Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds Chapter 451 - 451 Marge

451 Marge

“Ha, tsundere.”

The emotionless Transformer made a cruel evaluation.

Kang De sensed that book with his mental strength. The brilliance of elements lingered in the pen and ink stored on the page. Knowledge, storage, solidification, explanation, tobacco…—it was active and brand new. As expected, it had just been written.

Delilah’s evasive gaze flashed through his mind and his heart warmed.

Logically speaking, Kang De did not like the attribute of pride… Ah, it was so fragrant.

When this thought flashed through his mind, he revealed a surprised expression, “Wait… you mean that she just wrote this book?”

Horus was silent for a moment before sighing, “Sigh… what else?”

Kang De frowned and said, “But at first, she said that she had never heard or seen such an insect, and it doesn’t look like she was lying… Since she knows, why did she say that? Why circle around it?”

His iron son was silent for even longer this time. “It’s very difficult to explain such a thing to a person like Father.”

Kang De shook his head and said, “No, something is wrong…”

Horus let out a long sigh. “Father, now is not the time to talk about this. Business is more important.”


In comparison, the threat of the Grevind Swarm was imminent.

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Kang De flipped to the first page.



Tsk, in Elven.

The illiterate father and son looked at each other.

“Eh, it’s actually still in the ancient elf language.”

After returning home, he brought this book to Tina to translate to show that Kang De was magnanimous.

In the room, Tina sat at the desk and flipped through the book Kang De had brought back. She frowned slightly, and the side profile she was reading seriously was quiet, beautiful, and holy, as if enveloped in a layer of sunlight.

She said, “This should be a very ancient book. The elves of this era don’t know how to write with such grammar anymore… The elf who wrote this book must be an intelligent and knowledgeable wise person.”

As an intellectual, her instinct made Tina subconsciously look at the author’s name and she was stunned for a moment. This name was even stranger. The names of elves all had a deep meaning in them. They even involved some epic legends and allusions. Unless it was a scholar who had studied it deeply or someone from her clan, they could not understand it completely.

Just like this name, she knew the name. It roughly meant “Thunder”, but she did not understand the meaning of the surname. It could barely be read as “Faxgy”, which was confusing.

Kang De, on the other hand, had something on his mind. He thought to himself that the Phoenix King had really acted out the entire scene. Ancient elf language? He hurriedly changed the topic, “Ancient elf language? Then can you read it?”

“I’ve said it before. Because it’s so old, even in the Twilight Dynasty, only fanatical retroists will continue to use this ancient style to put on their extraordinary taste and unique purity. In fact, even elves find it difficult to read such ancient words, let alone the human world…”

Kang De’s heart sank. He only wanted to capture the Phoenix King and spank her.

However, in the next moment, he heard a burst of laughter. Tina twisted her slender waist and turned her upper body to look up at him. There was a trace of pride in her bright smile. “But this is not a problem for me. Learn more about your fiancée. She’s a famous scholar on the continent.”

As she spoke, Tina smiled shyly.

Even in a joking tone, this was the first time she had taken the initiative to announce her special identity.

Kang De gently flicked her head. “Then I’m sorry. Please translate this obscure and profound elf ancient book quickly, beautiful, noble, knowledgeable, and dignified Princess Tina.”

“Yes, yes. It’s already begun. Princess Tina’s current work efficiency is 100%.”

Although she was joking with Kang De, Tina had already finished flipping through the catalog and began to read the contents of the first page. As she read, she smiled and said, “By the way, there’s a way to continue increasing the efficiency of work.”


“Of course, it’s a comfortable working environment, adequate logistics supply, and gentle language encouragement.”



Tina snorted and pulled Kang De over, letting him sit in the chair. The soft and perky peach pressed against his legs. She grabbed one of Kang De’s hands and wrapped it around her slender waist.

She leaned back slightly and leaned in Kang De’s arms. She turned around and looked into his eyes, which were close at hand. She said sweetly, “Hug me, feed me, and praise me more!”

At the same time, the Phoenix King outside the city returned to the military camp.

Her Majesty Delilah, who was noble, beautiful, brave, and invincible, was also very guilty. However, she was wearing a dignified phoenix-winged helmet. The soldiers could not see her expression clearly, and she did not dare to look at the expressions of the guards, even if these loyal soldiers only had loyalty and reverence on their faces… However, she was just guilty.

