Child from the Dungeon Chapter 152: The Fateful Meeting Part 1

Chapter 152: The Fateful Meeting Part 1

( In the meantime. )

" It seems, there’s really nothing for me to kill anymore. " I said to myself as I camped again in another location.

It’s been hours, hours for me, journeying around this vast land, on foot, to find more ’Transport Pillars’ that these Elven Region had in their very grounds.

" I hope to find more Dungeons though, places I could farm some cool items, instead off... " I opened the System Window, the usual thing, checking inventories, those things, managing some items, open the [System Store] and etc etc etc.

" Damn, I regret not bringing Tania with me during this travel... "

" But sadly, only Tania that I could trust to lead and guide the other Black Shadows, she’s already experienced to be a Leader. " I said to myself, remembering Tania was, a Dark Elf General in her living time.

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When I think about it, I gaze upon the stars of the Lands of the Night, the stars of Alviheim that were so beautiful, so sad this beautiful sight can’t be seen in the Human World.

" ( So sad that humans always fail to maintain a good relationship with nature. )"

"( But that’s the cost for our ’advancement’, we need to destroy something to make another, it’s always been like that. )"

"( Even nature itself if we have to... )" I gazed upon the stars, I wonder if I could see this again back home and not only in Alviheim.

Tears came out from my eyes during this gaze, I don’t know why, I felt so familiar with this sight, this beautiful sight of the stars.

" The skies are so bright, even in the dark... "

" Guess this what they say to be ’light always prevails against the dark’ or that kinda thing, was it? " I asked myself whenever I see those stars.

" Father, Mother, Adria... "

" You gotta see this... "

" I hope we could see this sight, together... "

" We could... "

" Are you lost, youngster? " a voice suddenly spoke which makes me jump from my seat.

" WHO ARE YOU!? " I turned back to its source as I see its owner, a hooded person with a huge bag, his height is shorter than me but something tells me that this guy is off the charts.

" Sheesh, calm down... " the person says to me, while his emoji-like face makes a worried expression and his hands kinda wave in order to calm me down.

" I just ask you if you’re lost or not, while you’re wandering off the stars like a crazy homeless person. " the person tells me.

" Watch your mouth, whoever you are!? "

" I’m on an adventure here, leaving my fortress to find more materials! "

" I’m here just for fun before I returned to my place in this Realm, I’m not homeless! "

" Shorty! " I said to the person as I call him based on his looks.

" Shorty, huh? " the person says as he then...

* BAM *

He immediately beats me to the ground.

" KUOKH! "


" WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, SAYING ME THAT!? " he says to me in loud voice, his voice echoes around the place, so loud as if his voice was given a loud voice effect.

" But, your height was... "

" You ungrateful brat, is this what your progenitors teach you on talking with other people? " the person asks me while smacking me down.

" Even with strangers you didn’t know, talking rudely is a no-no, you know? " he says to me, I believed that he was a ’he’ despite his voice sounding just like a little boy, or was he?

"( Dammit, his hands... )" I struggled to wake up, as this person’s hands suddenly grows while pinning me down.

Seeing it, I wonder if he had some kind of ’Size Manipulation’ Magic or some sort, but that is impossible since this kind of ability, magic, or power had been lost since...

< Vague Memory Voices Activated >

< ##$##W@$# >

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" Ragnarok... "

" Hmm... " the person says as he hears it.

" What did you just say? " the person asks me to say it again as he releases me by returning his hand size to normal, his normal size.

" No, sir... it’s just... "

" Seeing you had this kind of ability, I just wonder if you’re... "

" I’m what? " the person asks me.

" If you’re a being that was born before Ragnarok, sir...? " I asked him, telling him my knowledge of history regarding that particular subject that has been always been debated by everyone, despite some people trying to brush it off, for discussing the ’Ragnarok’ could be proven catastrophic, many still delved into this part of history because of its mysteries.

As I said that to that person, he immediately calms himself, giving me arms crossed gesture and a sigh.

" Young man, it seems you learned history well... "

" Some of it... " the person praises me which eased my heart up.

" Is that true? are you saying that- "

" Yes, I am a being before that era you said *sigh* "

" Even though it’ll be best not to reveal it to others, since you could tell just in your first glance. "

" Then I think, I’ll better straighten things up and go to the part where I introduce myself, so... "

" Ahem... "

" Hello there, young brat... "

" I’m an Exploring Merchant who sells unique merchandise around the realms. "

" You can call me the ’Black Merchant’. " the person introduces himself.

" Does my intro good? " the person says, after revealing his name to be the ’Black Merchant’.

"( ’Black Merchant’... )"

"( This name... )" I think in my mind regarding this person’s name, I swear I’ve heard this name somewhere, from...

"( DAD! FATHER! )" I shouted in my mind, remembering that time when I asked dad about some of his weapons and items stored in his [Dimensional Pouch], he told me that it was given by a Store Owner named Ronald, yes, was it his name?

I don’t know, but dad said to me that this Ronald person get that thing from a merchant who called himself the ’Black Merchant’ an Exploring Merchant who he stated to travel between the Gates.

"( So, regarding that description of the said character... )" I said to myself while looking at the Black Merchant.

"( Don’t tell me that the Black Merchant I’ve met here, is... )" I think in my mind while looking at the person.

While I think about him, I don’t know why, but I could see him also taking his time in his own mind, I wonder what he thinks about me, I don’t know.

He seems to know me, I guess?



( Meanwhile, in Black Merchant’s mind. )

"( Well, well, it seems his behavior is really like what I expected. )"

"( Guess it’s time for us to meet face-to-face, didn’t we...? )"

"( Donovan Richter... )"

"( ’Betzalel’ Grimshaw... )"



*Want to know who Ronald is? see Duncan’s Character Introduction and you’ll know who gives Duncan his first weapons.

By the way, Ronald got some of his things from ’Black Merchant’, they met at some point before Duncan and Irina were born.

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