BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM Chapter 601 The Hummingbird Pharmaceutical (1)

Chapter 601 The Hummingbird Pharmaceutical (1)

Erik and Rebecca were on their way to Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals, ensconced in the comfortable leather seats of Rebecca’s sleek car. The mission ahead weighed heavily on their minds, and they took the time to review their plan, wanting to ensure they were perfectly in sync.

"Alright, Rebecca," Erik began, his voice measured, "we need to be absolutely clear on our roles here. You’re representing your mother’s interests and came here to buy a new potion the Hummingbird Pharmaceutical Company is producing. You’ll engage them in the discussion and perhaps negotiate.

You’ll be responsible for this aspect. I’ll be your friend. I came with you just to keep you company. But when the moment is right, I’ll make my move, separate from you with an excuse, and see what I can find. Sound good?"

Rebecca glanced over, her eyes serious but filled with determination. "It sounds perfect. But Erik, we need to be flawless. If there’s even a hint that we’re up to something, they could kick us out, if not worse."

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"I know," Erik replied, his eyes meeting hers. "We’ll play it cool and casual. They’ll have no reason to suspect anything."

"Good," Rebecca said, her voice softening. "So, when I’m talking to whoever they send to assist us, what will be your excuse to leave?"

Erik thought for a moment, then said, "I’ll say I want to inquire about some other product, something unrelated but that could be useful to me as a mercenary or for my guild. I’ll act interested, even excited. That should give me the cover I need."

Rebecca’s lips curled into a smile. "I like it. Just be careful and do not mess up, Erik."

"I always am," he responded, a smirk playing on his lips, though she couldn’t see it.

They fell into a thoughtful silence as the car wound its way through the city streets, the gleaming fa?ade of Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals growing closer with each passing moment.

Rebecca finally broke the silence, her voice tinged with concern. "Erik, what if they’ve already heard about the shop owner? What if they’re on alert?"

Erik considered this. "We’ll have to play it by ear. If something seems off, we’ll abort the mission, regroup, and try something else later. I have other ways to get thin information aside from entering the building, but I wanted to see the place to get a feeling of these people’s characters."

Rebecca nodded, clearly satisfied with his response. "Alright. Let’s do this."




As the car pulled up to the entrance of Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals, Erik and Rebecca shared one last look, a silent promise passing between them.

The two left the car after the driver left them in front of the entrance door. They stood for a moment, taking in the grandeur of the building. The glass windows shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the pristine white exterior.

The exterior of Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals was a testament to modern architecture and corporate prestige. The building’s fa?ade was a dazzling display of white marble, meticulously maintained to maintain its pristine appearance. Tall, shimmering glass windows stretched from the ground floor to the upper levels, reflecting the sunlight and the surrounding cityscape.

A spacious courtyard adorned with meticulously manicured gardens greeted visitors at the entrance. Elegant topiaries shaped into the company’s logo added a touch of artistry to the otherwise clinical setting.

A pristine fountain in the center of the courtyard sprayed a gentle mist into the air, creating a refreshing ambiance.

The entrance was opulent and commanding, with towering columns flanking it and decorated with intricate carvings of medicinal herbs and alchemical symbols.

The double doors were made of polished mahogany, engraved with the company’s emblem on a gold leaf. As Erik and Rebecca approached the entrance, they could see their reflections in the spotless glass doors.

Security cameras discreetly placed around the entrance monitored every visitor, a reminder that this prestigious institution was not to be taken lightly. Uniformed security personnel, discreetly positioned, maintained a vigilant watch over the entrance, ready to intervene if any situation arose.

As Erik and Rebecca approached the entrance to Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals, a group of sharply dressed men suddenly rushed out to greet them. They wore tailored suits and exuded an air of professionalism and elegance. Among them was an old man with an aura of authority and wisdom.

"His name is Dr. Horace Wainwright, the Chief Scientific Officer of Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals, a man renowned for his groundbreaking work in the field of medicinal alchemy," Rebecca whispered to Erik, lest he said something that would embarrass her.

