Classless Ascension Chapter 276: A Little Sunshine Is Nice

Chapter 276: A Little Sunshine Is Nice


Metropolis-D seemed ever so tranquil, but unbeknown to most, it was full of undercurrents. For instance, there was currently a manhunt happening spearheaded by many killers.

Eric was a young man that knew many of the gray areas in the City. One could say that he had been introduced to shady people early on in his life. His big brother had taught him about it before he could even speak.

Eric’s first words had even been, "Where’s my fucking money!" not in that order, or any order for that matter. Yet, he had surprisingly grown-up pretty sheltered. In fact, his brother wasn’t even a bad buy. Nope, he was a simple nightclub owner.

It was a series of coincidences that had led him to see the best in every situation. Where others saw a shitty establishment full of low lives, he had seen a wonderful place full of joy. It was a recurring joke in their family that Eric could even see the positive in literal shit.

That’s probably why he became a bodyguard, because to him, life itself was worth it. But, none of his professional experience had prepared him for this man. How could a man with a 100k Credits bounty on his head (and dick) be so calm?!

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He had handled the assassin that went after him with frightening composure, saving Eric’s life in the process. The crazy part was that he had afterward resumed Climbing as if nothing had ever happened!

Anyway, Eric had been waiting for him in front of the Tower patiently. As the mysterious man appeared, he seemed pensive. This was the look of a man pondering about a clear strategy for sure. Eric instantly rushed at him.

"You’re back! We need to talk. This is urgent." He whispered with hints of worry in his voice while making sure no one was in the vicinity.

"What’s up?" The protection target inquired.

"This is serious, man. The bounty on your head blew up. It gained so much traction that people are looking for you everywhere. Quick, wear this!" Eric handed him a ski mask.

"Ski mask? The climate here is relatively warm. Then again, there ought to be artificial snow or something." He mumbled, not worried in the least and even adding. "More people, right? I don’t really mind it."

How could a man be so fearless?! Most of the time, Eric’s clients would be cowering just from the threat of assassination, but not this guy! This could actually become a huge problem! How could he explain it?

"It’s not a matter of just having more people. Dealing with assassins, true ones, is vastly different. You can’t underestimate them as they won’t all be like that guy from back then."

"Do you mean loud-mouthed or useless?" He curiously asked. This was besides the point! Eric sighed as he explained further.

"Both! They’ll attack when you’ll least expect it and try to poison your food sneakily. This is no laughing matter. Anyway, come with me, and I’ll help you hide for a little while. I know just the perfect place!"

Somehow, the man still seemed distracted, as if it was no big deal. He could be seen slightly smirking as he eyed the crowd of Climbers as if having noticed old friends. But he didn’t holler at anyone, and it’s only after a while that he wore the mask.

"Alright, lead us to this hideout of yours." He instructed.

Thank god he was finally listening to reason! Eric energetically nodded as he led the way, making sure they weren’t being tailed. He was extra careful this time around and sighed in relief as the coast was clear. It seemed he had intervened in time before anyone could recognize the man!

Before long, they reached their destination. It was a nightclub located between the bustle of downtown and the relaxing ambiance of the suburbs. It was perfect for Climbers to drink, party, and unwind after a long day of work.

The first thing one would notice was definitely the bright, flashy yellow holograms welcoming visitors. The second was indubitably the three muscular and stern bouncers that towered over the entrance, screening the potential entrants.

"What’s with the name? It’s a nightclub called sunshine? Isn’t this ironic?" The man asked, amused as he stared at the yellow neon sign.

"Climbers exit the Tower at any given time of the day or even at night. Celebrating and having fun is necessary for everyone’s well-being. It’s a bright ray of sunshine in their life…." Eric explained.

"I’m not sure whether it’s beautiful, cringe, or both." He commented.

"Both? Not that it matters really. At least we should be safe here." Eric uttered.

"So your hideout is at a nightclub, eh? Let’s go in: I can already hear the music. It sounds plenty jovial and yet rhythmic. Some kind of pop music?"

"Actually, our destination is right under it. There’s an adjacent tiny basement apartment. The owner used to live there, but he’s since moved out to a bigger place across the street. We can crash here for a while."

"Just so we’re on the same page, your plan is for me to hide next to a? strangers-filled nightclub? Wouldn’t that be pretty unsafe?" The man asked, perplexed.

"Eh, there is more to it." Eric grinned confidently.

"Let me guess. You know the bouncers here?" The man caught on quickly.

