Erik entered the administration center at the gate hub, the heart of Testrovsc’s Rest’s bureaucratic machinery. The hum of activity was incessant, with administrators moving to and fro, engaging in animated discussions, and hunching over desks piled with papers.

The high ceiling and broad windows allowed golden beams of sunlight to filter in, casting the vast room in a warm glow.

At one of the counters stood a stout woman with spectacles perched on her nose. Erik went to the counter, and the woman started, "Ah, Mr. Kay," she greeted, scrolling through a tablet. "Good morning; I just completed the quest I took at the guild hall," the young man said.

"Let’s see... and Erendu Killing quest."

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"Yes, and I killed five Erendus," Erik replied.

"These beasts’ worth is around 7000 Eurems each. Do you want to sell them to us or do otherwise?"

"Otherwise," he replied.

Erik patiently awaited as she scribbled some calculations, "That’s 20,000 Eurems for the quest completion."

Erik nodded, mentally tallying the numbers. As the data was inserted into the guild’s system, the woman peered at him with a slightly more serious expression.

"Mr. Kay, the guild has requested your presence. They mentioned it was urgent."

Erik raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t typical for someone of his rank to be summoned so suddenly. "Any idea what it’s about?"

The woman shook her head, "I’m not privy to the specifics, but I suggest you make your way to the guild hall posthaste."

Erik nodded, the weight of curiosity now joining the Eurems in his bank account, and there were more to come. As he moved to the exit, he couldn’t help but scan the room. Guild administrators were generally apathetic, focused solely on their tasks. But today, there were murmurs.

Whispers that punctuated the regular cadence of the center’s operations. Something was up, and he was keen to understand what happened.

Erik then went to Thorne, telling them he wanted to sell the bodies to them. He got 35,000 Eurems for the bodies alone due to his hunting quest, and considering he owed 10% to the Lustrous Haulers, he received 51,500 Eurems.

The city’s gates loomed ahead as Erik made his way out of the administration hub. The streets of Testrovsc’s Rest echoed with the bustling sounds of merchants peddling their wares, children playing, and the distant clang of blacksmiths at work. But his destination was clear—the guild hall.

Erik’s pace quickened. Whatever the guild wanted, it had piqued his interest. He was determined to find out what they wanted and if it was related to the clamor outside.

The guild hall’s doors were massive, sturdy oak with golden handles that gleamed in the dappled sunlight. Pushing them open, Erik stepped into the huge atrium, his footsteps echoing through the vast space.

Stained glass windows bathed the hall in a dance of colors, and the air held an aura of solemnity. It was where mercenaries’ fates were decided, where adventures began and tales ended.

He approached one of the counters where a clerk was meticulously organizing documents. Clearing his throat, Erik introduced himself, "I’m Erik Kay. I was told someone from the guild wanted to see me."

The clerk glanced up, quickly scanning a document on his desk. "Ah, yes," he said, "someone has requested to see you privately. Please proceed to the second floor, room 36."

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Erik nodded in agreement, following the instructions. He walked the guild hall’s labyrinthine passageways, observing the various flags, insignia, photographs, and paintings that were put on the walls.

Murmurs from adjacent rooms suggested talks, combat preparations, or stories of misadventure.

Finally, he found himself in front of a wooden door with the number ’36’ carved on it. Erik knocked quietly after a few seconds of reflection. A female voice from inside invited him to come in.

The area needed to be more sparsely equipped, with a few seats, a table, shelves brimming with scrolls and books, and a contemporary holographic computer in the center. But it was the lady behind the desk who drew Erik’s attention.

She was of average height, with cascading waves of chestnut hair surrounding a lovely face dotted with freckles.

Her stunning hazel eyes sparkled with intelligence and a hint of humor. Despite wearing a lovely maroon robe that made her appear more like a model than an important guild member, she exuded authority. She carried herself with a sense of power.

"Erik," she chirped, "I’m Lyria Bannon, the Deputy Chief Administrator of the guild’s operations."

Erik wrinkled his brow slightly. It wasn’t every day that someone of Lyria’s prominence summoned someone like him. He bowed politely and said, "Ms. Bannon, it’s an honor."

Lyria motioned for him to sit while pointing at the chair before them. "I’ve been hearing about your recent exploits," she said. "Your performance in the field, combined with your unique abilities in retrieving information, has caught our attention."

Erik swallowed, unsure of what the hidden meaning behind her words was. "Thank you," he said nervously, "I’ve just been trying my best."

Lyria leaned back, her eyes admiring. "And that is exactly why you are here. The guild has particular duties, and from time to time, we need someone with certain skills to do jobs we can’t complete. But we can talk about it later. First, Erik, tell me about your life as a mercenary in Testrovsc’s Rest; how is it going? Did you have problems acclimating to this place after coming from the capital?"

Erik paused for a time, gathering his thoughts. This encounter would greatly influence his path in this city and maybe beyond, so he needed to reply satisfyingly.

Erik settled into the chair across from Lyria, the soft fabric conforming to his frame. The room, bathed in the gentle glow from a nearby window, felt inviting despite the weight of the conversation they were about to have. The scent of aged parchment and polished wood filled the air, a testament to the history and lore of the guild.

"I’ve been having a good time, Ms. Bannon," Erik began, his voice steady. "With my skills, I’ve handled challenges fairly well."

He paused, looking out of the window for a moment as if recalling his many adventures. "And I’ve earned an excellent income. It’s been rewarding, both in experience and wealth."

Lyria leaned forward, her hazel eyes reflecting genuine interest. The corners of her lips curled into a subtle smile, "I’m glad to hear that. Many who come through these halls face challenges adapting to our ways. But it seems you’ve found your footing swiftly."

Erik laughed and said, "I’ve always believed in making the most out of what one has. And I have goals that are more ambitious than my current goals."

Her eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Ambition is a powerful tool when channeled correctly. And from what I’ve seen, you have the potential to harness it well."

"Thank you," Erik replied, his cheeks tinting pink. "Your words mean a lot, especially from someone important within the guild."

Lyria’s smile deepened. "It’s merely an observation. Nothing more than stating the obvious. But remember, Erik, that while ambition can lead you to greatness, you must keep your core values lit. They’ll be your guiding star."

The room was enveloped in a thoughtful silence for a moment. The wisdom in her words resonated deeply with Erik, a reminder of the path he had chosen and the journey ahead.

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