Child from the Dungeon Chapter 246: Volume 5 Opening Chapter: Behind the Battles

Chapter 246: Volume 5 Opening Chapter: Behind the Battles

( The Next Day. )

[ Elite Nurturing Academy’s Base, Teacher’s Meeting Hall. ]

In the place, teachers of the academy are having a meeting, but none of them are present, only their voices generated by some advanced Magical Technology that allows them to meet from wherever position they’re at.

" It seems the ’Prodigy Center Academy’ had proven themselves even more thanks to that son of House Calibur. "

" Not to mention the addition he was given, the trio is effective over that battle with the Oniro Brothers. "

" Those Mystic Immigrants, perhaps we miscalculated the danger the amalgamation between the Ki and Mana could become, what a waste of talents. "

" If that Academy’s Principal just accepts our help, then- "

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" Their pride has already been swollen out, teacher Delta. " said the other teacher in the meeting.

" I know we shouldn’t cheer for the ’Prodigy Center Academy’ since they’re our rivals, but as they did us some favor, perhaps we should congratulate them a bit. "

" Even if they will face us in the Semifinals, Teacher Gamma? " Teacher Gamma was then asked about his comments.

" You know the Tournament works thanks to the King’s Poll..., from the theme of this Tournament and how it will be done with. "

" Who knows if we’re going to face them after this, we need to...- "

" Do not worry, Teacher Epsilon! "

" Teacher Zeta? "

" I have eyes and ears over the Tournament’s Royal Staffs... "

" You believe it was the King who already rolled the dice for the poll, but the fact is, it doesn’t... "

" The Dice for the poll was made by the other royal houses alongside the King’s Avalon’s House to represent the Houses’ choice. "

" Because of that, some Royal Houses had the magic to direct the results from the Dice invisibly, tampering with the King’s choice of this Tournament. "

" So, since the Royals were involved, you all know which Academy gained this kind of advantage... "

" The ’Arc Magus Academy’. " said Teacher Beta, completing Teacher Zeta’s sentences.

" Since they had the power to do so, I believe the reason Teacher Gamma cheered for the ’Prodigy Center Academy’ is... "

" Because the ’Arc Magus Academy’ will surely aim for the ’Prodigy Center Academy’ first as its opponent... " Teacher Gamma replied.

" Do not forget, the ’Prodigy Center Academy’ had the Top Trio that happened to be the target of some Royals. "

" First one, is the top leading boy, Carlos Calibur. "

" Second is that, ’Child From The Dungeon’, the adopted royal, the one scorned by the Royal Houses as his existence breaks all tradition. "

"The third one is the Half-Royal, Half-Commoner Conglomerate girl who is related to the top leading boy himself. "

" To think the Royal Houses will go that far with their power, aiming at three little kids, ahahaha! " Teacher Eta responds with laughter of full energy.

" It’s not a joke. " Teacher Delta tells the laughing teacher.

" Principal Alpha even gave concern regarding the Calibur Son and the ’Child From the Dungeon’... "

" They said to us, to try our best to monitor them, for the two can be a grenade that will shock the entire Tournament before... "

" Our plan is still in motion, my dear teachers. " Principal Alpha came, his voice came out of the sudden which surprised all the teachers there.

" Principal Alpha... " the teacher greets, as the principal continues the topic.

" Yes, we still have to monitor the two subjects from the ’Prodigy Center Academy’... "

" But, we must not forget, to prepare for the next step for our competing students, especially since the ’Half-Blood Academy’ is surely our next opponent. "

" The thing is, we need to further our monitoring over the other three rivaling academies. "

" Although we know the Roll of Dice is in the hands of the Royal Houses, we need to see if the King still had an actual hold of it. "

" So if things escalate, we will be ready to advance to the next stage. "

" To change the Elysium Haven’s Magical World, starting from the youth... " Principal Alpha says it as the meeting concludes.


( Meanwhile. )

[ Arc Magus Academy, Teacher’s Meeting Chamber ]

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" The end of this Tournament is near... "

" For now, we shall make all Elysium Haven know which Academy they should be revered to of all times. "

[ Name: Ferdinand Howlex ]

[ Occupation: Arc Magus Academy’s Principal ]

" The dice had rolled well, Principal. "

[ Name: Luna Illumina ]

[ Occupation: Arc Magus Academy’s Spell Teacher ]

" With my spell, alongside all others who worked with me, including our students’ parents. "

" We have gratefully interfered with the King’s Poll of this Tournament, the next Tournament is on the opponent we aimed to destroy. "

" The ’Prodigy Center Academy’... "

[ Name: Elena Equatior ]

[ Occupation: Arc Magus Academy’s Relic Teacher ]*

" Using my tampering magic with the relic, For Mrs. Illumina and I had assured our position in the Semifinals, to perfect our plan ever since. "

" To destroy the ’Prodigy Center Academy’s reputation... "

[ Name: Nergal Nostram ]

[ Occupation: Arc Magus Academy’s Combat Teacher ]

" With this, I could finally unleash my students, especially the Princess of the Throne herself. " Nergal says.

" It seems the princess had been training with you lately? " Elena asks, realizing the Princess had been preparing herself a lot.

" As well as the surviving students, of course... " Nergal replied.

" Just as you asked the principal, the ’Fail & Drop Out’ Method is effective in maintaining our academy’s position. "

" For we didn’t need failures in our Royal Academy, we only bred winners. " Nergal smirks.

" Of course... "

[ Name: Fistra Florental ]

[ Occupation: Arc Magus Academy’s Magi-science & Experiment Teacher ]

" No matter the cause..., fufufu... " Fistra says as she prepares to experiment on the surviving contesting students after this.

" You all have done well, in maintaining this Academy’s prestige. " Principal Howlex praises the teachers.

" Once the ’Prodigy Center Academy’ falls, we will then look at whether it’s the ’Elite Nurturing’ or the ’Half-Blood’ that will survive. "

" Thus, reestablishing our prestige even more, with this, no other academy will dare to compete against us, kukukuk. "

" With this, the ’Arc Magus Academy’ will advance to not only become the best academy in the entire Elysium Haven but also be the Academy that monopolizes the Elysium Haven’s education. " Principal Howlex smirks as he says this, for he had already planned to use the Tournament as his stepping stone to ensure the ’Arc Magus Academy’ is the only academy above all others, for them to monopolize every aspect of education.

But unknown to him.

" I see..., so that’s why you chose us... " a voice silently says behind the shadows.

" I’ll make you regret it. "




[ Name: Elena Equatior ]

[ Occupation: Arc Magus Academy’s Relic Teacher ]

In Chapter 199: Academic Meeting, the teacher is also a Combat Teacher which is a mistake.

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