Child from the Dungeon Chapter 134: Vermillion Flame Part 1

Chapter 134: Vermillion Flame Part 1

[ Location: Vermillion House Residence, Aile Phénix ]

[ Center Chamber ]

" What is that? " said a man, as he leads the whole place, he dresses in his feathered fiery red robe, still leaving his abs and chest open, wearing long pants as he exits his room.

" Honey, don’t leave us, we’re not fi- "

" Shut up! stay in the room girls, let the guys deal with this! " the person says as he yawns while unsheathing his blade, knowing that this means business if he can clearly hear explosions everywhere.

" Guess some idiot had dared themselves to come here. "

" Dammit, why this chaos had to happen after the Richter House disaster, this should’ve been my time. " the person says as he then comes out to see what’s going on outside.

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" Lord Vermillion, you’re here... "

" Help- " the guard was killed by the Black Shadow Dark Elf.

" Hmmm..., an Elf? here? " the person from the Vermillion House says as he realized the identity of the Black Shadow Creature, realizing that he’s facing an Elf, but this one is different.

" I have never seen the likes of you before, which Elven Race are you from!? " the guy says while pointing his sword over the Black Shadow Dark Elf.

" Ashford Vermillion, was it? " said the Black Shadow Dark Elf for her fellow compatriots also come after defeating the men guarding the whole residence.

" We come here to take you in, will you come with us? " said the Black Shadow, nicely despite her being fully armed with her Elven Weapon.

" How nice of you, Elven lady. " Ashford Vermillion says as he smirks.

" I must say, your body’s curves are so good, I like to add you to my Rose Girls Collection, which consists of many exotic non-human beauties. " Ashford tells the Dark Elven which insults her.

" You perverted bastard, how dare you! " she attacks Ashford in her rage.

" Wait, don’t attack him, he’s...! " the other Black Shadow Dark Elf tried to warn her, but alas, she was immediately slashed by Ashford using his slash that had a fire effect in it, it slices and burns her instantly.

" Too late, female Elf... " Ashford says as he kills her.

" But it seems, I’ll pass on collecting you. " Ashford smirks as he tells the Black Shadows in his gesture to come at him at once, all of them.

" Arrogant human royal bastard! " the female members of the Black Shadow Dark Elves says.

" You’ll pay for this! " they attack him at once as their battle creates a great explosion everywhere.

( Meanwhile. )

" I can sense it here... "

" I can hear the screams of a stranger below this place. " Draven says for he listens to the noises he hears.

< [Side Quest]: [Stranger Noise Search] >

< 0 km >

" Hmmm, is it below me? " Draven says as he then kicks the ground below him, destroying it, and creating a large pit of a hole.

" Are you sure it’s from down there, young master? " Black Shadow Tania comes beside him, asking Draven if he was sure about this.

" Didn’t ya hear, the screams of sorrow... " Draven says.

" The screams that yearn for freedom but never get it, it was robbed from them due to the elite’s hands. "

" These poor souls had begged for a savior and I intend to be that savior for them. " Draven then jumps he falls below.

" Such a generous decision, I expect nothing less from you, Young Master. " Tania wipes her tear, being emotional herself after hearing it, it makes her follow him regardless if he communicates it so cringy or not.

The two fall underground, as they arrived, they see a large cave filled with cages, cages that contain many hybrids, and monsters.


< Name: Arita ( LVL. 30 ) >

< Race: Fire Elf >

< Sex: Female >


< Name: Willona ( LVL.29 ) >

< Race: Therianthrope (half-wolf) >

< Sex: Female >


< Name: Kriona (LVL.38) >

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< Race: Frost Fairy >

< Sex: Female >


" They’re all females!!! " Tania was shocked as they see this with Draven.

" I knew it... " Draven says, he knows something.

" Young master? "

" It seems the Vermillion family really did have something behind our backs, huh? those sneaky hypocrites. "

" Pardon? " Tania asks Draven and he then explains to her some history.

