Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World Chapter 249 Announcement To The Public

The evening arrived and the celebration concluded with Poul and Jonathan making a passionate speech about the success of the metro station and announcing that it would continue to build miracles in the future.

As the guests left the Astoria Hotel, the industrialist duo retreated to a single room along with Caroline, Morgan, Amelia, and Sara. Confusion filled the air as the three ladies wondered why they were in the same room. When Jonathan rose to his feet and faced them, their curiosity turned into anticipation.

"Ladies, Morgan and I have something important to tell you," Jonathan began. The room fell silent as everyone awaited his revelation. "Poul Nielsen is planning on running for president of the United States in the 892 elections."

The announcement sent shockwaves through the room. "Poul is running as president?!" Caroline exclaimed, unable to contain her surprise. "Why?"

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Jonathan cleared his throat and explained, "Well, the reason behind Poul’s decision is the threat posed by the King of the British Empire, Alexander. Our security and safety are at stake, and in order to ensure our peace, we need to be in a position where we can protect ourselves. That’s why Poul Nielsen has made this choice."

Sara, still trying to process the news, asked, "Wait, Alexander came here? Why weren’t we informed?"

Poul stepped forward, his voice calm yet resolute. "The reason is simple. There was no need for him to see you. They had no legitimate business with us, and yet they came here unannounced and provoked me."

Amelia, always insightful, raised an important concern. "But Mr. Nielsen, if I may be candid, you are an Albian. The white population has historically looked down on the Albians. Won’t that affect your presidential run if you announce it to the public in the future?"

Poul hummed in thought, acknowledging the validity of Amelia’s point. While Albian people faced discrimination, it was not as pervasive as the marginalization faced by the black community. "The Albians are the natives of this land," Poul began, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "Arguably, we are the rightful rulers of this land. The Europeans arrived on this continent and exploited my ancestors, who were technologically inferior to them. If it weren’t for that, Avalonia would be dominated by the Albians. Moreover, Albians make up thirty percent of the United States population. If I can gain their support, I will only need to convince…Oh right, I forgot, the United States is an electoral system," he interjected, completing his thought. "In the electoral system, winning the presidency requires securing a majority of the electoral votes, rather than a specific percentage of the popular vote. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes, and the candidate who wins the popular vote in a state typically receives all of its electoral votes."

Caroline’s eyes widened with curiosity. "So, does that mean you’ll need to win specific states to secure the presidency?"

"Wait, Poul, you are serious? You are running for the presidency?" Sara chimed in. "You are not joking?"

"Do I look like I’m joking, Sara?" Poul asked sternly.

"Well, it just feels unexpected and sudden. And of course, I support whatever decision you make, but doesn’t it feel too early?"

"Not according to the constitution," Poul replied with a determined expression. "The United States is a nation built on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. The constitution outlines the requirements and procedures for presidential elections, to and I have met all the requirements. Sara, should I win this election there is no need for you to worry about Alexander anymore, as I will be the one more powerful than him."

"So, you are running for my sake?" Sara asked. "But doesn’t that sound too selfish? You are running for your own interest and not the people?"

"Morgan has asked me that question to which I have answered it beautifully to the point Morgan approved of my running. He’ll be my main campaign manager," Poul replied, his voice filled with conviction. "But I want you to understand, Sara, that while my personal safety and our collective security are part of the motivation, my primary goal is to serve the people. Earlier, I have thought of the issues the United States is facing right now. Such as the growing wealth gap, the exploitation of workers, and the lack of social and economic opportunities for marginalized communities," Poul continued. "The current president and the preceding administration have failed to address these pressing issues adequately. Their policies have only served the interests of the wealthy elites, neglecting the needs of the common people."

"I for one plan to change it."

"That’s too idealistic for you, Poul," Morgan interjected. "You are running as an independent and your chances of winning are very slim."

Poul looked at Morgan, a hint of determination in his eyes.