This was because she had run out to see Kang De.

Moreover, it had happened twice.

Moreover, she had helped him.

Moreover, she had accepted the bribe of the enemy’s resources.

D*mn it!

She left and returned secretly, but in the end, she could not hide it from the last layer of guards. After confirming her identity, the guards in charge of security apologized and retreated. The glorious and sacred huge tent of the Phoenix King was right in front of her.

Delilah sighed to herself, especially in the past few days. This was the place she did not want to set foot in the most… second only to Red Maple City’s Maple Leaf Palace.

How detestable!

When she thought of how Kang De had kissed Princess Tina that day, she felt uncomfortable.

How dirty! How disgusting!

She hesitated for a moment and suddenly saw the tent door move, scaring her.

The Empress took two steps forward, pushed open the tent door, and walked in. The space in the tent was extremely large, separating the various districts. A pleasant fragrance wafted faintly. Although there were no ancient artifacts and famous paintings with a long history, the arrangement of various artifacts, accessories, and furniture was still extremely tasteful and stylish, vaguely emitting a martial sense. Even if they lived in the military camp, the expeditionary army still protected the dignity that the Empress deserved to the greatest extent.

Seeing that there was no one around, she quickly walked to the bedroom.


The rattan table was sprinkled with melon seeds. Peanut shells and melon seed skins were scattered all over the ground. The empty bottles of 2L cola were scattered everywhere. There was still a faint smell of spicy snacks in the air, and various wrappers were thrown everywhere… The good bedroom had already become a mass grave.

The bed was empty, except for a pile of books and shredded paper.

She frowned. In the next moment, a cold glint flashed through her eyes as she knocked her elbow back.

However, in the next moment, a hand had already quietly supported her arm and blocked this attack. A hand stained with spicy oil and salt quietly stretched out and pinched Delilah’s nose.

“Why are you gone for so long?”

The voice behind her was lazy and casual, “I, your great-grandmother, am so anxious that I’m about to reclaim my throne.”

Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft!

Delilah struggled free from the ancestor behind her and took out her handkerchief to wipe her nose forcefully.

She looked at her in dissatisfaction.

The person in front of her had bright eyes that were as green as the distant mountains, and her golden-red hair that was like flames was casually tied behind her head. Her appearance was a little similar to hers, but her temperament was very different… She was not solemn at all.

Just from appearance and aura, any elf could immediately recognize the divine bloodline and give this noble royal family the highest respect and greetings, but looking at her entire body…


Delilah sighed.

If her casually tied hair would be evaluated as “disrespectful” by the laziest palace stylist, her clothes could be said to be shocking.

Under her beautiful face and fair neck was a short-sleeved shirt that revealed a little skin.

The white material was soft and close-fitting, outlining the fullness like a moon disk. Moreover, it was shamelessly decorated with the shape of cherries.

Apart from that, there was nothing else.

Yes, there was only her shirt. The hem of her shirt barely covered the top of her thighs. Her two fair and long thighs were exposed like this. Her skin shone with a dazzling luster as she stepped barefoot on the soft carpet.

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Even if they were both women, Delilah felt that she could not bear to look at this shameless outfit. Even the most unrestrained elf did not dare to wear it like this. However, what made her feel even worse was that the material and shape of this short-sleeved shirt were very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before. She did not want to ask, because she would be angry.

Of course, this was not the point.

If an ordinary female elf dressed like this walked in front of her, she would definitely order for a crime to be punished. If an ordinary elf dared to occupy her royal tent, drink her cola, eat her snacks, lie on her bed, look at her memorials and yearbook of governance, and curse, “What are these stupid b*stards governing?” If an ordinary elf really f*cked up, she would probably wave her hand and order them to be dragged down and executed on the spot.

However, this Elven royalty was her ancestor.

She created the golden era of the elves and established the Twilight Dynasty as the pioneer of the temperament, concepts, ambition, and beliefs of the world. She was the Phoenix King, Marge, who was respected and admired by the various races.

A living legend.

This was the greatest emperor she had treated as an idol and role model since she was young.

Why was she looking like this?

Her mouth was filled with curses, she was carefree, and there was no taboo in her actions. She was gluttonous, lazy, and sloppy. She was very shameless when she spoke lewd words, causing her to feel inexplicably frustrated.

