Chapter 634 Goals

A week had passed since Rebecca left the city, and Erik couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness that had settled over him. She had become a great friend in a short time, a companion in his arms, and her absence was keenly felt.

Fortunately, he had Mira; their relationship was different, but Erik could say that she was becoming a precious part of his life.

Over the course of the past week, Rebecca and Erik had found themselves increasingly drawn to each other’s company.

Their shared moments were like pockets of tranquility amid the chaos, often culminating in silent evenings spent in the sanctuary of her room.

It was a space where they could shed their public personas, allowing their true selves to surface without judgment or pretense.

Rebecca had a calming presence, her strength and intelligence providing a comforting counterbalance to the stress that Erik faced.

Her words were soothing, her laughter a balm, her mere presence a beacon of reassurance. Mira had a way of making the world seem less daunting, her optimism and resilience infectious.

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The woman was sweet to him, her kindness manifesting in small gestures and thoughtful words.

She listened when he needed an ear, offered advice when he was lost, and sat in silence with him when words seemed inadequate.

Her empathy was a warm blanket around him, her understanding a soft light in his moments of darkness.

Their relationship was an unexpected solace, a refuge from the relentless pressures of their lives. It was a bond that had grown organically, nurtured by shared moments and mutual respect.

As Erik walked to Noah’s and Luke’s room, his mind was awash with thoughts and plans. The situation was becoming complex, and the path ahead was filled with obstacles.

He was determined to find out what was happening and to destroy the Crystal Cross Gang here in Etrium, his major goal. But to do so, he needed resources, and he needed to grow stronger.

He needed men, reliable and capable individuals who could stand with him in the fight.

He needed money, the lifeblood of any operation, to fund his plans and ensure he and the others had the tools he required. But above all, he needed personal power.

Erik was strong, his physical prowess enough to kill ν-ranked individuals easily. His body was a weapon honed to perfection, and he had proven it against the gang members back in the slums.

But he knew these victories were only against those with mediocre brain crystal powers and low mana capacity.

If he had to face someone with similar physical stats but much more mana than him, he would be at a significant disadvantage.

It wasn’t in having a powerful body that the true strength of a warrior lay. No, it came from his Brain Crystal Power.

Then there were those who stood apart, the elemental wielders. These fighters defied conventional norms, their prowess not rooted in physical strength despite likely possessing it.

Instead, they commanded the very forces of nature, bending them to their will in a display of raw, unadulterated power.

These individuals were a class apart, their abilities transcending the limitations of physical combat.

They were like conductors orchestrating a symphony of elemental forces, their movements fluid and precise, their control absolute.

Fire, water, earth, air - they could manipulate these elements with an ease that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Their mode of attack was usually from a distance, their abilities not constrained by the boundaries of physical proximity.

They could unleash a torrent of elemental fury from afar, their attacks as unpredictable as they were devastating.

Against such foes, one’s physical strength meant little. The battlefield became a chessboard, the fight a game of strategy and wits.

For Erik, such opponents posed a genuine threat. Despite his own considerable strength and skill, he could find himself dangerously outmatched against the elemental wielders.

Their unpredictable abilities and the sheer scale of their power could easily tip the scales of any battle in their favor. It was against such adversaries that Erik had to be most vigilant, for they held the potential to pose real danger.

His strength alone would not be enough. He needed mana, and to gain it, he needed a lot of experience.

He mulled over these thoughts, aware of the gaps in his capabilities and the work that needed to be done.

As he neared Noah’s and Luke’s room, his mind shifted to the immediate future. There were decisions to be made, alliances to forge, and plans to devise. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was resolute.

The weight of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders, but he embraced it, driven by a sense of purpose that went beyond mere ambition.

Erik’s mission was clear yet complex. He needed to unearth the truth that lay shrouded within the city’s underbelly to expose the puppet master orchestrating the intricate web of events that had been unfolding.

The city was a labyrinth of secrets, and Erik was determined to navigate its twisting paths to uncover the truth.

Moreover, he had to decipher Uncle Benjamin’s role in this convoluted plot. There was a nagging suspicion in his mind that Benjamin’s involvement ran deeper than what met the eye. His role seemed to be a piece of a larger puzzle, a puzzle that Erik was determined to solve.

However, his mission was fraught with formidable challenges. He was up against entities like the Crystal Cross Gang and the Blackguards, behemoths in their own right. These were forces with deep roots and far-reaching influence, entities that wouldn’t be easily toppled.

To challenge such powers, Erik needed more than just determination and bravery. He needed an arsenal of resources - more power, more men, more strategic assets. It was an uphill battle, one that required meticulous planning and careful execution.

But gathering such resources was a task in itself, one that demanded time and patience. It was a game of chess, and Erik had to ensure that his pieces were in place before making his move.

The path ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but Erik was resolute. He knew what he had to do, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to achieve his goals.

