Chapter 713 Two Galewings (3)

Erik’s pulse quickened as the Galewing’s cry echoed across the desert, signaling the onset of its attack. With a fierce beat of its vast wings, the creature unleashed a volley of wind blades, each one honed to lethal sharpness. The wind blades cut through the air with a whistling sound.

But Erik sprang into action, instincts honed from countless battles guiding his movements. Each dodge was a dance with danger, the blades’ chilling rush missing his skin.

He leaped to the side, executing a swift roll across the rough, hot sand, its coarse grains scraping against his skin.

As he regained his footing, Erik’s gaze caught the aftermath of the Galewing’s attack. Plumes of sand rose into the air, marking where the wind blades had struck the earth. The desert was already a battleground marked by the scars of combat.

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Above him, the sun bore down, a relentless orb of heat in the vast desert sky. Its rays seemed to hammer down upon him with tangible force, adding to the intensity of the moment. The scorching sands beneath him radiated heat like a furnace, the warmth permeating the air and threatening to overwhelm him.

Sweat dripped down the young man’s brow. Erik moved while gritting his teeth. The Galewing demanded his utmost focus and skill.

Erik surged to an upright stance, his gaze locked on the Galewing as it soared above. He sensed the buildup of mana within the creature, a prelude to another assault. With a spine-chilling screech, the Galewing unleashed a fresh barrage of wind blades, each one a lethal attack aimed at Erik.

In response, Erik’s body sprang into action with practiced agility. He dived, rolled, and maneuvered, evading the slicing blades. Each blade carved deep into the desert sand, leaving behind a series of furrows that marked Erik’s narrow escapes. The proximity of these attacks sent adrenaline coursing through his veins, heightening his senses.

As he moved, Erik’s heart thundered against his ribcage, a steady drumbeat in his ears. His breaths were rapid and shallow, each inhalation a sharp gasp as he continued his evasive dance.

Sand clung to his sweat-drenched skin, a gritty reminder of the harsh environment that surrounded him.

Erik’s physical prowess was undeniable, his body a honed instrument of battle, but the Galewing’s aerial advantage and its ability to enhance the blades with additional mana presented a problem.

The creature’s vast reserves of mana enabled it to intensify the attack, increasing both the speed and power of the wind blades.

Even though the situation was dire, Erik couldn’t help but experience a surge of exhilaration. The excitement and adrenaline that came with fighting and narrowly escaping death, sparked a passionate flame deep inside him.

However, he understood the importance of staying calm and composed in that situation. Losing focus could prove fatal, especially with the impending arrival of more Galewings.

Erik’s muscles tensed as he channeled mana into his neural links, the power of his Aerokinesis Brain Crystal igniting within him.

As he felt the drain of mana from his reserves, he experienced a unique mix of sensations - both empowering and demanding - which fueled his determination to prepare for his counterattack.

With a surge of energy, he released a wind blade aimed at the Galewing. The blade cut through the air with lethal precision, but to Erik’s astonishment, the Galewing exhibited remarkable agility.

With its massive body, the creature skillfully twisted and maneuvered in mid-air, successfully evading the incoming attack. The blade whistled past the creature with agility. The monster took a moment to glance at the wind blade passing behind it before shifting its attention towards Erik.

After that, it let out a deafening screech that echoed through the air, and its eyes burned with an unrelenting rage. It swooped and dived, unleashing a relentless onslaught of wind blades towards Erik.

The blades whizzed through the air like lethal projectiles, forcing Erik to test his agility, dodging and weaving to escape the cutting gusts.

Erik’s every move was a dance of survival. The strain of continuous evasion weighed heavily on him, his muscles tense and his body dripping with sweat.

Despite his agility and training, Erik was being pushed into a defensive stance, reacting to the Galewing’s aggressive tactics.

As he moved, the surrounding desert became a hazy blur, the scorching sand shifting beneath his feet. As the sweat continued to cascade down his face, dripping into his eyes and stinging them, he knew he couldn’t afford to let his focus waver.

The Galewing seemed to sense Erik’s predicament, exploiting it to its advantage. It maintained a safe distance, its aerial superiority allowing it to dictate the terms of the battle. Wave after wave of wind blades rained down, each one a potential death sentence.

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With his mind racing, Erik tirelessly sought a viable strategy that could turn the tables and change the course of the situation. The Galewing was cunning, its tactics calculated to keep Erik off balance and prevent any form of counterattack.

Its keen intelligence was clear in its every move, its every attack a well-executed plan to wear him down.

"Fucking beast…"

Erik knew he had to bridge the distance to bring the fight within his reach. His gaze darted around the landscape, looking for anything that could be used to his advantage. The desert offered little in the way of cover or strategic points, but Erik was not one to surrender to despair.

He assessed the Galewing’s attack patterns, looking for a rhythm, a predictability he could exploit. Every maneuver, every evasive action he took was a step closer to understanding his foe.

He needed to anticipate the Galewing’s moves. It was a game of mental chess played at breakneck speed, each move a crucial decision in the delicate balance of survival and defeat.

Erik’s resolve hardened. He would not be bested by this creature. He would bring it down. The young man threw himself to the ground as another volley of wind blades sliced through the air overhead. As he rolled back to his feet, his eyes flickered to the horizon.

What he saw made his heart beat. Rapidly approaching in the distance was the unmistakable sight of the Galewing flock. The creatures flew in tight formation, their wings beating in unison as they converged on Erik’s position.

He cursed under his breath. That only two Galewings came to the tree was a lucky event, but now he was wasting too much time killing the second. One Galewing was challenging enough, but against nearly a dozen, he wouldn’t stand a chance, not even with his strength.

Erik’s mind raced, weighing his limited options. He could flee easily by using a combination of Nathaniel’s and the Xeridon Anteris powers, but he would have nowhere to go but inside the tree.

Instead, if he killed this Galewing before the others arrived, he could hide before the monsters spotted him.

The Galewing above him shrieked in triumph as it saw the flock coming closer, as if sensing its reinforcements approaching.

Erik knew he couldn’t keep this up much longer. The constant dodging and weaving was sapping his energy, while the Galewing seemed tireless in its assault because of its massive amount of mana.

Erik channeled mana again to create a wind blade of his own while seeing an opportunity as the Galewing gathered more mana.

With a cold glint in his eyes, he sent the razor-sharp gust of air slicing towards the creature. But the Galewing banked, avoiding the attack with ease before renewing its own assault.

"Mother Fucker!"

As Erik’s frustration grew, he couldn’t help but mutter a curse under his breath. At this rate, he would tire himself out just trying to land a hit on it. Because of his lack of sufficient mana, he was unable to conjure a wind blade that was quick enough to eliminate the creature from such a far distance.

The towering tree captured Erik’s attention, its thick gnarled branches and vines seeming to invite him closer.

The only chance he had to kill the beast before the flock arrived was if he could lure the Galewing close to the tree and command it to attack the monster using his remaining mana. This idea was his only hope.

Filled with a sudden rush of adrenaline, Erik propelled himself forward and began sprinting towards the tree.

With a deafening shriek echoing behind him, the Galewing gave chase, closing the distance of 15 meters with each forceful flap of its wings.

As the creature’s talons swiped at him, Erik could feel the wind buffeting his back.

25 meters from the tree. Erik’s lungs were filled with a searing sensation as he pushed himself to will his legs to move at a faster pace. He had to make it.

10 meters away. Erik could feel the looming shadow of the Galewing as it descended, targeting his vulnerable back.

Just as the attack was about to hit him, Erik dropped to the ground and rolled away, feeling the powerful gust caused by the attack missing him.

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