Erik’s boots reverberated through the evening air as he stepped into the cobblestone streets of Testrovsc’s Rest.

After such a long and hectic day, just the notion of a good lunch made him feel better about everything. He recalled a warm and welcoming inn he had stopped at on several occasions since moving to the city.

The mouthwatering, freshly prepared meals initially attracted him, not the lavish surroundings of the establishment.

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Children ran between stalls, their laughter merging with the voices of adults as they bargained, and salespeople hawked their wares with well-rehearsed pitches as they moved through the crowded market.

Erik’s stomach rumbled in anticipation as a mild wind carried the tantalizing smells of roasted meats and freshly baked bread from nearby stalls. This prompted Erik to quicken his steps.

Soon after, he arrived at the inn, which had a wooden sign that creaked subtly in the breeze as he approached.

The inn was named "The Bread & Blade," the sign displayed its logo: a loaf of bread with two knives crisscrossed over it. Before opening the door, he could hear the lively sounds of people talking, drinks clinking, and food being cooked.

When Erik arrived, he went directly for an empty seat near the window, where he sat down and began anxiously anticipating the delectable meals to come. The air was filled with the aroma of fresh bread and flavorful stew, which caused his stomach to rumble even more forcefully.

He was looking for a waitress when his eyes caught on someone he recognized as he looked around the room.

Mira’s long, black hair was braided over one shoulder as she sat with the other team members and participated in the talk. Because of her unique green clothing and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes, it was easy to spot her immediately.

Next to her was Aiden, his towering figure leaning into the table, his often severe visage softened by the soft warmth of the lanterns hanging over them. His longsword was accessible by merely reaching across the table where it was propped up.

Kael sat down next to him, his halberd lying in the vicinity, and he appeared thoughtful but relaxed. Lila, the most lively member of the group, was delivering an exciting story while her twin daggers were nowhere to be seen. Still, the entire space was filled with enthusiasm.

Mira’s eyes lit up when she saw Erik and waved him over. "Erik!" She called out, "Come join us!" It wasn’t their first meeting at this inn; they were regulars because they liked the food.

Erik walked over to their table and gave them a friendly grin. "Fancy meeting you all here," he said pleasedly.

Mira laughed. "The Bread & Blade is well-known. Also, who could say no to some warm, hearty bread and stew after a hard day?"

Erik dropped into his chair as a steaming plate of stew was placed before him. The heady aroma of the stew filled the room. He turned his attention to Mira and the other members of her team, all of whom appeared to be exhausted but were beaming with joy.

"So, how has life been treating all of you as of late?" Erik asked while Mira started eating her soup.

The first person to answer was Kael while he swirled his drink. "Today was a hectic day for us. We were given the mission to eliminate a sizeable number of Eganesus."

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Mira continued, saying, "It seems as though they traveled from Frant. It’s baffling. Nobody understands what their reason is for being here."

Kael sat back in his chair and took a leisurely swig from his mug. "Their numbers were a cause of concern for the city. For this reason, the guild sent us and many other teams to cull their numbers. Doing this job with so many people was a blessing."

Always energetic, Lila chimed in. "Oh indeed, there were so many of them! It was like struggling against an unending tidal wave of water." She paused to take a bite of bread, her expression contemplative as she did so. However, we were victorious and earned a ton of money."

Concerned frown lines formed between Erik’s eyebrows. "I’m glad to hear that none of you were injured."

Kael smiled in a restrained way, and his eyes became more kind. "It was a challenging day, but the payoffs made it all worth it." After seeing Erik’s eye contact, he said, "Let’s not get into specifics, though."

Mira then turned to look at Erik and, with a mix of merriment and interest, asked, "What about you, Erik? Have you started taking on quests yet?"

Erik put a straw inside the drink the waiter had just brought him and let it slip under his mask. He waited momentarily before taking a gulp, then replied, "I started today. I did hunt some Mistlynx."

"And?" Lila pushed forward, pressing in closer with eagerness.

Erik said, "Let’s just say it was an eventful day," with a slight smile on his lips. He had taken care to choose his words wisely.

Mira was able to pick up on his resistance and responded with a kind grin. "I understand. We all have stories we’re willing to share and others we’d rather keep to ourselves."

A comfortable stillness arose at the table, only broken by the background chitchat and the clanking of various cutlery. Everyone was immersed in their thoughts, meditating on the highs and lows of the day.

Even though Erik was not a Mira squad member, he felt a sense of kinship with the other members.

They were all warriors who lived in a city full of adventures and dangers and shared the same risks and benefits.

As the evening progressed, the inn took on a livelier and more animated air. Erik, Mira, and the rest of the staff continued to swap stories, and the inn had a cheery atmosphere due to their laughter.

Plates were cleared, cups were replenished, and the more seasoned mercenaries selected ale as their drink.

Their stories became more outrageous as they got drunk; their voices became louder, and their laughter reverberated throughout the inn, reflecting the joyous mood that permeated the establishment.

Each group enjoyed the night uniquely, contributing to the camaraderie that permeated the younger mercenaries and the more experienced veterans.

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