Classless Ascension Chapter 74: Floor 12: 0% Clear Rate? Meet Josh MF Malum! (1/3)

Chapter 74: Floor 12: 0% Clear Rate? Meet Josh MF Malum! (1/3)

In the darkness, hairy disgusting creatures were wriggling. They were trying their best to free themselves from their current predicament but to no avail.

On the many monsters laid a man peacefully slumbering. His calm and relaxed expression definitely didn’t fit the current atmosphere. In fact, any Climber seeing this scene would have probably thought to be under an illusion spell. Not only was he serene, but a contented smile even adorned his face.

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But then something happened that totally shattered the tranquil atmosphere. At the very edge of the area appeared a giant spider, one that would have frightened the young and the old. Its hairy legs moved toward where the human was sleeping before its eyes stopped on him in the distance. It froze appearing dumbfounded for an instant not expecting to stumble upon such a defenseless, soft, and tasty-looking prey.

But that is when the poor spider victims that had been tied up and used as a bed started screeching. Their cries implored the newcomer to avenge them and they couldn’t wait for their devilish captor to be savagely reduced to a bloody pulp.

The valiant monster carefully approached. Then it suddenly leaped at the dormant man, it was happily going to enjoy its snack. Its brethren could be seen cheering with expectation. Soon they would be free, soon they would…


Of the incoming spider, only bits remained. The sleeping man had cleaved it in half without even noticing. It had simply been a reflex. That is when he seemingly extended his hand, trying to grab some spider parts and bring them slowly to his mouth only to have it all disappear.

The spiders weren’t very smart but even they with their limited capacities realized that there was something wrong with the situation, something very wrong indeed. They were the ones that were supposed to be eating humans!

Just as they were despairing came another of their brethren. Many had respawned and they were now starting to roam all over the forest. It was their domain and they were the hunters! Well, at least so was the story supposed to go. The creature happily dashed at Josh, only to suffer the same fate as the previous one. This time the man was faster in his motion and almost managed to bring a monster leg to his mouth before it vanished.

At this point officially began the spiders’ nightmare. Every time a new challenger came they would try to warn it, but none managed to get their point across. Instead, all that happened was a ton of spiders dying over and over. Oh, and then some got "eaten". Well, the man would chew on it only to have it fade right before he could swallow anything, it was a nightmare.

Just when they were despairing, came the chosen one! Let us call it spider J. It came to bring them deliverance for, instead of rushing to get itself killed, it somehow decided on a better plan. It stood a fair distance away and shot some strings at its target.

The spiders were merry. The tyrant would get immobilized and then he would die. Afterward, they would go back to being the overlords of the forest. They had it all figured out. But then happened a tiny hiccup, Josh woke up.

As he came back to his senses, Josh found himself rolling away from a web thrown at him from the distance. Should this land he would die. There would be no way for him to free himself and…no that was a lie. He would have options but simply some he truly didn’t want to use just yet.

He was currently very regretful. His wonderful dream had stopped and it was all because of that one spider! In his gaze, there was rage, blame, and disgust. He charged at the creature while shouting. He accompanied every word with an angry slash "How. Dare. You. Come. In. The. Way. Of. My. Nice. Dream. You. Spider. Bastard. Blue-balling. Is. A. Goddamn. Crime!"

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Nothing happening made sense to the monster. All it knew was that its life was going to be over soon, but it was all taking a very long time for some reason. As if the man wanted to make the suffering endless.

Then at some point, it completely stopped moving. That is when Josh decisively went back to bed. But no matter what, he couldn’t go back to the dream. He couldn’t help but sigh. Its ending had been nonsensical for sure. After all, no one would eat that many spiders, but it had been fun while it lasted.

Josh finally brought his "bed" out of its wriggling misery before heading out. On his way, he could see portals spewing excited spiders. He was already getting bored. A few hundred more or less of them would barely make a difference to him. Still, he kept killing.

He kept killing and killing. Once more, a luck-involving quest was screwing him over. He was only barely getting items too, at least for the number of monsters he had killed. In fact, it all added up to a few neat piles.

Josh looked at his lifespan <25 days>. How convenient it was to have such a feature built in to note the passage of time. Who knows how whichever god designed this curse would have reacted upon hearing Josh’s take on it.

Logic told Josh that he was spending way too much time on this Floor for sure. Still, he somehow felt that giving up now would be a waste. He still had enough lifespan for now. In the beginning, he used to only have 7 days even. It would increase as soon as he cleared this Floor.

That is when suddenly appeared a message that brought him pure relief. Yes, relief for he knew the long and pointless grind was over.

[White Dragon-Devouring Spider Has Spawned. Teleportation out currently disabled. It wants to avenge its brethren. You WILL die. RUN! Welcome to the Impossible difficulty!]

"About that, it sure took its sweet time, didn’t it?! Do you know how many of its brethren I’ve killed! You should really tune that for the next time. Also, what’s with the super heavy tension building out of nowhere after so little happening before? It’s anticlimactic! Oh, also…"

[Good luck!]

"Also….Hey, are you there?" But there was no answer. Apparently, the system had run away. Well, perhaps it was busy with something else too. But, Josh had no time to ponder on such things. No, at the horizon (not that far considering it was a forest) he could see a white blur that had appeared.

It was gigantic and made the large trees appear regular-sized. The creature had tons of dark glossy soulless-looking eyes, 8 sharp legs ending in hooks, "fangs" as big as Josh himself, and looked very different from the little ones. For starter, it was white (duh), hairless, and shiny.

It angrily screeched at Josh before charging with incredible speed! Barely evading a deadly pierce of a leg, he rolled while slashing it. *CLANG* Instantly he could feel how sturdy the creature was. But before he could press on the assault, he had to quickly retreat for the monster was trying to impale him with its remaining legs.

This fight would be extremely troublesome. The creature was the same level as the Mutated Zombie that Josh hadn’t been able to damage. But, now he was stronger. He could damage it! If given the opportunity that is…

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