If not for the other party’s powerful strength, understanding of the elves’ secret techniques, alchemy, and even understanding of the administration of the country all matching the characteristics of that king, Delilah would be unwilling to believe that such a person was actually once the ruler of the elves, the wisest and greatest king in history.

The living records and palace records were clearly very normal…

Why did she suddenly appear after disappearing for so long and become like this?

Delilah sighed deeply. “Please be more dignified, ancestor. Put on some serious clothes.”

Marge stretched her body in a flexible posture. She rolled her eyes and said, “Aren’t I wearing this? I don’t even know how long I’ve been flying naked. Aren’t these serious clothes? T-shirt, understand? It’s simple and original. You don’t know how many dogs I’ve fought to snatch this…”

“Let’s not talk about this!” She stood on her tiptoes and jumped between the trash and wrappers on the ground. She surrounded Delilah and reached out to stab her. “Hurry up and hand them over! My snacks and drinks! Drunkard peanuts! Mala peanuts! Frosted peanuts! Braised peanuts! Ask Kang De for them tomorrow! Just say that you’ve finished them!”

“I don’t want to!” Delilah said angrily. “I can’t eat that much! Ancestor, why don’t you go yourself?!”

As soon as she finished speaking, her head was patted, “Unfilial descendant! I’ve worked hard to build a huge territory for you and establish a hegemony. Not only did I end up with nothing, but I’m not even married. The throne was given to you for nothing. Not only did you make the country like this, but you’re also unwilling to run errands for me! I’ve been imprisoned for 10,000 years, but now I have to go myself to get some peanuts? You’re courting death!”

The great Marge stomped her feet and said, “Reclaim my throne! I want to reclaim my throne!”

If it was a human monarch who saw the previous emperor who had disappeared for a long time, they would probably have long wanted to kill her. After all, elves had long lives and had a strange style, especially Delilah. Her fate and experience were different from the kings. Not only was she not angry when she heard this, but she also said, “It can’t be better. After returning to the country, I’ll issue an edict announcing the return of the great Marge and my renouncement of the throne…”

Marge’s expression changed, and then she said, “Alright, if you throw the throne to me, you can run to seduce Kang De and be shameless with him, right? Unfortunately, you’re still far from that! It’s not your turn to fly!”

Delilah blushed. “Ancestor! I’ll be angry if you say such a thing again!”

Ever since her ancestor came and asked about Kang De indirectly, she had been chattering beside her all day and giving her suggestions.

Delilah could not defeat her, let alone curse. She was incompetent and furious and could only passively listen to her brainwashing. Over time, even if she did not have such thoughts, she gradually thought of that.

It was precisely because of this that she was clearly talking normally when she went to see Kang De today, but she felt very strange and could not help but think of her ancestor’s urging… It was really annoying.

After causing trouble for a while, Delilah endured the pain and took out five boxes of snacks and drinks given by Kang De. Only then was Marge satisfied. Her unfilial descendant sighed and used spells to clean up the mess on the ground. The ancestor took out a bag of instant noodles, crushed it, sprinkled it with a seasoning bag, and nibbled on it.

“Right.” As Marge chewed, she spoke and sprayed crumbs, “You asked Kang De to put on the engagement ring I gave you, right?”

“…That’s the Star Authority Divine Ring! It’s not an engagement ring!”

“Oh, so you’ve already prepared in private.”


After facing each other for a while, Delilah said angrily, “He put it on and it’s already activated. It indeed surprised me… Who is Kang De? Why can he immediately obtain the approval of the Sun God’s Divine Artifact…”

Marge smiled meaningfully. “It’s not that the Star Authority Divine Ring acknowledges him, but… hmph, hmph.”

Her smile revealed smugness and hidden pleasure.

Delilah turned to look at her. “Ancestor, what are you planning? Where have you been all these years? What’s your relationship with Kang De? Is it related to the enemies from outer space? Why aren’t you willing to tell me?”

She had already asked this question many times, but her ancestor always avoided her.

She threatened, “If you don’t say it now, I’m going to tell Kang De about you.”

The parrot’s expression changed and it said with a change in expression, “If you do this, I’ll immediately reclaim my throne. After seizing the position, the first thing I’ll do is send you away to marry Kang De!”

