Blessed by Night Chapter 78 Talking Monsters

Chapter 78 Talking Monsters

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Even though Aisha was a dual blessed, she was not always widely respected and famous.

In a world where men could summon armies of undead and cause earthquakes with a snap of their fingers, having drastic charming abilities wasn’t very much to write home about. So as a result, Aisha wasn’t very happy with her blessing from Aphrodite. But her blessing from the most famous god of war was an entirely different story. It enabled her to have a master level understanding of any weapon just by touching it, but that was not what made her such a force to be reckoned with. Within gates, there are a rare class of weapons that can grant their welders additional abilities, like low level fire manipulation, enhanced speed, and some even housed spirits.

If you aren’t lucky enough to find one of these treasures inside of a gate, there are private auctions held only for the blessed where these rare trinkets are sold. Once Aisha found her first spirit weapon, both her natural talent and value exploded, and she became one of the most feared and women alive. The rate at which she cleared gates was nothing short of staggering, and her monetary value skyrocketed to reflect her accomplishments. As a result, she was able to buy more ability weapons, and increase her talent and lethality to rarely seen heights. The total number of weapons in her collection now numbered well over seventy, each with their own unique ability. But even after all of this time, Aisha still preferred the first ability weapon that she had ever gotten her hands on. A black and gold naginata named Kaizen, imbued with the spirit of a powerful warrior from some ancient dynasty. Aisha’s weapon began to glow with an eerie purple light, and a whisp of energy left her blade and floated at her side. Bit by bit, the mist transformed into a man wearing ancient rusty armor and an oni mask covering his face. The man was holding the same kind of weapon as Aisha, only his seemed to be in an incorporeal state just like the rest of his body. "Let’s go."

"Yes, my lady."

Aisha fearlessly rushed forward into the horde of approaching orcs. Her speed was as impressive as it was devastating, and she cut through the enemies with equal parts grace and mastery. She and her weapon spirit worked in tandem as they moved their way through the horde of green skinned monsters, if Aisha cut off a a limb, then Kaizen would pierce it’s head and ensure it’s death. In the midst of battle, Aisha glanced to her left, and the scene playing in front of her made her smile unconsciously. Malachi was a few feet away, ripping apart these very muscular orcs with his bare hands. His claws were never idle as he tore through these monsters without suffering so much as a scratch himself, and the young girl was overflowing with a sense of pride. The two of them had been thick as thieves ever since they were able to draw breath on this earth, and there wasn’t a lot that the two of them hadn’t done together. But after Aisha became a blessed, it was like there was this invisible wall in her life that was keeping the two of them separated. They both wanted nothing more than to tear down that wall so that they could continue walking side by side. But how could they hope to do that?

It wasn’t like she could bless him, nor did they have a direct hotline to the gods so that they might ask them personally. Malachi getting powers was an insane stroke of luck and a blessing for their friendship, as well as a way to ensure that the two of them would never be separated again. As Aisha looked at her best friend’s monstrous figure, she couldn’t suppress the overwhelming sentiment she felt from watching this scene

’You’ll always be my best friend, Mal. No matter... The fuck? Why are you eating these things!?’

’My lady, please pay attention.’

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’R-Right! Sorry Kaizen!’

The group was able to dispatch the orcs rather easily, and it wasn’t very long before there was only one left, and he was currently being held down by Bianca. "Get off of me, human! You soil my honor with your touch!"

"You kinda smell like you soiled yourself a while ago, though."

Bianca was trying her hardest not to gag as she breathed in the orc’s body odor. The urge to puke was currently only being surppressed by the knowledge that Malachi was here. How embarrassing would it be if she vomited in front of her crush?!

’Throwing up is not sexy, throwing up is not sexy!!’ She screamed internally. Malachi and Aisha dropped to one knee in front of the struggling orc, and took a moment to marvel at the absurdity of their capture. "What should we ask it first?" Aisha asked. Malachi needed only a moment to think about an answer, as there was really one that was of the utmost importance. "Are monsters like you responsible for opening the gates?"

"Fool! Why would we possess the power to open portals to the beyonds?"

"Then whose opening them? And what motivates you to walk through?"

"Not who, human! What!" "Tomato, tomahto, motherfucker just answer the question." Malachi was beginning to get irritated, as Bianca wasn’t lying about the smell. And since his senses were leagues ahead of the average blessed, he felt like his nostrils were filled with excrement and gooch grease. "Bastard human! Do you not know that we are lured at the whim of..." Suddenly, the words of the orc began to trail off and his eyes became glossy and unfocused. Bianca noticed that her captive had finally stopped struggling, and she slowly let go and removed herself from his back. "Forgive... me... I didn’t know...I wasn’t supposed to..." Dark blood began to drip from the nose and eyes of the green skinned warrior, and he soon lost the ability to hold up his head. A moment later, his heart stopped beating entirely. "What the hell..?" Bianca asked in horror. The three of them instinctively took a step back as they tried to process everything that had just occurred. "We’ve lost signal..." The cameraman suddenly said. "I don’t think they caught any of that..." "Hell, that’s probably for the best." Mal muttered as he rubbed his temples. He could only imagine the amount of fear and panic that would occur outside if everyday humans witnessed that scene. It was nothing less than chilling, and it was exactly the kind of thing that would keep people awake at night. "Let’s keep moving... I want to hurry and get out of here as fast as humanly possible." Aisha suggested. Bianca and Mal nodded slowly in agreement, and the two of them followed behind their senior while remaining on their guard. They didn’t run into any more enemies for a while after that, but they still couldn’t relax with this eerie feeling breathing down their spines. It was as if they were being watched from every corner by a force beyond their perception. Finally, the group stumbled upon another large cavern, but this one was significantly different from the previous one. Once the eyes of the blessed landed on what was inside, their jaws went slack from the sheer absurdity. "What the hell... there’s no way!"

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