BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM Chapter 662 First Hostile Encounter (4)

662 First Hostile Encounter (4)

The Erendus’ hooves pounded the earth in a rhythmic cadence, their sound as steady as a metronome.

The beasts’ hooves slammed into the earth, each impact like the crack of a whip.

Their rhythm was a relentless assault, a cacophony of chaos that shattered the stillness of the air.

There was no hesitation or uncertainty in their path, for they were like armored juggernauts, forging ahead with unshakeable determination.

The sound was not music, but a dissonant symphony of terror that reverberated through the ground, as if the earth itself was screaming in agony.

It was so intense that it felt like the earth itself was going to part under their weight.

The non-ranged fighters gripped the controls of the machine guns, laser turrets, and rocket launchers mounted on their vehicles, their knuckles white.

"Mana ranged fighters, now!" As Erik’s command echoed across the battlefield, chaos erupted.

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A flurry of arrows, darts and many other, glowing with infused mana, soared through the air.

The archers had aimed for the eyes, the only vulnerable spots on the creatures’ heavily armored bodies.

As several Erendus were struck in their only weak spot, a cacophony of anguished roars erupted. The beasts stumbled and collapsed, trampled under the hooves of their brethren charging from behind.

At this sight, a wave of relief and exhilaration swept through the guild members.

Tears of joy welled up in their eyes, trickling down their dust-streaked faces as they celebrated their minor victory.

"I killed one!" A voice rang out, filled with disbelief and pride. Another chimed in, "Did you see that? I got one too!"

However, not all arrows found their mark. Some struck the bone plates that covered the beasts, ricocheting off with a disheartening clatter.

The non-ranged fighters unleashed a rain of devastation that destroyed the surroundings.

The air filled with the deafening roar of machine guns, the whir of laser turrets, and the whoosh of rocket launchers.

Clouds of smoke and dust billowed into the air, obscuring vision but not dampening the guild members’ resolve.

Alas, the weapons employed against the formidable Erendus proved futile, serving only to impede their progress or obscure their sight.

Nevertheless, the humans’ valiant efforts were not in vain.

Many Erendus, in their frenzied rush, faltered and collided with the sturdy trees that dotted the landscape.

The impact sent shockwaves through their massive bodies, causing them to stumble and lose pace with their advancing brethren.

The forest echoed with the thuds of their hefty forms hitting the ground, a testament to the chaos of their hasty pursuit.

This fleeting respite granted the human side a moment of reprieve, a chance to kill the remaining beasts and thin their numbers.

Though, the remaining Erendus continued their advance, their bone plates absorbing most of the attacks.

Erik surveyed the battlefield, his eyes cold and calculating behind his mask.

"I really need to research a way to make weapons effective…" Erik said with a sigh.

His guild members were fighting, but he knew the Erendus were opponents his guild members couldn’t fight on equal grounds.

Their bone-plated armor was a natural fortress, and only people with a lot of mana or higher numbers of neural links could damage them.

Yet Erik remained calm amidst the chaos.

His voice came through the comms again, unwavering.

"Keep firing! Aim for any weak spots you can find. I’ll handle those that get too close. Do not fear, as they won’t be able to do anything to you!"

Erik’s reassurance sparked courage within the guild members, transforming their fear into determination.

Inspired by Erik’s confidence and leadership, they felt less fear, their spirits buoyed and resolve strengthened.

"Show them no mercy! Kill them all!" said one member, his voice ringing out over the din of battle.

"Make them pay for daring to attack us!" said another, her words punctuated by the clash of her weapon against an enemy’s.

A third member raised his voice above the others.

"Let’s give them a taste of our strength!"

His call was met with a fervent cheer, further fueling their collective resolve.

As another wave of mana-infused arrows took to the air and more rockets screamed toward their targets, Erik readied himself for the next phase of the battle. The Erendus were getting close.

The tension among Erik’s guild members was palpable as they took stock of the situation.

Despite their best efforts, the arrows and projectiles had only brought down a handful of the Erendus.

As the beasts got closer, the realization that they were facing a horde of at least a hundred of these dreadful creatures set in, and fear started surging again through the ranks.