This was the strategic deterrence between the two.

Delilah was embarrassed and angry. “I just don’t understand. You clearly miss him very much too, and you still wear his clothes. You must know him and are very close. Why don’t you go see him instead of teasing me?!”

Marge held her face and pretended to wipe her tears. She sobbed, “Because I don’t know how to face him. I slept with him and saw him naked…”

At this point, she suddenly put down her hand and leaned over. Her right hand formed a circle and swayed in the air. She raised her eyebrows and smiled evilly, “I’ve really seen it. It’s very good. You have good luck.”


This questioning and negotiation finally ended with Delilah running out angrily.

In the bedroom, Marge opened her arms and lay on the bed on her back. She looked at the top of the tent and slowly exhaled. Now was not the time. She said in her mind that she could not let those guys discover her.

In addition…

Two lumps of red appeared on her face.

This might be very strange, but she would also be shy. If Kang De knew that the coquettish parrot who shouted “AWSL” and “NMSL” every day was actually a famous king in the history of the elves, with that brat’s personality, he would definitely mock her loudly and for a long time.

Let’s get down to business.

The Star Authority Divine Ring was already in Kang De’s hand and had been activated. It was not that the Sun God’s Divine Artifact had acknowledged him, but that the other guy had long acknowledged him. This ring was a bridge, a two-way bridge that transmitted the power of light and another power in the opposite direction… the power to break walls.

Since it had already been successfully activated, it was only recently that that little hussy had escaped…

The next one had already been arranged.

—At least you’re lucky to have made it in time.

She rolled on the bed and could not help but think of Kang De again. She thought of what he had done recently and guessed what he had experienced, what he was like now, and his hometown…

Then, she thought of the days on the island and those old things. What would these things do after coming out? Then, her sharp ears twitched warily.

Marge’s gaze became sharp.

—Should I stamp it first?

—I was clearly first.

In the Maple Leaf Palace, Tina was sitting in Kang De’s arms. The princess was reading a book and explaining softly to him. Kang De’s arms passed under Tina’s armpits and he typed in the notebook on the table. This action encountered the well-developed Tina and was very soft. Even if Tina did not say it, Kang De would not understand.

That book was really a special attack on this swarm. There were all kinds of habits, characteristics, and methods to deal with it. From defending against an underground sneak attack to field annihilation, the details of constructing the spell model, the main points and formula engraved on the scroll, the elemental ratio of various large spells, how to achieve the optimal efficiency of the annihilation array… They were all very detailed.

Kang De found it even stranger.

Delilah was an idiot in magic. Back then, she had only taught him magic-related knowledge by memorizing it.

No matter what, the information he had sorted out would directly be submitted to the legal department for reference. The research results here were very detailed and could save the mages a lot of time.

However, the final part was how to find the main body controlling them in the endless swarm of insects to lock onto, severely injure, and annihilate them. There was a small problem in this aspect.

This was also the difficulty of the Goethe spellcasters’ attack. How to defend against the attack of the insects and how to counterattack and annihilate them was all very clear. However, because they were not sure of the way the other party controlled their mental connection, the main point of this part of the decisive battle required a large number of experiments. This book recorded many ways to win.


“You can use the magic device, the Seampo Construct, to carry out a pure mental storm attack.”

“You can also use the psionic array to cooperate with the Curse Breaker to launch a curse attack.”

“Use the Prayer to perform a reverse mental explosion…”

There were more than ten solutions. They were simply all kinds of ways to kill Big Bob. They simply made this locust disaster look like trash. There were many tastes and choices. The only problem was that the content Tina translated was like an alien book. That detailed plan was filled with a large number of professional terms and descriptions. He did not know what it was saying at all.

Tina could not translate anymore. She read it briefly and sighed, “Kang De, this is an ancient elf book. The contents listed are all the results and plans of the Elven Golden Era. Some magic devices and curse seal secret techniques have been lost by the elves. I’m sorry… Although there are many methods, they’re not something Goethe can do. Even the Human Empire and the Twilight Dynasty can’t do it…”

Kang De’s heart sank and he could not help but ask, “None of them?”

Tina hesitated for a moment and looked at the last line. “Only this… is relatively simple.”


The princess said softly, “Dragon’s Might.”

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