Classless Ascension Chapter 170: Peacefully Relaxing Until...

Chapter 170: Peacefully Relaxing Until...

The soon-to-be battlefield was very still. The soldiers could be seen lying in wait, preparing for what would come. They were all brave men ready to give their lives for the people, but that didn’t eradicate the fear. No, they had simply learned to live with it.

Some could be seen scribbling their will on their UW, some were munching on rations trying to calm their nerves, some whistled catchy tunes, and some joked around to forget that death was around the corner. Similar conversations could be heard all around the camp:

"You recently joined from the Black Squad, didn’t you? How do you feel about your first war?"

"Insignificant. That’s how I feel. I look at those energy walls set up everywhere, knowing even it will all fall,? and I can’t help but tremble. I hope I make it back alive, but I’ve already given up. Honestly, I’m terrified." A recruit admitted.

"Don’t worry about it. We all feel the same. There is not a single soul that feels different on the battlefield. There are only two emotions, fear, and bloodlust. It’s just a balancing game between both. Too much of either, and you are worthless as a soldier." A veteran explained.

"What about these guys?" The young soldier pointed to a pair that clearly stood out in the relatively austere and glum surroundings.

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"— I have no clue! At all!" He could only shake his head. Why were the both of them so relaxed?!

Josh and Kasha could be seen roasting marshmallows on a small campfire, slowly boiling water in a small metallic kettle. The spectators had so many questions.

1) Was here really the place for hot cocoa and snacks?! What about the looming shadow of death approaching them all?!

2) Why were they boiling the water the old-school style instead of using an instant boiler like anyone normal? Were they here to sightsee and have fun?

3) Were they allowed to set up a campfire in the first place?! Sure, the war preparations were all done, but seriously?! Wasn’t this a little over the top?

4) Why was their own commander standing on the side respectfully?! He had always been so harsh with new recruits and never played favorites! What had changed?!

5) Why were there so many people pointing at them with a radiant glow?! They almost seemed to be worshiping them. Were they celebrities? Most didn’t recognize them.

Then, they would investigate quickly in the army’s general chat. While they’d never discuss important matters in there, many were referring to THE video. This prompted a holy quest in search of answers.

Very soon, people realized that a device was being passed around with footage of the two’s training. Every single soldier that watched it ended up staring at them impressed. It made the others’ expectations so goddamn high! Yet, they too were impressed when they watched it!

How were these guys any beginners?! They were evidently professionals! The way that girl handled her gun and how she dashed from cover to cover was phenomenal. She was so unpredictable and bold that they felt she was a veteran of a thousand battles.

Then, there was the man. From his posture, he looked like a complete amateur. But he wasn’t! He clearly wasn’t. How else could he so nonchalantly hit enemies that they themselves could barely see even with cameras showing all angles!

Had they not known this was an arduous Trial, they would have believed this to be a pleasant afternoon stroll. What kind of mastery did one need to realize such a feat?! They couldn’t even fathom the realm he was in.

After watching the two’s performance, many couldn’t help but sigh flabbergasted:

"These two are inhuman. I’m so glad they’re on our side!"

"What is this feeling? My heart is beating faster, I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach, and I can’t help but smile. I think I’m in love." To which another replied.

"She’s out of your league, brother. You have to know your own limits." A friend patted his back in sympathy.

"She?" He asked, puzzled, while his friend was sighing.

"It’s nice to dream, but he’s even more out of your league."

"Pfft." That’s when Kasha spat some hot-coco, looking shocked. She had heard the earlier conversation. How was she worse than Josh?!

Ever since meeting him, she found the world to be a strange place. He somehow was higher than her in the Draconic food chain. He resisted all her teasing without even being flustered, and now this?!

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"A-all good. There was a leaf in my drink." She awkwardly replied.

She looked at him pensively. The whole reason she was here was to protect him. But did he even need her help? He was the ultimate paradox: he was low level, but she couldn’t see his limits.

"I’m not sure how I feel about all this," Josh murmured as he looked toward the people that were staring at them. How many of them would die?

"Are you worried? If it comes down to it, I’ll bring you away as I escape. Don’t worry." She reassured him.

"Oh, It won’t be my first time fighting an army, but it will be a first to have allies." He smiled wryly.

