Child from the Dungeon Chapter 181: Meet You Again Part 3

Chapter 181: Meet You Again Part 3

( In the other place. )

Duncan and Irina are having some time in a mall with Adria, Donovan’s sister. As the three, accompanied by some guards and maids, spend their time, they began to feel hungry and decided to have a feast after so much time walking and playing around.

" It’s so much fun, isn’t it, Adria!? " Irina asks as she holds Adria who is still growing at that time, unlike Donovan, Adria needs a lot of attention since she grows normally like any other child.

" Kakakaka! " Adria laughs as she had so much fun with her parents.

" She really likes the trip, guess you really take many things from your mother, aren’t you Adria? " Duncan asks.

" Oh, honey... you...~ " Irina felt flirted as she hears it.

Duncan wasn’t wrong, in fact, Irina is actually a traveling-type woman, for due to her family’s status, she had much access to go everywhere and travel along the world. Unlike Duncan who needs to struggle and get some Hunter missions first to ever get one free trip.

As the three and the others had a great time, they all eat their feast, from the masters to the servants, Duncan and Irina want all of them to eat which they have it gladly.

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"( Oh my, to think they would share a high-class feast with lower people like us... )" They all eat their fill and cried happily because of how good the food they eat.

"( Long live master Irina and Duncan, long live young master Donovan and Adria! )"

"( May your family prosper in wealth and kindness forever after and forevermore. )"

"( Long live the Richter House, as long as these two and their children take care of it, we will happily guard them with our lives. )" said them all, for this is the best treat any Royalist Servants could ever be treated.

During a great time, as Duncan sees them all eating, he feels sad, for Donovan is not here with them due to his time in the academy.

" I should’ve asked Donovan’s teacher to at least let him be absent for one day. " Duncan says as he decides to order some food for him to take away.

Seeing her husband doing that, Irina then approaches him, holding his hand.

" You shouldn’t do that, my Dunny~, " Irina says to Duncan.

" Donnie needs to learn, it’s an important thing he must do for it is for his future’s best. " Irina tells Duncan, reminding him why they sent him to the Prodigal Academy in the first place.

" Yeah, we want our boy to be more educated not for him to run around and do some negative bullshit, didn’t we? " Duncan asks.

" Language, Daddy ~... " Irina says to Duncan as she reminds him that Adria is nearby them.

" Oh sorry, Adria, sorry that your daddy had to say that, Daddy didn’t mean it... "

" Daddy simply felt guilty that we didn’t bring your big bro with us... " Duncan which made Adrian cry.

" You shouldn’t mention that... " Irina says, reminding Duncan that Adria will cry if she knew she was separated from Donovan, hence, she and Duncan often bring Donovan’s things with them in order to make Adrian calm for the little girl is glued to her big bro.

" Well well there, Adria... " Irina pats the girl, she holds her tight while Duncan looks at them and still wondered about Donovan’s condition right now.


( Meanwhile. )

< User ’Draven’ performs [Aether Slash] >


" Gurkkh! " Ragitor says as he is filled with blood and breathes heavily.

" Such power, to think you have grown so much from the last time we met, Betzalel? " Ragitor asks while Draven is here, who is definitely stronger, is having his time, remembering some flashbacks due to his battle with Ragitor.

" Keuk! keukkhh! " Draven breathes in chaos as his mind too was in jeopardy.

" Oh, it’s activated, it has begun! " Draven says the Passive Skill activates.

< Flashback Activated >

< User ’Draven’ witnessing the memory related to User’s past as ’Betzalel’ with Subject [Ragitor] and Subject [Raksha]. >

< Years Ago >

" Guuu... " Betzalel creates a ball made from the Shadows, using his power he then shoots the shadows as it creates [Shadow Holes] all over the Dungeon, making like a Sub-Realm or Mini Gates that is able to teleport something or someone into many places around the Dungeon.

" Gugih ga! " Betzalel screams as he had trouble controlling it which made the people around him suffer the trouble.

" Betzalel, haranish kop!!! " said the monsters, the inhabitants of the Dungeon as the [Shadow Holes] affect their work and lives badly, but they can’t stop it, since they all aren’t able to step closer towards the young master himself.

" Betzalel, stop it! you’re going to kill us all! " Ragitor says as he comes near Betzalel and grabs him, but suddenly Betzalel pushed him using his unknown strength, and from his very shadow, he summons a giant silhouette that makes Ragitor so scared.

