"How many did we kill?" Harold’s voice’s weary and burdened sound reverberated across the bloody battlefield.

The bustling underground cavern had been reduced to a dreadful scene of destruction, with the ground covered in ichor that was oozing out and the shattered exoskeletons of Acidspitter Arthropods strewn about.

"Tens of thousands!" you exclaimed. John retorted, his tone conveying a sense of bewilderment and surprise.

The sight of the vast expanse of destruction sent a shiver down his spine, and he cast his eyes over the entire area. The event in question was not a battle but rather a slaughter.

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The Acidspitters were lifeless and segmented as they lay in heaps, their bodies broken apart.

The colors of their exoskeletons, which had once been bright green and yellow, had become muted and washed out due to the proximity of death.

Their compound eyes, which had previously been bright and alive with the intent to prey, were now dulled, and their spark had been extinguished.

It was difficult to breathe because the air was thick with a putrid odor, a noxious miasma that smelled like a grotesque mixture of charred acid, shattered chitin, and death.

It permeated the cavern, seeping into their clothes and skin, a gloomy reminder of the toll the fight had taken on everyone involved.

Nevertheless, the Liberty Watch villagers held their ground even amid the wreckage. Forty people, including farmers, miners, and blacksmiths, stood amidst the destruction they had caused with the work they had just completed.

Their faces were lined with fatigue and grime, and their clothing was stained with the ichor of their defeated adversaries.

"When the hell will these monsters stop coming?" Emma’s voice cut through the sounds of the battle. The raw frustration and exhaustion echoed in her voice, resonating with the sentiments of all present.

However, as she turned to address her fellow friends, she suddenly found that she could not speak.

Her eyes wandered over the battlefield, and the scene that met them was unanticipated. The swarm of Acidspitter Arthropods behind her, which seemed never to end, had significantly lessened thanks to Samuel’s fury.

There were now only a few scattered handfuls of the creatures left where there had been a veritable sea of bright green and yellow bodies in the past.

"Look!" Emma’s voice resounded, now tinged with surprise and a note of disbelief. She gestured in the direction of the shrinking group of Acidspitters. "Their numbers... there are not many of them anymore!"

The statement lingered in the air like an echoed glimmer of hope that gave the beaten-down ranks of the Liberty Watch villagers the strength to push and win.

When everyone in the group turned to look, they saw with their own eyes that what Emma had announced was accurate.

The decline in their numbers was plain to see and easily quantifiable. The attack had slowed down significantly.


Following the conflict’s conclusion, the battlefield was left in complete silence, serving as a spooky memorial to the conflict that had taken place within the confines of the ancient city.

The once menacing forms of the Acidspitter Arthropods were now lifeless, and their bodies, which were a vibrant green and yellow color, were scattered across the ground.

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The concrete walls and the ground bore the telltale scars of an intense and unrelenting battle caused by the acid.

Among the fallen arthropods were also the casualties from their side. The bodies of a few brave souls who had fallen in the face of the onslaught lay there, partially dissolved by the mana-powered acids.

Samuel was standing in the middle of the wreckage. His salt-and-pepper hair was dirt-covered, and his weathered face was tired.

The fire that burned in his hazel eyes was unquenchable despite his exhaustion. As he surveyed the destruction, he was filled with sorrow for those killed and relief that the conflict had ended.

"We’ve done it," Samuel said, carrying across the battlefield. His tone was steady and relentless as he spoke to the remaining members of Liberty Watch village.

The last sentence hung in the air, filled with the weight of their victory and the implication of their triumph.

The victory over the Acidspitter Arthropods was significant for more reasons than one. It was an essential step on the path to their village’s continued existence and expansion.

"We’ve lost some, and their sacrifice won’t be forgotten," Samuel continued, his voice tinged with sadness. "But today, we’ve secured a chance. A chance for Liberty Watch to thrive. This ancient city is ours now. It’s a new beginning, a beacon of hope."

His words reverberated throughout the empty expanse of the ancient city, serving as a demonstration of the inhabitants’ tenacity and resolve. Even though they had suffered losses and the conflict had been relentless, they had emerged victorious.

As Samuel stood amidst the wreckage of the battle, his mind wandered to the group sent out to recover the Auburn Pine. Samuel was concerned about their safety.

His gaze wandered across the expansive city, its ancient structures now stripped of the threat they had just eradicated.

He pictured the fertile fields that would soon bloom here, nourished by the unique properties of the Auburn Pine; it was a future brimming with promise and sustenance.

He was unsure if Erik could accomplish the task he was given, but he knew the young man selected to lead the expedition to find the Auburn Pine was a capable fellow.

He was tenacious and resourceful and possessed an unwavering determination that belied his age.

Samuel did not know the young man very well since he came to the village not long ago, but it was apparent he was driven by a strong aversion for the oppression they were forced to endure at the hands of Frant and New Alexandria.

Samuel respected that the young man had a personal reason for assisting the village, even though he didn’t really have a reason to assist them.

Despite this, the older man could not escape the worry. The mission was extremely risky, full of unexpected challenges, and there was no assurance that it would succeed with its strengths alone.

The winter season presented an additional hazard, making their journey much more difficult to undertake.

However, he had faith in Erik and the rest of his team’s ability to triumph despite the overwhelming odds.

Samuel heaved a sigh and turned his attention away from the deserted city. His tired eyes glowed with resolve, and his mind was occupied with visions of a prosperous future for their village.

A future that was dependent on Erik and the accomplishments of his team.

"May luck favor you, Erik," Samuel murmured to the silent city, his voice filled with hope and apprehension.

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