Chapter 699 The formula

Erik leaned back in his chair, his gaze focused and thoughtful as he spoke to Noah. "Yeah, I’ll start working on it as soon as the system finishes the first task," Erik’s voice carried a note of determination his clone didn’t miss.

Noah, standing before him, nodded in understanding. "All right, Master. Just let me know when you’re ready for the next step. I’ll be here to assist with whatever you need," Noah’s tone was respectful yet infused with a hint of eagerness.

Erik’s expression softened, a subtle acknowledgement of Noah’s loyalty. "I have a few ideas in mind already." His brow furrowed in thought. "But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We need to first see if there are any hurdles with this initial phase."

"Understood, Master." Noah turned to leave, his movements deliberate and measured. f𝐫eewe𝚋nove𝗹.𝗰o𝚖

As Noah reached for the door, he donned his mask. Erik gave a small nod. He couldn’t let people see his face. The mask clicked into place, hiding Noah’s features, and the clone hybrid left the room.

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The place fell silent as Noah left, leaving Erik alone with his thoughts. Erik then waited. The biological supercomputer was going to end its task in a matter of moment. He checked emails and scrolled the news. Then, as he was taking a quick break, while staring at the window, the biological supercomputer showed him the sought notification.


The words flashed in front of him. A tingling sensation spread through his brain as the supercomputer began injecting the vast amount of alchemical knowledge it had gathered over the past two weeks.

The process was intense, almost overwhelming. Erik felt as if a torrent of information was flooding his brain, filling every nook and cranny of his consciousness.

Complex formulas, ancient techniques, and rare ingredients—all were laid bare before him. His mind worked to assimilate the data, categorizing and storing it for future use.

[DATA TRANSFER COMPLETE. USER, THE INFORMATION IS NOW ACCESSIBLE.] The supercomputer said, its mechanical voice devoid of emotion inside Erik’s mind.

The young man took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the newfound knowledge settle within him.

The newfound clarity in Erik’s mind unveiled a world rich in potential, akin to a previously unreadable map now laid bare before him.

The realm of alchemy and pharmaceuticals, once shrouded in layers of complexity, now seemed almost straightforward.

The intricate processes, the delicate balance of elements, the nuanced reactions—all these elements of the craft that had once seemed like a distant, unfathomable language — were now intelligible and ripe for exploration.

Erik’s thoughts raced with possibilities. He envisioned concocting new alchemical products, each with unique properties and applications.

He could refine existing potions, enhancing their efficacy or reducing side effects, maybe even discovering breakthrough elixirs that the alchemical community had only dreamed of.

For his guild, this achievement meant a plethora of opportunities. They could cut down on operational costs by producing their own specialized pills and elixirs.

There was the potential for generating substantial revenue through the sale of innovative alchemical products, perhaps even cornering the market with unique potions unavailable anywhere else. His guild’s combat capabilities could be enhanced dramatically.

Potions for healing, strength, agility, or even more esoteric effects could give them an edge in any confrontation.

The strategic advantage was undeniable, and the potential for growth and dominance in their sphere was unmistakable.

Yet, amid this whirlwind of potential and excitement, Erik couldn’t shake off the awareness of his primary aim.

While the allure of wealth and the promise of revolutionizing the alchemical world were tempting, they were distractions from his goal—gaining power.

His journey wasn’t to become a master alchemist or a wealthy guild leader, but to harness and amplify his own personal strength.

Erik leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile crossing his lips. The search had been long, but the results were well worth it.

He was now armed with the tools he needed to take his guild to new heights, and he couldn’t wait to get started.

[USER, IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU REQUIRE?] The supercomputer asked.

"Yes," Erik was still reveling in the sense of empowerment that filled him. "I need you to crack the Brain-Stimulating Serum’s formula and ingredients. You should have all the required information now to find this information."


Erik sat at his desk, the vial of brain-stimulating serum cradled between his hands. The liquid inside shimmered. He uncorked the vial and brought it to his nose, inhaling the faint, metallic scent.

With a determined nod to himself, he tipped the vial, allowing the liquid to pass his lips. It cascaded down his throat, leaving a trail of tingling warmth, almost like tiny sparks dancing along his esophagus.

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Almost instantly, a noticeable surge coursed through his body. It was as if a dormant power had been awakened, pulsating with vitality.

This newfound energy was more than physical; it permeated his very thoughts, bringing a startling clarity.

Ideas and thoughts that seemed muddled before now snapped into sharp focus, as if his mind had been operating at half capacity until this moment.

Erik’s eyes sparkled with renewed vigor as he turned his attention back to the biological supercomputer.

He was aware of every sensation in his body, feeling as if his senses had been heightened.

He expected the biological supercomputer’s next notification to appear at any moment.

[ANALYSIS STARTED. ESTIMATED TIME: 2 MONTHS.] The message appeared before his eyes, but it wasn’t something good.

Erik thought.

Erik mulled over the timeline provided by the biological supercomputer, his mind racing with thoughts of how the two-

month waiting period could derail his plans. To wait for so long stirred a sense of urgency within him, a feeling he couldn’t shake off.

"Is there any possibility of accelerating this process?" Erik asked, addressing the biological supercomputer. The thought of waiting for two weeks was manageable.

He did just that, but the prospect of an entire two-month delay that had to be summed to the previous two weeks seemed daunting and counterproductive to his objectives.


Without hesitation, Erik allowed the system to debit him the DNA points. [ANALYSIS ACCELERATION STARTED. NEW ESTIMATED TIME: 2 HOURS.] The screen updated.

As the supercomputer worked, Erik leaned back in his chair. The serum he had just consumed was invaluable for its ability to speed up the formation of neural links, but it was not without its drawbacks. Side effects could be severe, and Erik was determined to create a safer alternative.

Two hours seemed like an eternity, but Erik knew that the information he would gain could revolutionize not just his own capabilities, but also the potential of his entire guild.

Reduced side effects meant safer power enhancement, and that was a game-changer in any battle scenario.

After two hours, the system appeared with another flashing notification.


Erik couldn’t help but smile. The formula and technique for creating the serum were now within his grasp, but that was just the first step.

Now came the last part of the job. Changing the formula so that the resulting serum got similar effects but fewer side effects. Containing the costs was also something he wanted to achieve in order to increase his profits.

The financial gains would be staggering. The original serum was already a high-demand, high-cost item.

A safer, more efficient version would undoubtedly command an even higher price point.

He could see it now: alchemists and warriors from all corners of the world clamoring to get their hands on his creation. Not that it was going to be really him to make it. The system had that job, but since it was part of him, it was like he made it.

The revenue generated could fund not just the guild’s operations but also its expansion, research, and development for years to come.

But it wasn’t just about the money. The fame and reputation that would come with such an innovation were enticing.

His guild would be catapulted into the limelight, becoming a household name overnight.

They would be the pioneers, the visionaries who took an already groundbreaking serum and elevated it to new heights.

The prestige would attract new members, powerful allies, and even more resources.

The serum could become a cornerstone for his guild’s influence, solidifying their standing among the most powerful guilds.

It would be a symbol of their capability, ingenuity, and leadership.

And then there were the strategic advantages. With easier access to a safer serum, his guild members could speed up their own power development, strengthening them.

This would not only deter potential enemies but also make his guild an attractive option for alliances.

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