" So this is the Betzalel, the ’Shadow of God’... "

" He who masters the Shadows and will destroy all tainted. "

" Our Salvation... " Ragitor says as he then brings out a scroll and opens it, as it opens, the scroll summons great spiritual beings that are going to attack Betzalel, making the inhabitants of the Dungeon afraid as they see it and rush to save the Black Boy.


" Guu! " Betzalel’s silhouette shadow summons that swings its blade and slices all of the Spiritual Being unleashed by the scroll with the Shadow’s Aether Energy.

" Incredible, it is as it was foretold... " Ragitor says he sees Betzalel destroy the spirits.

" Betzalel, you were indeed the ’Shadow of God’, with your power, you would cleanse this scroll that my ancestors inherited and with that, I and Raksha could finally know what our ancestors had inherited from us... "

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< Flashback Ended >

" Keuk! A Scroll!? " Draven asks as he sees the end of it.

" You remember!? " Ragitor asks as he approached him, showing Donovan the scroll he sees in the .

< Scanning >

< Item: [Sealed Scroll of Ancient Mysticism Path (SSS)] (1/1) >

< A scroll that contains hidden knowledge, an ancient scroll from the Ancient Orc race. >

Seeing it, Draven tries to touch it, but then...

< (!) WARNING (!) >

< Danger Detected >

< Sensing an unorthodox Dark Aura coming out from the scroll. >

" Gah! "

" It’s the curse, Betzalel... " Ragitor tells Draven.

" It will harm those who were not ready or had fear within their minds. "

" The scroll is cursed, Ragitor? " Draven asks and Ragitor shakes his head.

" The scroll itself is not cursed, but the sheath that covers it, the one we see right now is the cursed one," he explains.

" It was cast by the Elves to entrap those who were weak who touch it, teleporting them into a realm of Dark Creatures... "

" An effective way to kill us, the Orcs, for what’s inside this cover holds a treasure we hold dear... " Ragitor says.

" Treasure? " Draven asks.

" The scroll contains a map that would lead us into a real our Orc ancestors had prepared for us, a promised realm. "

" A realm rich with energy and nature, which made Elves feel jealous when they knew we found such realms as we travel through the Gates, they even once stole this scroll from us. "

" But, sadly, they can’t understand what the scroll says, for the scroll is written with the Orcs most unique kind of language, made so different than our Elven counterpart, thus making them unable to decipher it. "

" So because they couldn’t decipher, they tried to destroy this scroll but it was already made with the most unbreakable materials and in that very time, our Orc Ancestors had breached Alviheim once more to reclaim it. "

" That’s why in the Elves’ ditch effort, the Elves decided to seal this scroll into this cursed sheath, placing it with a cursed teleportation spell that would teleport those who were weak to touched into a realm of unknown evil. " Ragitor says this as he sighs.

" Many of us, sacrifice our lives to challenge the curse and break the scroll free from its grasp. "

" Thus, decreasing our numbers for the promise of the ’Promise Realm’ is a dream we Orcs share. "

" We didn’t give up, we try to search for anything or anyone that could help free it but always fails in the end. "

" Until... "

" Until you met me? " Draven says he then decides to touch the scroll’s sheath.

" For I somehow had the power to break the curse, didn’t I? " Draven asks while Ragitor nods his head down and picks something from the armor.

" Take these... " Ragitor says as he then gives Draven three keys.

" These are...? " Draven grabs it and gets informed of what that is.

< Scanning >

< Item: [Keys of Realm Escape (SSS)] (3/3) >

< Three Keys the Orcs stolen from the Elves, a Dimensional Teleportation Item that could teleport the holder out from every realm. >

" These were your safeguard when traveling into the unknown, these were the last of its kind, for we had wasted it all in order to save ourselves from the cursed realm’s danger. "

" Will you help me-us? " Ragitor says as he looks at Raksha while Raksha looks at Draven as he holds the items within his hands, confused about what to do as the System informs him.

< (!) Message (!) >

< New Quest! >


< Event Quest: [Enter into the Scroll Sheath’s Realm (0/1)] >

< Requirement Level: 120-130 >

< Accept Quest? >

" Hmmm... " Draven thinks as he sees it, thinking about what to do, whether should he accept it or not.



An Event Quest is a quest that is so important to refuse, for the rewards given will be splendid for Donovan to have.

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