Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World Chapter 240 Reconciliation


Sara gasped, struggling to her feet. Her body trembled with a mix of exhaustion and overwhelming emotions as she slowly approached her parents. Her hands instinctively reached out, desperate to bridge the gap that had kept them apart for so long.

Her mother, catching sight of those outstretched arms, rushed forward and enveloped her daughter in a tight embrace.

"Penelope..!" Her mother’s voice quivered, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "Why? I’m so relieved that you’re alive..."

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Her father, however, remained rooted in place, observing the scene before him. His face contorted with a mixture of frustration and disappointment, a clear betrayal of his true feelings. He had watched the unfolding moments between his wife and daughter, torn between his love for Penelope and his disapproval of the choices she had made.

As the hug between mother and daughter lingered, a heavy silence settled upon the room. The unspoken tension hung in the air, creating an invisible barrier that threatened to shatter the fragile reunion. It was a silence pregnant with unexpressed words, a testament to the emotional chasm that had formed between father and daughter.

Though his face remained stoic, his eyes revealed a tumult of conflicting emotions. Behind his annoyed expression, a profound sense of loss and hurt resided. Penelope’s decision to abandon her family for a man and fake her own death had shaken him to the core, leaving scars that had yet to heal.

As he observed the tender bond shared between his wife and long-lost daughter, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of bitterness. It was a bitter cocktail of regret and anger, an indelible mark left by Penelope’s betrayal. Yet, deep down, his love for her still lingered, obscured by a haze of disappointment and wounded pride.

"Why would you do such a thing?" Her father’s voice finally broke the silence, his tone somber and laden with unspoken pain.

Penelope hesitated, her eyes shifting between her parents, searching for the right words to explain the choices she had made. She knew her actions had caused irreparable damage to their relationship, but the ache for her own freedom had driven her to desperate measures.

"I don’t know…father…" Penelope couldn’t think of a better reason. She couldn’t just say that she wanted to be with a person that she loved from her previous life that also happened to be here because it wouldn’t make sense to them.

But she knew that not telling them would cause a further misunderstanding, unabling her parents to understand the decision behind her actions.

"You even changed your appearance," her father continued. "It seems like you are committed to that Albian,"

Penelope took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. She knew she had to be honest, even if it meant facing her father’s disapproval.

"Dad, his name is Nielsen," she said, her voice steady. "And yes, I care deeply for him. He showed me a different world, one where I felt free and alive. But I realize now that my pursuit of happiness shouldn’t have come at the cost of tearing our family apart. I should have found a way to reconcile my desires with my responsibilities."

Her father’s gaze softened slightly, his eyes searching hers for sincerity. The hurt and disappointment remained, but there was a glimmer of willingness to understand.

"I can’t promise that I’ll immediately accept or understand your choices, Penelope," he said, his voice heavy with the weight of their fractured bond. "But perhaps, with time, we can start the healing process. I want to believe that you’ve learned from this, that you understand the consequences of your actions."

"Can I hug you father?" Penelope

Penelope’s voice quivered with a mix of hope and trepidation. Her heart yearned for her father’s embrace, a physical manifestation of their shattered bond slowly being pieced back together. She longed for his acceptance, to feel his arms around her once again.

Her father’s eyes softened further, his stern expression giving way to a glimmer of compassion. He saw the genuine remorse in Penelope’s eyes and understood the weight of her words. He realized that beneath her choices lay a daughter desperate for love and understanding.

A flicker of vulnerability danced across his face as he nodded, granting her unspoken request. With hesitant steps, Penelope closed the remaining distance between them. As their eyes locked, years of pain and longing merged into a single moment.

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In an instant, Penelope found herself enveloped in her father’s arms, feeling the warmth and strength that had been absent from her life for so long. Tears streamed down her face as she held on tightly, savoring the sensation of her father’s love.

"I’ve missed you so much, Dad," Penelope choked out, her voice muffled against his chest.

Her father’s grip tightened, his own voice laced with emotion. "And I’ve missed you too, Penelope. Despite everything, you’re still my daughter, and I love you."

Meanwhile, standing just a few feet away from them was Caroline, who observed Penelope having her moment with her family. She can’t help but feel touched at their reunion. Penelope has it hard to be honest, having been born into a family whose destiny is preordained to wed a powerful figure in the royal family.

Caroline had been a close friend of Penelope’s since her arrival in the United States, and she had learned the struggles and expectations that had burdened her shoulders. Like Penelope, Caroline had also felt trapped by societal norms and obligations. While she had chosen a different path, her heart ached for the pain Penelope had endured.

With a mixture of relief and joy, Caroline approached the trio, a soft smile on her lips. Her presence caught the attention of Penelope and her parents, who broke away from their embrace to acknowledge her.

"Thank you, Caroline, for showing them to me," Penelope said.

Caroline’s eyes sparkled with gratitude as she embraced Penelope once again. "I’m just glad that I could help bring you all back together. Penelope, you had the strength to follow your heart, even if it meant making difficult choices. And your parents, they had the courage to open their hearts and give you another chance."

Penelope’s parents, still holding each other’s hands, nodded in agreement. The weight of their daughter’s absence had been lifted, replaced now with a glimmer of hope for a renewed bond.

"So, Sara was the new name that you assumed, isn’t that right?" Penelope’s mother asked.

"Yes mother, and I work in the clinic in Poul Nielsen’s company," Penelope confirmed.

"So, what’s special about this man named Nielsen that the Crown Prince doesn’t have? What made you go against everything we had planned for you?" Penelope’s father interjected, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Penelope took a deep breath, mustering the courage to explain her feelings and experiences to her parents. She knew that opening up completely would be challenging, but it was necessary for them to understand her perspective.

"Nielsen... he’s not just any man," Penelope began, her voice tinged with a hint of awe. "He’s kind, compassionate, and he sees me for who I truly am, not just as a pawn in a political game. With him, I feel alive, free to pursue my own dreams and ambitions."

"Let’s not just speak of the Crown Prince, dear." Penelope’s mother interjected. "So, Penelope, I know this isn’t going to be easy but I’m going to tell it nonetheless. Do you want to come home with us? I didn’t mean you return to live with us. Just consider it a visit."

Penelope’s gaze shifted between her parents, uncertainty and longing evident in her eyes. The offer to visit her home was unexpected, and she pondered the implications it held. Returning to the place she once called home, even temporarily, could potentially mend the fractures in their relationship. It would allow her parents to witness the person she had become, and perhaps, they could find common ground and acceptance.

But, returning to that place means she’ll have to meet the people that she abandoned, that includes the people of the British Empire that considered her treasure, the King, and the Crown Prince himself whom she wanted to get off from.

"Mother, I appreciate your offer," Penelope began, her voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to me that you’re open to the idea of having me back, even if it’s just for a visit. I’ve missed our family, the shared moments, and the feeling of belonging. But not today. The issues are still hot, and coming back with you in the middle of the issue would certainly bring misfortunes to our family. So how about next year?"

Her mother sighed. "Fine," she conceded, her disappointment evident. "Next year, then. But promise me, Penelope, that you’ll keep in touch. Don’t let the distance between us grow any further."

"I promise, Mother," Penelope replied, her voice filled with determination. "I won’t let our connection fade away again. We’ll stay in touch, and perhaps, by the time I visit next year, things will be different."

With a heavy heart, Penelope’s mother nodded, acknowledging the complexities of their situation. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with both hope and apprehension. But at least they had taken a step forward, however small it may be.

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