Sensing the rising fear among his guild members, Erik gave another command.

His voice, steady and dominant, broke through the commotion.

"Those of you without mana-powered ranged attacks aim for the trees. Let’s disrupt their charge!"

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Taking Erik’s command to heart, the non-ranged fighters shifted their focus.

The roar of machine guns filled the air, accompanied by the hum of laser turrets and the thunderous blasts of rocket launchers.

Their targets were no longer the Erendus but the towering trees that lined their path.

Wood splintered, leaves scattered, and massive trunks groaned under the onslaught before crashing down onto the earth with ground-shaking thuds.

As the trees fell, they became makeshift barricades, tripping up the advancing Erendus and causing them to stumble and collide with one another.

The forest turned into a chaotic maze of fallen timber and disoriented beasts.

Their once unified charge was now a disorganized scramble, their numbers working against them in the narrowed, cluttered terrain.

However, some members of the pack still avoided or destroyed the trees and went forward unimpeded.

The guild members seized this opportunity, their spirits lifted by this small but significant tactical victory.

"Fuck..." Erik said under his breath. His circumstances were unlike the others.

The responsibility for the lives of his comrades rested upon his shoulders, and for him, that wasn’t a victory at all.

Another volley of mana-infused arrows took flight, finding their marks with greater ease among the disoriented Erendus.

More of the beasts fell, their moos of frustration and pain echoing through the forest, but the one that was left behind got back on track and started chasing again.

Even with these efforts, Erik knew they had only bought themselves a little time, and he was bound to jump in to action soon.

The Erendus were powerful creatures, but the real problem was that they were territorial and aggressive.

On their return journey, Erik resolved to steer the convoy clear of this treacherous part of the forest.

Even if it meant enduring the inconvenience of a longer route, the detour was a necessary sacrifice.

The forest, with its dense foliage, capricious landscape, and the lurking presence of Erendus, posed a risk Erik was no longer willing to take again.

The safety of his crew and the success of their mission outweighed any potential inconvenience.

Erik’s eyes scanned the horizon. As he assessed the situation, someone shouted.

"We need to recharge!" The urgent plea cut through the chaos.

Erik felt the rhythmic thumping of his heart in his chest, a palpable echo of the tension that gripped him. He absorbed the request, his mind whirring as he weighed the implications.

With a deep breath, he gave his command, his voice a steady rock amidst the adrenaline-fueled storm raging within him.

The guild’s heavy artillery roared, sending rockets and laser blasts into the mass of 10:03

approaching creatures.

"Units from A-1 to A-6. Cover for your comrades," he said, his eyes scanning the battlefield.

He then turned his attention to the others. "All units needing to reload, make haste and resume disrupting their charge!" His voice echoed with authority, his hand gesturing to underline the urgency of his command.

"We’ve slowed them down, but this is far from over."

His guild members nodded, their faces set in determined lines.

The air was pregnant with apprehension as the Erendus closed the remaining distance while the soldiers reloaded their weapons.

The Erendus’ hooves thundered against the earth, resonating like the beat of war drums.

Erik’s eyes met those of his guild members, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Fire at will!" he said, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Arrows, laser beams, and rockets erupted from the convoy again.

A few Erendus stumbled and fell, their eyes dimming as life eluded them.

But the majority pressed on, their armored bodies absorbing most of the impact.

"Keep on fighting! We killed several of them!" Erik said.

The guild’s heavy artillery roared, sending rockets and laser blasts into the mass of approaching creatures.

Trees splintered and fell after the explosions, adding another layer of obstacles for the Erendus.

Despite the tumultuous surroundings, they plowed forward like unstoppable juggernauts, annihilating any impediment that dared to stand in their path.

Their unwavering gaze was locked onto the convoy, an obvious target amidst the pandemonium.

Their deep, resonant moos reverberated through the air, a bold proclamation of their indomitable spirit.

Erik’s heart pounded in his chest as the Erendus broke through the last line of fallen trees.

"Fire!" he said again, gripping his weapon and firing the laser at the beasts.

The guild members did their best, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and determination.

Erik knew that was his moment to act.

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