"Even better, their boss is my brother. Also, don’t worry too much. I’m a small-time bodyguard, and no one would ever expect me to defend a high-class client." Eric assured his friend. (?)

"I see. So you take easy to defend clients, use your brother’s men to do the job, and then collect the payout?" He calmly remarked.

"K-kinda…" The bodyguard gave an embarrassed expression.

"Why didn’t you bring me here last time?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I’ll never bring someone I can’t trust home. You saved my life back there, so it’s the least I can do." Eric said with conviction.

"I merely took care of a guy that was coming after me, nothing more." He shrugged.

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"Yes, but you could have left me to die. It would have been one less guy knowing about you. Thanks for back then, really." Eric said, serious.

He fished his key and thus started an extremely short house tour. I included so many things to see!:

1. A Sofa

2. A HUB (TV)

3. A Stove

4. A Toilet

That was it, nothing else. The walls were the same tacky yellow as the holograms outside. Eric gestured to the whole thing: "This is it. It’s not much, but it’s honest work!"

"No problem, this will do. Right, there is something I have to buy. I’ll be right back. See you later." He casually waved as if this wasn’t a matter of life and death at all.

He was heading out there again?! What was up with him and his suicidal tendencies?! For now, he’d compromise: "Wait, I’ll send someone to buy whatever you need. You can count on me!" Eric assured.

"Alright, sounds good. Let’s party already! I’m heading to Sunshine."

Oh well, it could be worst. As long as he kept his mask on, everything would be fine. Eric led the way toward the entrance, their arrival making the bouncers smile.

The protection target swaggered toward the front of the queue happily. Why did it seem like he was enjoying the angry looks of the people waiting their turn to enter? He had the walk of a goddamn peacock!

"This is quite pleasant, not having to wait in line." He offhandedly remarked as they were ushered in. "Ah, right. Who should I ask for the stuff I need?"

"Jack here can do it. Just tell him." Eric pointed to the bouncer on the farthest right.

The man approached the bouncer’s ear as he whispered a few things. At some point, he even began drawing stuff on a piece of paper. But, no matter how Eric looked at it, he couldn’t figure out what it was. But, the bouncer’s face became progressively more livid before he bolted away...frightened?!

"What did you request of him?"

"Nothing too big. You’ll see soon." He gave a mischievous smile.

Eric couldn’t help but be puzzled. These guys were the defenders of this place and had seen a lot in their careers. What could have made him react like this?! In any case, he would trust him for now. He had saved his life after all already.

"Anyway, welcome to Sunshine! Everyone working here is family, so feel free to ask if you need anything." Eric kindly offered.

As they entered, the man beamed as he looked all around. It was as if it was his first time seeing a nightclub. Why was he staring so intensely at the 3D holographic dancefloor? He seemed particularly interested in the special effects of the AIs.

Wait, was it possible that the man was a Fallen?! It would explain why he went back so quickly to the Tower to Climb. Perhaps this was why he was remaining calm too in the face of death: he was already cursed to die young!

How harsh must it be for the morale to live with such a condition? Eric couldn’t even begin to imagine to. He could only silently resolve to help the poor guy.

"Wow. What kind of crazy settings do you guys have for this decor? This one is like a 3D disco floor with flying ethereal cubes everywhere. This one is like we’re on an ocean floor with colorful fishes swimming above us!" He kept exclaiming in marvel.

Meanwhile, many couldn’t help but scoff at this country bumpkin that didn’t even seem to understand holographic technology.

"What a dumbass."

"Is he retarded by any chance?"

"What the fuck is this guy doing on the dancefloor?! This ain’t a show!"

"Hehe, this must be his first time entering a place like this. Wanna bet he usually gets turned down at the door?"

Eric’s expression hardened as he went toward the blabbermouths:

"Next similar comment, and you guys are banned for life from this place. Understood?" They grimaced but eventually, most nodded as they recognized him as someone from management.

Well, there was one guy that somehow didn’t get the hint as he began shouting: "It’s that one guy that should be banned. He’s one of those filthy Fallen, isn’t he? Why is he here at a nightclub when he should be doing what he’s been summoned for: Climbing!"

Many held their breath, shocked. What was this guy saying?! But it wasn’t over as a few seemed to approve of this point of view.

Eric felt his blood boiling. Who the fuck was this guy to disparage his guest?! He was a proud bodyguard, and no one would insult the people he had decided to protect!

"You, apologize right now!" He growled with a meaningful tone.

"As if! Why don’t you make me!" The troublemaker flared up, not backing down in the least. Many seemed to be itching to start a fight.

It seemed like a confrontation couldn’t be avoided...

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