Chrysalis Chapter 774 Wriggle and Worm

Chapter 774 Wriggle and Worm

The hot air of the third stratum burned against his skin and Jim cursed as his tender flesh seared in the open air. He wasn’t built to be exposed like this which was probably why they demanded he come out of the protective soil for this discussion.

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The demon city of Arkesh loomed high above them, the five tiers of plates disappearing in the smoke and ash far above. He shuddered and the rings that made up his long form coiled and twisted uncomfortably.

Now that he had revealed himself fully the three kaarmodo who awaited him at the base of the pillar stepped forward, accompanied by their attendants they approached him as he writhed slowly with pain.

Without preamble he felt the combined weight of their minds slam into him, smashing his thoughts aside in the most brutal way possible. If he had any illusions as to how high he was held in their regard, then this deliberate, crude intrusion would make them clear.

Fortunately, or perhaps not, depending on the perspective, Jim was under no illusions as to what the kaarmodo thought of him. To them, he was a tool, nothing more, nothing less. He viewed them in much the same way, and if it helped him achieve his goals then he would gladly suffer some indignities. After all, hadn’t he lived imprisoned by the golgari for a decade? Compared to that, rough treatment from the giant, sentient lizards was nothing.

[We have protected you, as we promised we would,] the lead kaarmodo declared, [this is evidence enough of our sincerity, I am sure?]

Jim wanted to snort and scoff at the ridiculousness of that statement. Protect him? They’d very nearly left him for dead! If he hadn’t slithered directly towards their city they may well have let that idiot, Anthony catch him! But he couldn’t do that. The kaarmodo were touchy when it came to questioning their morals, regardless of how questionable they were.

[I am very grateful for your protection,] he said, using the power of his mind to find a little more balance within his own head, shoving the intrusive presence back just a smidge. [I would also like to think that my efforts have also served to more clearly demonstrate the threat that the Colony represents. I hope that the old ones will be more receptive to my warnings now?]

The three lizards watch him lazily as their servants stood to attention around them. It was so difficult to try and read a kaarmodo, their faces almost never moved, if they wanted to they could stand perfectly still for days at a time, their bodies not shifting position in the slightest. It was unnerving to look at.

[We are still unconvinced that the danger is as great as you suggest,] the kaarmodo to the left told him, breaking into the conversation for the first time. [We have heard dire warnings, but until now we have seen and heard little of this ’Colony’. A single ant, no matter how powerful, is of little concern to us.]

So stupid. Despite the pain he was in, Jim was reminded of the human gesture he might have engaged in so long ago, slapping a palm against his forehead. He no longer had palms, or a forehead, but the sentiment remained. How could they be so foolish?

[If a single ant can become so powerful. Reaching tier six, with multiple tier six pets…]

He left the thought hanging, trying to allow the supposedly aged and wise kaarmodo to fill in the blanks on their own.

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[Are you trying to suggest there are thousands of such creatures? All ants, with a comparable level of strength?]

The tone of the thoughts was loaded with derision.

[No,] he quickly denied, [but given enough time they will be able to amass resources at a speed that will shock you. I have been inside their nest, I know how fast they work. By now there will be tens of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands maybe. They can spread over an enormous amount of Dungeon and funnel resources to a few individuals. Surely you see the threat?]

[These are all future concerns, far off and theoretical. Little to justify our continued efforts to protect you now.]

If he had any teeth he would have grit them in frustration. These damned lizards were such an unwieldly and slow instrument to work with! When his betrayal of the Colony had failed, when the golgari and Legion had fallen short of eliminating the pest, he had despaired of ever being able to pry Sarah away from the insects who pushed her to the edge of her sanity in their own defence. They were far too on guard for him to ever be able to approach the nest again, no matter how hard he tried, so he had been forced to watch and wait, something he was well used to doing.

When the Colony had expanded to the third stratum, he felt he might finally have a chance. He knew that land in the third was more heavily contested than it was in the second, all he had to do was try and find some of the ant’s new neighbours and give them a nudge. The empire of the great lizards, the Dune Kingdom, seat of the old ones, had been a perfect target. Too proud to ever settle to treat monsters as equals, a conflict with the Colony was inevitable. All he had to do was provide a spark.

[They have already conquered Orpule. That makes two cities that have fallen to the Colony in a matter of weeks. It won’t be long before they come here. I predict that you will begin to see scouts poking at the edges of your territory in a few days, perhaps less.]

They certainly would be here, looking for him, but the kaarmodo didn’t need to know that.

If only he hadn’t reached out to Sarah in that moment, then Anthony and the Colony would still have no idea he was here and there would surely have come a better chance to reach her. He was confident that if he just had a minute to talk to her, a little time to explain himself, then she would see things as he saw them. The Colony would destroy her in the end, he was certain of it.

But with him, he could protect her, keep her safe from herself.

[Your warnings are dire, but we are yet to see sufficient evidence. If you wish to continue to enjoy our protection, then you should honour your end of the bargain. Continue to be our eyes on this ’Colony’, track their movements. If they seek conflict with the kaarmodo as you claim, they will learn how foolish it is to wage war against the timeless sands.]

Sensing the dismissal, Jim gratefully rolled his lengthy form and dove once more beneath the crust of the plains. Though the rock was hot, the air was even more so and he was grateful to once more be shielded from it. He would return to the lands of the Colony, though he would have to be doubly careful for now, but he was confident that the tinder had already been lit.

All he had to do was be patient, then he would get his chance.

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