D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn’t so Bad Chapter 1380 Marigold Mindgames

1380 Chapter 1380 Marigold Mindgames

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--- Lily --- "So why did you come over if not to flirt with me?" asked Marigold, hands crossed under her breasts to push them upwards slightly. Lily felt like bashing her head into some nearby rocks. Perhaps that would chase away the horny. ’Sadly’ she valued her brain cells a bit too much to follow up on that intrusive thought. After a long sigh Lily explained… with her eyes closed. "Well Blue and March seem to have teamed up and I’m honestly a little scared of the two. I wanted to team up with you and Romilda to take them down then Romilda… proved that she was holding the idiot ball," Marigold nodded along, making sure to bounce her chest as she did so. Lily rolled her eyes. Marigold wasn’t even trying to make it look like it was happening naturally at this point. "I like the ’idiot ball’ idea, I imagine it works great in groups. Though in this instance you’re quite wrong. March and Blue aren’t working together at all. No, March and Blue ended up fighting each other, coming to a draw, and then agreeing not to attack each other. March isn’t super happy about it but she DID agree," "Wait… how did you figure all of that out?" asked Lily with narrowed eyes. "Simple deduction minion," said Marigold putting on a haughty accent. "You see, March is too much like me to turn down the chance to fight Blue, even in the ocean. Now, a fight isn’t guaranteed to break out… but they were both alone when they met. I know this because Romilda clearly isn’t in on their deal, you clearly aren’t in on the deal, and I know I’m not in on the deal. "Of course, how did the deal happen? I say they started fighting each other and it ended in a draw. I can work that part out because if it wasn’t a draw, one of them would have all the treasures. They also haven’t teamed up because March probably wouldn’t agree, but if she WAS willing to agree she’d be a lot less annoyed at the moment,"

"How can you even tell? I can’t exactly see them from here, not through all the steam," said Lily. "I threw an eye thataway," said Marigold as she let go over one of her boobs to point over her shoulder… while turning in such a way that her ass was sticking out. Lily felt she was getting used to it. She was still a bit hot under the collar but her mind was able to stick to the current issue instead of… wondering. Which brought up the question, "What the heck do you mean threw an eye? Is it a kind of spell?" asked Lily. "Yees… sort of? I’m a regeneration mage, and my own body parts are very connected to the concept of ME. So I pulled out an eye, kept it connected to my brain with magic, and threw it so that I could see what was going on. I did it a couple of times actually," explained Marigold. "How… did I miss that?" said Lily confused. *I feel like I was watching Marigold pretty closely. How did I miss her pulling out her entire damn eye? Also who comes up with these crazy ideas? I… I can see why it works but it’s still super weird. I get shivers just imagining things close to my eyes, let alone… that.*


"How… did I miss that?" said Lily confused. *I feel like I was watching Marigold pretty closely. How did I miss her pulling out her entire damn eye? Also who comes up with these crazy ideas? I… I can see why it works but it’s still super weird. I get shivers just imagining things close to my eyes, let alone… that.*

"You were too busy staring at my tits," said Marigold with a grin.

"Wait this happened recently? I thought it was while I was swimming down, or watching from the ocean’s surface," said Lily.

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"Nope. It was after you went into your daze. I just had to turn a bit so you could only see one half of my face. Honestly the hardest part was not to cry out from the pain," explained Marigold.

"Why do I get the feeling there’s an innuendo in that sentence…" mumbled Lily, not expecting an answer…

But Marigold was happy to provide one. "Because there was. You already know I’m a masochist so… the implication was that while the pain did cause me to cry out… I meant in pleasure,"

"Ah of course. Forgive me for being slightly worried and not thinking of that," grumbled Lily.

"You really need to stop doing that. I’m sure with your connection to Kat you’re immortal… but you might end up with some extra lines on your face if you keep frowning all the time. Even if your skin holds up… wearing the same tracks into it over and over… well you don’t have my regeneration to deal with that sort of thing," snickered Marigold.

Lily just sighed again. *I’m really not worried about that. Even if by some miracle, or curse I suppose, I do end up with wrinkles I’m sure there are medical treatments to remove them. I mean, I got an entirely new body. A few touch-ups should be nothing compared to that. No. The real issue is that Marigold seems to be wasting time here. I’m… not sure how I feel about that. Is she wasting time for no reason? No not no reason. Marigold is much smarter than that. If she’s keeping me distracted and off-balance it has to be for a reason. I’m thinking she’s buying time… but for what? What could she possibly get out of more time? Is she interested at all in teaming up? I think… she has to be at least a little interested because otherwise she’d have just attacked me. Unless she needs more mana? Lying on something poisonous while getting stabbed in multiple places might have cost her more mana then she’d like. So… is she just keeping me distracted while she regenerates mana? I could see it… but I still think she would’ve just attacked me straight up if that was going to be her goal. I’m… I don’t like to admit it but I’m weaker than her. I’m practically in melee range and I don’t think I can win OR escape. So she’s at least somewhat on board with getting my help. So what’s going on? Let’s think about this logically. She wants to win. She might be willing to share first and second place with me. Especially if she thinks the treasure she wants won’t be picked up by first place. So working together is fine. I also don’t think Marigold would go and team up with Blue or March after I’ve approached her first. If she was doing something like that she’d have simply told me so or attacked. I’m sure being a princess means she can and will lie if it’s necessary… But deception isn’t her favoured tactic and one she hasn’t used much during the tournament. If she was going to do something like that, it wouldn’t be now. Sure it’s the last round of the tournament but it doesn’t REALLY matter who wins here. Well, except for the prize, but I already worked went over that part. So… why delay me then? As far as I can tell the only thing we lose by waiting… Wait no. Perhaps not. Marigold said that Blue and March aren’t teamed up, they just have a non-aggression pact at the moment. Is it… forever? I can’t imagine it is because otherwise why would March agree to it? So there’s going to be a time limit. March will be willing to attack Blue… So what does that mean? Is March just holding off until there’s a chance for March to join us as well? I don’t think March would go for it… though. Is… is Marigold trying to turn this into a three-way fight? March VS Blue VS Lily/Marigold? Why not just tell me that? Does she think I wouldn’t go for it? I… I could see myself suggesting we tackle Blue and then March… but March… would she team up with Blue if we did that? I don’t know. Perhaps Marigold doesn’t know either. So instead of convincing me to wait she’s… distracting me instead. Of course, Marigold is clearly enjoying being the distraction so that could play into it at least somewhat. I just… I just don’t know if I should try to call her out on it, or like… force the issue or something? I feel sort of… lost now. Perhaps I was too hasty in saying Marigold wasn’t one for deception. She’s clearly playing games here… I suppose it’s a question of if I want to go along with them. Sigh. Such a pain. I don’t want to be lead around by the nose. That’s not how you win… but it might be how I come second place. I just don’t see myself doing all that well if I strike out on my own. March, Marigold, Blue… they all seem like better fighters than me. Romilda too I guess but she’s not important anymore. So what is important? Getting first or second. So do I settle for second? Can I? What’s riskier? I… I just don’t know.*

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