Child from the Dungeon Chapter 124: The Unforeseen Enemy Part 4

Chapter 124: The Unforeseen Enemy Part 4

( Back then. )

[ Richter-Grimshaw’s House. ]

" Mom, I heard from dad that you’re able to cast an [Area Alter Magic], right? " Donovan asks his mother, Irina as she holds his sister, Adria.

" Well yes, I also did casts it around you, remember? "

" When the remaining men of the Warblade Guild’s ex-master attacked our second Villa... " Irina reminds Donovan of that event*.

The event where she and Duncan fight Rodrigo, one of Ardun’s remaining men.

As she tells that, Donovan remembers it as he remembers he was almost kidnapped by him.

" Oh yeah, I remember... "

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" You did cast its barrier to fight him, right? " Donovan says as he remembers it now.

" Yes, thank goodness I did, back then. "

" Or else, he’ll blow all of us up... " Irina tells Donovan.

" Blow us up? "

" It’s hard to explain, but I recount he use an item to do some kind of spell or somewhat, I didn’t know... "

" Ask your father for the details. " Irina tells Donovan regarding it.

" Okay then, but... "

" Is your Area Alter Magic, that strong? " Donovan asks his mother again.

Irina listens to it, and then breathes for a bit, thinking about something.

" Donnie... "

" Yes, mom? "

" Mom shouldn’t tell you this, but... "

" My Area Alter Magic is indeed strong... "

" Oh really, how pow- "

" Because it already took many lives within it! " Irina says with a huge tone, telling Donovan the reason behind the Area Alter Magic’s strength.

" Mother...? "

" The Area Alter Magic is actually a trap magic, no..., it’s even worse actually. "

" What do you mean by that? "

" Donovan,... " Irina calls Donovan instead of calling him Donnie.

" The Area Alter Magic is actually a magic meant to sacrifice your enemies. " Irina says suddenly, as she somehow gets emotional, she even covers little Adria’s ears in fear that she hears this.

" Dammit, I should’ve not told that to you kids, I’m sorry... " Irina says regarding that.

" No mom, please continue... "

" Why the Area Alter Magic was meant to sacrifice the enemies...? please continue mom... " Donovan begs his mother to continue, for almost an hour he begs her, until.

" Fine then... "

" Since you seem to be experienced enough in violence... " Irina sighs as she had no choice but to finish what she started.

" Basically, Donovan... "

" An [Area Alter Magic]s use is to entrap a mage’s enemies, trapping them in a separate space and eliminating them inside. "

" I know that, mom... "

" I’ve seen that definition in the books and the Maginet. " Donovan replies which made Irina sigh as she hears this.

" Huh, guess there’s no holding a boy back from learning violent things, huh? "

" Guess you’re father was right to teach you harsh things even when you’re still at such a young age. "Irina says as she understands that right now, she needs to fulfill Donovan’s curiosity, knowing that if she didn’t, Donovan probably would’ve found out about it otherwise using alternative ways like Duncan warned her.

" Well, Donovan... "

" The reason why it’s so powerful is because of what happened after the enemies are eliminated inside... " Irina tells Donovan that after the magic did its course, the space itself will absorb the mana from the dead and enhance the very Mana-made space with it absorbed Manas automatically.

Hence, the more the Area Alter Magic eliminates its enemies inside it, the more the Magic will grow more powerful than before. It’s basically the same as the forbidden sacrificial magic.

" That’s why it is powerful, my dear... "

" I’m sorry if I had to explain this to you, but this is the truth... "

" The truth is that kids like you shouldn’t learn. " Irina says as she felt guilty about even explaining it in the first place to Donovan.

" I understand mother, don’t worry... " Donovan tells his mother just that.

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( Back to the present. )

’#####’ scourges the very ground of his domain so horrendously, he continues to summon more stars to slice and shoot the ground to make Draven get out from his hiding place.

" You can’t hide forever, Draven! you disappoint me! " ’#####’ says towards Draven, still trying to find where is he hiding at.

" How long are you going to hide from me!? " ’#####’ asks loudly in his very wide space of a Realm.

As he shouts, his shoulder was suddenly pat by someone which he dismisses as he still shouts in anger for he wipes the hand off the shoulder.

As he wipes it, the hand clenches as it then tries to pat the shoulder again, telling ’#####’ that the person he’s looking for is already behind him.

" What the, what did you... "

" Oh, it’s... "

< Aether Wave > Draven blasts him away with his raw Aether energy after revealing himself to ’#####’.

" You’ll regret that, youngster! " ’#####’ says to Draven as he then cast another magic.

[ Seven Star Spheres ]

’#####’ immediately casts it while being blown away as it attacks Draven with great explosive powers, creating a large boom that could be heard outside the barrier even.

" Young master! " Tania shouts from outside as she hears it first before the others, while Carol could only say in her mind.

"( It’s over. )" she says as she knows that this might be the end, for Draven.

While in the Area Alter Realm, as the explosion smoke dissipates, it shows that Draven survives the attack, shocking even ’#####’ on how the hell it happened.

" How did you? " ’#####’ asks Draven as he seems unharmed by the attack.

" Hey ’#####’ or whatever your name is!? " Draven says to him.

" Hmm... "

" You said earlier, that ’none’ survives this place, didn’t you? " Draven asks ’#####’ about his statement earlier.

" Yes, and what’s that have to do with you... "

" Are you telling me that your luck runs out, from whatever things you’ve done to survive? "

" Oh, no sir, no! " Draven replies.

" Rather than cowering in fear after hearing it, instead I find it thankful that you have to explain it to me in the first place. "

" Since you said that ’none survives this place’... " Draven says as he smirks.

" Which means there are many dead enemies that this space stores for years, right...? " Draven says as behind him, stands a large Black Shadow armored creature, not as large as Doom but he’s definitely large enough and powerful enough to match even Doom, he summoned out of nowhere.

" Phew, summoning him requires a lot of HP, damn!? " Draven says as he drinks an MP Potion.

< Large MP Potion consumed (X1) >

" I only had three left of this, better use it wisely. "

" Right, Turok!? " Draven says to his new Black Shadow, the one he summoned with a great cost.


< Summon: [Black Shadow Lord, Turok ] >

< Class: Berserker >

< Race: (?) >

< Level: 90 >

< Magic: Berserker Magic, Tyrant Magic >

< HP: 900.050/900.050 >

< MP: 900.050/900.050 >


" That’s...! " ’#####’ was shocked to see it, he never thought that he would see such a surprise, a surprise he didn’t expect.

" That thing behind you. how did you...!? " ’#####’ realized that the Black Shadow behind Draven is a monster he killed inside this very realm.

" Hehehehe...! " Draven laughs as he finally gets the advantage.

" Of course, I can... "

" You stupid old arrogant old man. "



The fight with Rodrigo in Chapter 20-30.

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