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The challenges were many, but he was prepared to face them, to overcome them, to triumph.

Erik’s footsteps echoed in the corridor as he reached the door, his thoughts momentarily quieting as he prepared to face the day’s challenges. The road ahead was long, but he was ready. He had to be. The stakes were too high, and failure was not an option.

As Erik stepped into Noah’s and Luke’s room, the atmosphere was charged with the intensity of rigorous training.

The room had been repurposed into a temporary training ground, the usual decor pushed aside to accommodate their demanding routine.

The rhythmic thud of fists against training pads echoed in the space, punctuated by occasional grunts of effort.

Both Noah and Luke were deeply engrossed in their practice, their bodies moving with a laser-focused intensity that demanded attention.

Noah, with his well-honed physique and swift movements, was a tempest of speed and precision.

His fists moved like lightning, launching a rapid succession of punches at the training pad that his younger brother, Luke, held with determined stability.

Luke, despite still not having matured, was an embodiment of controlled strength. His smaller frame absorbed the force of Noah’s punches with surprising ease.

Luke’s eyes were locked onto Noah’s every movement, tracking his brother’s actions with an intense focus that belied his age.

His own movements were measured and deliberate, his body subtly adjusting to brace against each powerful strike. Erik assumed that was because of the memories they got from him, and he trained extensively for a lot of time.

The room was alive with the rhythm of their training, a testament to their shared dedication and discipline.

Sweat glistened on their skin like dew on a summer morning, each droplet a testament to the effort they were putting into their training.

Their chests rose and fell rhythmically, breaths coming in quick, controlled bursts as they pushed their bodies to the very edge of their limits.

Muscles strained and flexed under the harsh, unforgiving light, each movement showcasing the raw power and agility they possessed.

The air in the room was thick with more than just physical exertion. It was heavy with a palpable sense of determination and resolve that hung around them like an aura.

The scent was a heady mix of sweat, leather from the training pads, and the metallic tang of adrenaline. These scents combined to create a unique fragrance that spoke volumes about the trials they were preparing for.

Every punch thrown, every dodge made, every gasp for breath was a potent reminder of what they were training for.

Each bead of sweat that trickled down their foreheads and splashed onto the cold, hard floor symbolized the trials they were readying themselves to face.

The room, with its stark lighting and echoing sounds of exertion, was a crucible where they were being forged into something stronger.

Though the room provided enough space for their current needs, Erik couldn’t help but notice it wasn’t enough, as his two clones didn’t have a place to train, and they had to repurpose the room for this task.

However, if he wanted them to improve, they would need more space, rooms, and better facilities to do so. Maybe Intrity weights and gravity chambers, and even body enhancing serums.

Luke, in particular, was maturing at an impressive rate. He was larger than he had been just a week ago, his muscles more defined, his movements more fluid.

Erik felt a pang of pride at his growth but also an awareness of for what would happen if someone saw them.

Without a preamble, Erik addressed Noah, his voice cutting through the noise of their training. "How are the other five eggs doing?" he inquired, his mind turning to the additional clones he had created.

Though he had enough mana to create more, space had been the limiting factor. He couldn’t afford to have too many clones roaming among the humans, especially not Noah.

Noah stopped his training, turning to face Erik, his eyes gleaming with intelligence. "They are growing well, Master," he said, his voice filled with respect and a touch of excitement.

The term ’Master’ resonated strangely in Erik’s ears, a reminder of the complex relationship they shared.

"And the sacks of human blood?" Erik inquired, his mind already racing ahead to the next steps in their plan.

Noah nodded, his face composed but his eyes bright. "I have got them, Master," he answered, his voice steady. "We only need Luke to test if your theory is correct."

Erik’s eyes narrowed as he considered the words, the implications of what they were doing.

If they got Conal’s shapeshifting ability, and they needed only blood, as he did when he still had the power, then it was possible for them to shapeshift into humans if they drank human blood.

He looked at Luke, his gaze lingering on the young clone’s form, his mind weighing the potential, the promise.

Luke was the key, the living proof of what they were trying to achieve. If their theories were correct, if their experiments succeeded, they wouldn’t have problems anymore.

He met Noah’s eyes, seeing the same understanding, the same determination. They were in this together, bound by a shared vision, a shared purpose.

"Very well," Erik said, his voice firm. "We proceed as planned. Have Luke drink the blood and tell me the result; if it is positive, show me."

Noah bowed his head, his face a mask of concentration. "Understood, Master."

Erik watched him for a moment longer, his mind still racing, his heart filled with a strange mix of excitement and trepidation. Then he nodded, satisfied.

"Good," he replied, his voice filled with silent resolve. "Now, get back to work."

And with those words, they turned back to their training, to their experiments, to their quest for knowledge and power. The room was filled again with the sound of effort and determination, the echoes of a future yet to be forged.

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