"I understand the challenges, Morgan, but sometimes change requires taking risks. The two-party system has created a political landscape that often prioritizes party interests over the needs of the people. By running as an independent, I can offer a fresh perspective, free from the constraints of partisan politics. In fact, in the first place, the two-party system is what is making the United States divided. Even George Washington, our first president, recognized the dangers of political parties and warned against their divisive influence in his Farewell Address."

"Well, I ain’t stopping you now, Poul. I’ll back you up," Morgan said.

"Me too," Caroline stepped in and offered her support. "Let’s get you that title, President Nielsen."

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"I don’t know about you guys but I’m satisfied with Mr. Nielsen running a company instead of a country," Amelia chuckled. "Well, if that is his decision and he is determined to win and change the country, who am I to stand in his way? I’ll be there to provide any assistance I can."

Sara looked around at her friends, their unwavering support evident on their faces. She took a deep breath and smiled at Poul. "Alright, Poul, I’m with you too. I believe in you and your vision. If you think running for president is the way to protect us and make a difference, then I’ll stand by your side through it all." 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝔴𝖊𝖇𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒

Poul’s heart swelled with gratitude as he looked at everyone.

"Thank you, everyone. Your belief in me means everything. Together, we will face whatever challenges come our way."


Two weeks later, at Axelsen & Nielsen headquarters. News agencies from around the country gathered to hear a speech from Poul Nielsen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Avalonians,

Thank you all for being here today, as we embark on a momentous journey together. Today, I stand before you to announce my candidacy for the presidency of the United States.

This decision did not come lightly. It is born out of a deep sense of duty and a genuine desire to serve the Avalonian people. We stand at a critical juncture in our nation’s history, facing challenges that demand bold and decisive action.

I have built my career as an industrialist, working alongside brilliant minds to create marvels that have transformed lives. But today, I come before you not just as a businessman, but as a citizen deeply committed to the principles that underpin our great nation.

I believe in the power of unity, in the strength that comes when we set aside our differences and work towards a common purpose. The United States has always been a land of diverse voices and opinions, and it is this diversity that has fueled our progress and innovation. But lately, we have seen division creep into our national discourse, eroding the very fabric that holds us together.

It is time for us to rise above party politics and come together as Avalonians. It is time for a new era of leadership that transcends the boundaries of red and blue, and focuses on the greater good of our nation.

As an independent candidate, I am unencumbered by the constraints of partisan politics. I am beholden only to you, the Avalonian people, and to the values that have made our country a beacon of hope and opportunity.

Our campaign will be built on three fundamental pillars: prosperity, justice, and unity.

First, prosperity. The Avalonian dream must be within reach for all. We will build an economy that works for everyone, not just the privileged few. We will invest in education and innovation, creating an environment where every Avalonian has access to quality jobs and the chance to thrive. Together, we will bridge the wealth gap and ensure that economic growth benefits all, leaving no one behind.

Second, justice. Injustice has no place in our society. We will reform our criminal justice system, striving for fairness and equity. We will address systemic racism and discrimination, working towards a future where every Avalonian, regardless of their background, can live without fear or prejudice. We will champion the rights of the marginalized and ensure equal opportunities for all.

Lastly, unity. We are a nation of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It is our diversity that has shaped us into the strong and resilient nation we are today. We will bridge the divides that separate us, fostering dialogue and understanding. Together, we will restore civility to our public discourse and build bridges that bring us closer, rather than walls that keep us apart.

But I cannot do this alone. I need your support, your voice, and your commitment to the ideals that have made our country great. Together, we will write the next chapter of our nation’s history—one of unity, progress, and shared prosperity.

I call upon every Avalonian to join me on this journey. Democrats, Republicans, Populists, Independents—we are all Avalonians first and foremost. Let us put aside the labels that divide us and come together as one nation, indivisible.

Together, we will build a future that our children and grandchildren can be proud of. A future where the Avalonian dream is not just a distant hope, but a reality for all who call this great nation home.

Thank you, and God bless Avalonian."

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