Chapter 774 Noah’s schemes

Becker’s lungs burned as he sprinted through the forest, boots pounding against the leaf-strewn ground.

The roar of engines echoed behind him as his pursuers wove between the trees in their military-grade vehicles.

He risked a glance back—at least a hundred soldiers, hellbent on capturing their ’traitorous’ ex-general.

Becker grimaced. Even one-on-one, these lackeys were no match for his air manipulation powers. 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

But a hundred at once? His mana reserves teetered dangerously low after hours of battling these goons.

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Tires squealed as a jeep pulled up alongside him. Becker dove right as laser rifles and brain crystal powers shredded the underbrush. He tumbled to his feet and kept running, cursing under his breath.

Becker whipped around, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten as he prepared his counterattack.

Raising his right hand, he focused his power, feeling the air molecules respond to his will. The invisible gases condensed and warped thanks to his mana, spinning as they compressed into solid form.

Within seconds, the air had transformed into a deadly javelin, its crystalline point glinting in the dappled sunlight.

Becker gripped the shaft, the weapon’s weight feeling natural in his palm. mana thrummed through the condensed air, resonating with his power.

Becker’s eyes narrowed, zeroing in on one approaching jeep.

With a grunt, he hurled the javelin with superhuman force, his arm extending fully as the weapon left his hand.

The spear rocketed forward, slicing through the air like a missile. Becker watched its trajectory, confident in the imminent impact.

He hurled it at the nearest SUV. The spear impaled the driver and passenger behind before they could react.

The javelin also pierced the jeep’s hood in a spray of metal, spearing through the engine block. The force of the impact stopped the vehicle dead in its tracks, severing it in half.

The two severed chunks of the jeep crashed to the ground with an earsplitting metallic screech.

Flames erupted from the ruined engine and licked up the chassis. Soldiers spilled from the wreckage, thrown from the vehicle like rag dolls.

The javelin had sliced through the SUV as easily as a hot knife through butter, leaving the pursuing soldiers scattered helplessly across the forest floor.

Becker allowed himself a grim smile at the devastation before sprinting onward with the other vehicles on his tail.


Becker allowed himself a grim smile before sprinting on. The forest blurred around him, branches whipping against his face. His lungs seared, protesting the prolonged exertion.

Up ahead, a river cut through the trees. Becker made for it, hoping the water might deter his pursuers.

He burst from the treeline and splashed into the rushing current. Icy water swirled around his knees, soaking his fatigues.

On the opposite bank, soldiers piled from their vehicles, weapons trained on Becker.

Their commander’s voice boomed over a megaphone. "Surrender, traitor! You’re surrounded!"

Becker tensed, eying the figures lining the riverbanks. He might be able to take down a few more, but not all of them.

"Surrender, Becker!" the captain said through his megaphone. "You’re surrounded with nowhere to run. Make this easy on yourself."

Becker turned to face the soldiers lining the riverbanks, weapons trained on him. He took a deep breath.

"How can you do this?" Becker called out, anger creeping into his tone. "After everything I’ve done for Frant, you turned against me so easily?"

The captain scoffed. "Save your lies, you bastard! We have plenty of evidence proving your involvement with the Crystal Cross Gang."

Becker’s hands curled into fists. "More false claims fabricated by Volkov to undermine me," he shot back.

"That snake was always jealous of my position. He sowed discord at every turn."

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The soldiers shuffled in unease, but kept their sights steadied. The captain’s eyes narrowed.

"Last chance, Becker," he said. "Surrender immediately or we will execute you where you stand."

Desperation clawed at Becker’s mind. Had his decades of loyal service to the nation meant nothing?

Were his people so quick to discard him over baseless accusations? Didn’t anyone remember all he’d sacrificed for Frant?

Jaw clenched, Becker began gathering the last wisps of mana in his weary body.

If this was to be his end, he wouldn’t go quietly. He’d take down as many turncoats as he could before they overwhelmed him.

Becker tensed, ready to transform into air and evade the imminent hail of gunfire.

He drew the mana from his brain crystal, feeling it swirl and crackle within his cells.

"Let’s see what you can—"

Suddenly, armed figures burst from the treeline, descending on the soldiers’ flank. They didn’t look like soldiers from Frant, but they were trained and strong.

Gunshots and screams erupted as the ambushers cut down the surprised troops with ruthless efficiency. In seconds, the riverbanks were strewn with bodies.

A remaining soldier fired off a panicked shot. Becker dissolved into the air, letting the bullet pass harmlessly through his swirling form.

The process of re-coalescing took less than two seconds, but when he was fully formed again, he found out that the only things around him were dead bodies.

Heavy footsteps approached, and Becker turned to find himself encircled by stern-faced warriors bearing the insignia of Liberty Watch’s Village.

Becker’s shoulders slumped. This was it. The consequences of his actions came full circle.

He tried for years to get the neural link training technique from these people, but he always failed.

Last, around a year ago, they disappeared from the face of the earth, puzzling everyone in Frant who knew about them.

The lead warrior stepped forward, face impassive. Becker stood motionless as the man raised his curved blade.

The suffering he had inflicted on these people was reason enough for that fate to come. He had his reasons, but he knew it was wrong.

The warriors kept their spears leveled at Becker as a tall, cloaked figure approached.

His mask obscured all facial features, leaving his identity a mystery.

Clearly he held authority here, though Becker had never encountered this man before.

"Armand Becker," the stranger said, his voice low.

"It is surprising to find you in Liberty’s forests after the destruction you wreaked."

Becker bit back a retort, sizing up the situation. He was in no shape to fight, his mana almost depleted. Perhaps silence was the wisest course for now.

The masked man circled him slowly. "The esteemed general reduced to a bedraggled fugitive. How amusing. I wonder, what would your loyal men think if they saw you now?"

Becker’s jaw clenched at the taunt. He fixed the man with a defiant stare. "If you plan on killing me, then get on with it. I’m in no mood for games."

The stranger chuckled. "Kill you? Now why would I do that when you may yet prove useful?" He leaned in close, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I think you and I could accomplish great things together."

Becker frowned, suspicions rising. This was no tribal warrior. "Who are you?"

"Let’s just say my master deemed you useful for his cause." The man straightened. "As for my name, it’s Noah."

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