’t we just rest here?"

He pointed to the detailed lines and markings on the map that he was holding, which showed the locations of enemy camps and the routes that enemy patrols took.

He explained where they were situated compared to the Frantian patrols near their current location. It was impossible to predict the soldiers’ paths, but with the map in hand, they could make educated guesses.

"Look at this," he began, his voice steady despite his fatigue, "We are currently in an area heavily frequented by Frantian patrols. If we set up camp here, we’re sitting ducks."

Marcus squinted at the map, his eyes tracing the marked routes. "He’s right," he said, nodding at Erik. "It’s a bother, but we have to get away from here."

Ava, nursing her wound, sighed heavily. "Alright," she said, "Let’s move then. The faster we get out of this area, the better."

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"Exactly," Erik added, folding the map back. "It’s a few more kilometers of a hike, but once we reach the area up North, we’ll be out of immediate danger. We can rest there for the night." 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

By the decision made by the group as a whole, they gathered their belongings. They resumed their journey, relying on Erik’s dependable leadership and the critical map as an advantage as they traversed the perilous winter landscape.

In this dangerous environment, stealth and circumspection were their greatest assets and allies. They had traveled so far and were carrying out such an essential quest; it would be unwise to risk being found out at this point.

They overcame the fatigue weighing down their bodies and continued their journey while following the dwindling light of the setting sun as their guide.

They were surrounded by howling winds, which sent shivers down their spines and caused snowflakes to dance in the chilly air. Despite their exhaustion, they remained vigilant, all their senses tuned into their environment.

After moving a safe distance away from the patrol routes, they eventually arrived at a secluded area blanketed by a cluster of snow-capped pine trees, which protected them from the icy winds.

They concluded that there was no immediate threat in the area, so they started setting up their camp.

Erik started putting the finishing touches on their shelter for the night. While he was standing in the middle of the clearing, he concentrated his thoughts and drew upon the mana stored in his Brain Crystal.

As he channeled his energy and focused it on the snowy ground below him, an ethereal light emanated from his eyes, giving the appearance that they were lit from within.

Underneath the frozen ground, signs of life started to emerge more gradually. In response to Erik’s command, teeny-tiny strands of green pushed through the frost and extended upward.

In a matter of seconds, the tendrils began to thicken and intertwine, eventually becoming the framework for a structure shaped like a dome.

The other group members observed the young man’s deft manipulation of plant life as he skillfully wove a dense network of branches and leaves into a compact web to create a small, wooden sanctuary. Their observation was met with stunned silence.

Erik, despite his power, was considerate of their requirements. At the very apex of the dome, he painstakingly fashioned a slender aperture for access.

It was an essential component that would enable any smoke that resulted from their fire to escape, and the breeze would take care of dispersing it further. At the same time, the dense weave of the shelter walls prevented any light from escaping into the darkness around it.

They were warm, had a place to hide, and had the essential discretion required to avoid being discovered.

After finishing up the construction of the shelter, Erik took a few steps back to assess his handiwork. In contrast to the stark winter scenery, the dome presented a warm and welcoming appearance.

He had tamed the wild nature around them and shaped it to fit their requirements, which afforded them safety and solace in an otherwise hostile setting.

They were given a momentary reprieve from the arduous journey that they had been on by the peaceful hush that enveloped them as they lay down to rest in the forest.

The calm of the night was a striking contrast to the tense weeks that went by, and it provided a brief moment of peace amid an otherwise tense mission.

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