Chapter 509 Mira’s offer

Erik moved effortlessly through the tables, never looking away from Mira. As he approached, he cleared his throat to announce his presence. "Long time no see," he said, his voice low but clear in the background noise.

Mira’s head lifted as he spoke, her gaze meeting his. Her eyes briefly flashed in recognition and then in surprise. "Erik!" she exclaimed, her smile widening and lighting up her face.

"How are you?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine interest.

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Erik’s mind flashed back to their first and last adventure together, a chaotic battle in the woods that had resulted in Aiden being knocked out cold. The situation back then was severe, but Erik couldn’t help but slightly grin as he recalled how Aiden got knocked out cold.

"How’s Aiden?" he inquired, his voice light with joy. "Still unconscious after that fight in the forest?"

Mira’s laughter rang out, a bright, clear sound contrasting sharply with the inn’s low, bustling noise.

She shook her head, her amber hair catching the warm light of the nearby lantern.

"No, that lazy oaf woke up a few hours after. Complained about a headache, though," she replied, rolling her eyes playfully.

The two chuckled together, their shared history lending an easy familiarity to their interaction.

The banter continued as Erik ordered his meal, their conversation weaving through stories of their recent adventures.

the Ranking tests, her eyes wide with interest.

Mira’s curiosity about Erik’s time in the city was piqued. She listened intently as he spoke of all the training he had to do to take the Ranking tests, her eyes wide with interest.

However, the pleasant banter and relaxed conversation that filled the air around them seemed to vanish as Mira’s demeanor changed.

Her bright eyes, usually sparkling with joy, bore into Erik’s with a heavy seriousness that demanded attention.

"Erik," she said, her voice steady but filled with an uncharacteristic gravity. Her gaze held him captive, emphasizing the significance of her words: "The truth is, we’ve been looking for you during this month."

Erik was taken aback. His brows rose as he regarded Mira with newfound interest, and a ripple of intrigue crossed his face. "Oh? For what reason, if I may ask?"

The response was swift, direct, and unadorned. "We’d like to have you on our team." Mira’s gaze never wavered, her declaration hanging between them like a request.

There was no room for error; this was not a casual proposition. They needed him.

Erik leaned back, thoughtful, his gaze fixed on the woman before him. He was still unfamiliar with the dynamics of mercenary life—

the arduous tasks, high risks, and hefty rewards—so he wanted to at least listen to what she had to say.

The advantages of being in a group were undeniable, especially given the complex process of retrieving thaids’ bodies. But his ambitions had been largely solitary until now, and he was curious if this unexpected proposal fit into his meticulously laid-out plans.

Mira’s fingers twitched uneasily on the worn tabletop, her bright eyes reflecting an unusual intensity.

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The usually upbeat woman had turned serious. She sighed softly as she tilted her head. She appeared to be weaving through an intricate web of thoughts before opening her mouth to address Erik.

"Erik," she began, her voice carrying a hint of apology and understanding, "we all know that you’re... well, leagues ahead of us. In strength, skill, everything. We’re not blind to that." Her lips twitched into a half-smile, more self-deprecation than amusement. 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦

"Perhaps it’s a little... arrogant or presumptuous of us to suggest this, but we wanted to try."

Erik sat across from her, his lean frame relaxed against the chair but his bright eyes alert, studying Mira’s earnest expression.

He didn’t seem offended. Instead, there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "I don’t mind the attempt, Mira," he said calmly, "but I’d like to hear what you guys had in mind before accepting or rejecting the proposal."

Mira appeared relieved. During their brief interactions, she discovered Erik was pragmatic, appreciating clear facts and sound reasoning.

However, he at least showed interest in this partnership, meaning he was not arrogant. Since it was a delicate matter, Mira had to present it correctly.

After all, they were aware of the power imbalance and were prepared to compensate him for his superior strength and ability.

"You’re right, Erik. We wouldn’t ask you to join us unless we gave you something in return," she acknowledged, her hands resting gently on the table as she leaned forward. "We have something that you might be interested in."

Her eyes glowed with interest, indicating that their proposal did contain a significant component.

She and the others were experienced enough to recognize that his strengths and skills were far beyond their collective abilities, and due to that, it was clear he was bound to make a name for himself in the near future.

His potential addition would add enormous value to their team, tipping the scales in their favor in future encounters with thaids or other dangers.

"First and foremost," she began, her tone indicating the seriousness of her upcoming words. "We have many contacts in the area, ranging from merchants to crafters to wealthy individuals. We can supply you with missions consistently. This means you’ll have constant opportunities to gain experience and improve your skills."

That was good, but Erik knew he’d get them all if he joined any of the guilds looking for him.

Mira paused to gauge Erik’s reaction. His face was expressionless, and his mind was processing her words. She decided to go on.

"Secondly, we’re willing to give you a larger share of our rewards. Given your skills and likely contributions, it’s only fair that you get a larger share."

Finally, her gaze softened, and a gentle warmth crept into her voice. "Most importantly, Erik, we can provide you with something you won’t find easily elsewhere: companionship. We’ve been through a lot together and appreciate each team member. You’ll be a valuable asset and a valued friend."

Of course, she explained many other things they would offer him. They were a small group, and there was little they could offer him that other guilds couldn’t.

After she finished, she let her words sink in, giving Erik time to consider their offer.

She recognized the significance of their proposal and its implications for Erik. But, in the end, it was his decision. They could only hope that he would see the potential benefits of their alliance.

"I appreciate the offer, Mira," he said after a brief silence. His tone was cautious, and his eyes reflected his inner turmoil. "I can’t deny it’s tempting. But I need some time to think about it. I had other plans, and to be honest, I’m new to this mercenary thing, so I need to do some research before agreeing or refusing."

Mira appeared to understand. Her lips curled into a reassuring smile, her eyes gleaming with unwavering determination. "Take all the time you need, Erik," she responded, her fingers idly circling the rim of her drink. "Just know that our offer stands regardless."

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