" Many times past, the Vermillion House and the Richter House once quarrel regarding things like this. "

" Back then, the Vermillion House was the richest non-human people slaver House that owns many non-human slaves. "

" The House robbed the slaves from their homes, basically, they will target every non-human people, and creature, especially the women as they sell them to those perverted royals of that era. "

" Giving them a huge source of income than the other Houses. "

" But then, things began to change, until one of the Richter House’s members at the time, a female member, decides to confront the slavery activity which made her gather up all sane mind Royals to ban the Vermillion House’s slavery business. "

" The gathering of the slavery objection done by her was so huge, even the likes of House Calibur joined the cause, despite they usually don’t care about non-humans. " Draven tells Tania as he frees the slaves one by one.

" How extraordinary, to think Young Master’s ancestor managed to gather such a number, even the Calibur House... " Tania replied while helping Draven free the slaves.

" You’re all free, please stay calm... " Tania tells one of the slaves she freed, and she hugs her as the freed slave cried to her.

" Everything will be alright, I’ll promise that I and the Young Master will punish those who were responsible. " Tania promises the slave while patting her as Draven also frees them and checks their condition.

"( She didn’t make it. )" Draven skips one cell for he sees that it is pointless as the imprisoned’s HP is zero after all.

"( Hope you get a better life in the afterlife, I didn’t know much yet based on what I’ve seen in the scriptures, but... )"

"( At least I hoped you didn’t feel the pain anymore. )" Draven says his condolences in his mind, for he finally gets pissed.

"( I think I know why, why Tania mentioned the Vermillion’s is the one who had something to do with grandpa’s abduction by the Elves. )"

"( These bastards are still doing their Slavery, after many years from their ban of slavery, the ban which the other houses keep monitoring them for. )"

"( To think these guys managed to keep their activity a secret for some time, makes me realize that these guys’ motive to stab the Richter House in the back, using the Elven Invasion is to wipe any opposition in order for them to rresurface their ’legal’ slavery once more. )"

"( Well, it can be seen from their Current House Head, Ashford... )"

"( Man, I hope that pervert didn’t stay here, right now... )"

"( That guy’s sexual behavior is brutal, even in the public. )" Draven remembers, he remembers that in some banquet the Richter House once held, Ashford Vermillion comes while bringing some of his ’exotic’ non-human babes in front of the others while doing some infidelity with them too.

Because of that Draven recounts when his grandfather and father had to kick him out, including some sane royals who come there. They kicked him out for bringing infidelity to the Richter House’s banquet which Ashford Vermillion might’ve taken to heart.

" I’ll swear, you’ll pay for this, Richter House! " Ashford Vermillion says he leaves, while the girls stay as Grandfather, Father, mother and the others begin to treat them as they do their way to return those girls to their homes.

"( I didn’t know much of what happened, since the grown-ups didn’t want to tell me more. )" Draven says when he remembers it.

"( But without them telling it, I could tell that because of their actions of justice, Ashford must’ve wanted revenge for them, to us, even if he doesn’t do it frontally as it means using this chaos and havoc to his disposal. )" Draven says as he then sees something.

" What is it, young master? " Tania asks Draven as he sees the System.

" Oh god, he’s here!? " Draven says, knowing that the Black Shadow Dark Elves had encountered the said person, the person he wishes to not encounter at all.

" Young Master? " Tania asks as she wonders what’s wrong.

" Tania, stay with the girls... "

" I’ll have something to do with the ones outside. " Draven says as he leaves the place using his smoke magic.


( At the same time. )

Fire burns everywhere as the flame turns into a bird shape, and the debris of it becomes a bird-shaped fire as the fly around the whole place.

" How easy *yawn*, " Ashford says after defeating the Black Shadows that attacked him.

" To think that you’re actually here in this place, I thought you were always busy having a party elsewhere... "

" Ashford Vermillion? " a voice calls him.

" Hmmm..., excuse me, you are? " Ashford says as he sees Draven in front of him.

" The name’s Draven, Prince of Shadows. "

" I will be the one to judge your misdeeds, once and for all. " Draven tells him while unleashing the usual < Aether Blade (A) >.

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