His appearance was dignified, with a shock of white hair meticulously combed back, deep-set eyes framed by wrinkles, and a tall, slender figure.

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Though age had bent his posture slightly, his eyes sparkled with intelligence, and he carried himself with the grace of someone who had spent his life pursuing knowledge.

"Ms. Ravithier, Mr. Kay," he greeted them warmly, extending a hand to both but clearly focusing his attention on Rebecca. "Welcome to Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals. It is truly an honor to have you here."

Rebecca accepted his handshake, her expression gracious. "Thank you, Dr. Wainwright. It’s a pleasure to be here."

The old scientist’s eyes twinkled with curiosity as he asked, "I’m sorry if I may seem inappropriate, but may I inquire about the purpose of your visit?"

Rebecca’s eyes met his, and she replied in a poised and confident tone, "I’m here on behalf of my mother, Dr. Wainwright, to discuss the new potion your company is producing. It has piqued her interest, and we would like to learn more."

Dr. Wainwright’s face broke into a pleased smile, and he nodded understandingly. "Ah, business then. I should have known, considering your mother’s reputation." His voice held a note of admiration mixed with caution, clearly aware of who Rebecca’s mother was: the leader of the most important mercenary guild in the nation, a woman of uncanny power and infamous temper.

"Of course," he continued, gesturing for them to follow him, "we would be delighted to share our latest developments with you. Please come inside, and I will give you a tour of our facility."

As they followed Dr. Wainwright through the grand entrance, Erik and Rebecca exchanged a quick glance, both sensing that they had successfully cleared the first hurdle. The ornate architecture of the building surrounded them, a testament to the company’s success and innovation. However, it was clear the building’s level wasn’t the same as the Haven’s Market.

Dr. Wainwright led them down marbled hallways adorned with portraits of past luminaries in the field.

"I will bring you on a tour of the place; it may be interesting to see a pharmaceutical company at work. After that, we can talk about whatever you want. Oh, but of course, if you don’t want to, or you have something else to do later, we can simply talk business," the man said.

"There is no need. I think it would be a fun experience, right, Erik?" Rebecca asked in a friendly tone.

"Yeah, I’ve never been in a place like this before. I’m curious how you make pills and potions."

"Glad to hear that, then, if you don’t mind, come with me."




The man’s voice was filled with pride as he said that and started describing the various departments they would be visiting. His focus remained on Rebecca, treating her with respect and deference due to someone of her mother’s stature. But they clearly didn’t overlook Erik’s presence. He was a small celebrity, after all.

Erik kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, noting the security measures and the layout of the building.

The interior of the building exuded an aura of pristine professionalism, with polished marble floors that gleamed under the soft ambient lighting.

The walls were adorned with tastefully framed diplomas, certificates, and photographs of the company’s founders and luminaries in the field of alchemical research.

The hallways were wide and lined with lush potted plants, adding a touch of nature to the otherwise sterile environment.

The air was scented with a faint hint of herbs and medicinal compounds, a reminder of the purpose of this establishment. Muted chatter from scientists in white lab coats and researchers in smart attire filled the air as they moved about their tasks, their focus unwavering.

In the botanical garden, lush greenery thrived under controlled conditions, housing rare and exotic plants known for their medicinal properties.

The scent of rare flowers and herbs mingled, creating a fragrant oasis of nature within the facility. Beakers filled with bubbling potions and elixirs stood on sturdy wooden tables, and researchers in white coats delicately tended to the plants, taking notes and harvesting leaves and petals.

Erik’s mind was planning the next move, preparing for the moment he would slip away.

For now, they were guests, treated with the utmost hospitality, but both Erik and Rebecca knew that beneath the pleasantries lay secrets they were determined to uncover. The tour had only just begun, and the real game was about to unfold.

(A.N: Slightly longer chapter. Only 1 chapter will be published on the 21 but keep in mind that the 20 i uploaded 3.)

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