She froze for an instant. That meant he had fought a war alone?! Had it been anyone else saying that she would have considered them to be joking or lying. Yet, she believed him.

Meanwhile, it had taken her months of constant life, and death struggles to reach the point she was at right now.

How did he have such a calm temperament in such a situation?! He was recently summoned too! How was he so relaxedly sipping his drink? Roderick and all the soldiers were actually wondering the same. Their thoughts were interrupted.

"They’re coming." Josh slowly rose, gesturing for Kasha to tidy up all their stuff. She grumbled but did it.

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Everyone gazed in the direction he was turning. They could see the vast plain through the orange tint of the barriers. Roderick shook his head.

"It’s too early for this, way too early. We still have a few hours before the enemy even comes close. Sounding the alarm now would prove fatal. The stress would sap away both our energy and morale."

He even showed the EVE protocol feed as proof. The red dots really were a good distance away still. Plus, they were evidently on foot for some weird reason.

What was the point of technology if no one used it? Then again, as long as it prevented a nuclear fallout…

Josh slowly made his way toward a turret. He still didn’t know how these AoE machines of destruction were allowed. Probably because they there handled by qualified operators to reduce unnecessary casualties?

"I-it’s you! You’re Josh, right?!" The soldier in there looked at him like he saw a miracle. He even opened the turret cockpit.

"Do you mind helping me with something?" He politely asked.

"Anything! Just say the word, Sir!" He instantly agreed, then he remembered that this was totally breaking the chain of command. Good thing Roderick just nodded in approval.

Josh entered and settled right behind the man’s seat. He then pointed at his screen, showing a spot on the horizon. "Do you see this spot right there?"

"Yes, Sir! What should I do?" He eagerly asked.

"I need you to shoot right there."

"B-but, there is nothing there at all, Sir?!" He was confused. Was this a prank or even a test? Either way, as he felt Josh’s encouraging glance behind him, he resolved himself just to shoot. Worst case, he’d lose his job.


The big canon produced a peculiar sound as it charged up. Usually, it would barely be heard, but at that moment, everyone was holding their breath. Josh’s random firing request was so bizarre that they didn’t know what to make of it.

Then a big ball of energy shot out! It whooshed through the air with momentum. Every single soul in the military camp watched it fly straight and true. This soldier had great aim. It was about to collide with the ground.

The outcome was obvious. There would be a big hole in the soil as it would dissipate. But, contrary to their expectations, it disappeared in mid-air. It was as if it had never been there in the first place: no sound at all and no clear explanation.

There was a moment of silence before the world resumed its course with Roderick shouting.

"GET READY! They’re here! Fuck their camouflage up!"





Josh could hear the cacophony of all the turrets charging one after the other. Then began an onslaught. They kept shooting and shooting. The first projectiles disappeared, but soon something began appearing.

What was once invisible began violently rippling as it showed itself. There was a barrier that was about to crumble apart and an army. But a second later, said barrier turned a bright and deep blue.

If before the turrets seemed to have any effect, it all seemed completely useless now. That’s when they slowly reduced their firing rate, seeing how useless it all was.

"What’s happening now?" Josh asked.

"You see that protective screen that they have? It automatically adjusts to the vibration of the attack, counters it, and renders it useless. At this point, we have to reduce the firing rate and the deadliness of the projectiles." He seemed shaken but logically and patiently explained.

"What will that even do?" Josh was perplexed. Wasn’t more power better?

"It’s harder to detect and analyze a lower output. From now on, we’ll only be able to provide cover fire. We’ll also watch out for any war machine." He explained.

"I see. Good luck with that then!" Josh gave him a thumbs up, turning around.

"Wait! How did you know?! They somehow fooled EVE and even had invisibility camouflage!"

"Instinct." On that note, he left to meet with Roderick.

"That instinct just saved all our lives..." Came a whisper behind him.

It was time for the war to begin, for real. Somehow, Josh had the feeling this would become messy really quickly...

Creator’s Thought

What would have happened had I not been there? GAME OVER! They say information wins wars. That’s true, but "information" also loses them. For instance, overconfidence from relying on failed data can easily cause catastrophes. Roderick was actually experienced and careful, yet he would have fallen into that trap.

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