Demon Immortal Chapter 48 On The Cusp...

Liang Tianye frowned seeing the demonic beast heading directly toward the mortal.

Although the mortal was decimating the wild beast horde down there, there wasn’t a big chance for him to survive an attack from the demonic beast. Demonic beasts are inherently different compared to wild beasts.

A demonic beast can easily overpower any mortal or wild beast. With qi strengthening their body, they will be able to exert more force and power in their attacks which could not be fended off by ordinary people.

Unless one was a cultivator, facing off against a demonic beast was a sure-death situation. While the mortal down there was currently in a strange state, he would never be a match for the demonic beast.

Liang Tianye exhaled a heavy sigh and decided to interrupt the proceedings below. While this might cost the opportunity for the mortal to stabilize his Heart of Killing’s embryonic form, if he didn’t interfere, the mortal might truly die.

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To find such a rare seedling and have him die facing an opponent that was far out of his league would be a huge shame. As long as the mortal survived, the Heart of Killing could be cultivated later.

But, before he could take a step, a bizarre scene happened to cause Liang Tianye’s eyes to widen in surprise.

The reason for that was that the mortal was now roaring in defiance and heading directly toward the demonic beast. The wild beasts down there had quickly made a path for the demonic beast to approach and the mortal was rushing toward it without an ounce of self-preservation.

Liang Tianye couldn’t help but be stunned seeing this.

"Is he too far gone into his killing spree to not recognize the danger? If that is the case, this would complicate things a lot. Someone who has indulged too far in his killing intent may not necessarily be a good seedling. Those people are like beasts that can’t be controlled at all," Liang Tianye frowned and looked toward the direction of the impending clash.


Duncan was beginning to get bored killing these wild beasts. He felt as if something was truly lacking as he chopped off the leg of a leopard beast and backhanded its skull to pieces.

Initially, it had been hard for him to face off the entire horde by himself. But, as time passed, he got used to it and began to relish in the sheer adrenaline that was pumping through his body.

Duncan was in a strange zone. To him, nothing mattered at the moment apart from killing these beasts. His injuries felt nonexistent, even his body became an afterthought to him.

It was just him, his mind, and his sword.

With every swing of his sword, blood flowed like a river. With every swing of his sword, limbs and heads flew apart. With every swing of his sword, one more beast ended up howling in despair.

He didn’t even pay attention to the wild beasts he was facing. He moved on instinct alone. He swung his sword on instinct alone. He attacked based on instinct alone. And his instinct became more and more prominent as the melee progressed.

He didn’t even need to see towards his back to know when an attack was coming. His body moved on its own accord. Even the follow-up attack he launched was done automatically. Soon, being surrounded became more of a chore than a burden to Duncan.

He completely lost himself to the fight in front of him as he went about killing each and every wild beast that came up to confront him. The more he killed, the more sinister his sword work began to become.

The unnecessary flourishes and grand sweeping motions were all discarded as Duncan began to realize that they hindered his ability to kill fast. He felt that the sword in his hand was made to kill and therefore no matter how he used it, the intention should not stray away from that original purpose.

So, he stopped using his sword to block or bat away an incoming limb. Instead, he began to limit the movements of his sword. With every thrust, swing, slash, and cut of his sword, he aimed to kill.

And kill he did.

He began to become so proficient in it that the wild beasts started to look like a bunch of sheep standing there for him to butcher as he pleased. And his progress eventually plateaued.

Duncan knew deep in his heart that he needed a bigger challenge at the moment to hone his swordwork to an even finer degree. He felt as if he was on the threshold of something momentous, but didn’t actually know what it was.

And this threshold required just a little more push.

Unfortunately, the pressure exerted by the wild beasts around him was nonexistent to him at this moment. And it meant there was no true danger to his life at the moment.

Due to that, the rate at which he progressed slowly evened out and he began to reach the highest peak he could in his current situation. The only way for it to once more start rising was if the pressure on him increased.

But, these beasts were inherently incapable of it. And this began to draw Duncan away from that zone he had been in slowly but surely. Duncan’s mind also realized this and he began to growl and roar.

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He didn’t know what it was that he was feeling at this moment. His knowledge of these things was severely lacking. As he didn’t even know what he was seeking, he wasn’t able to find any answer to his predicament as well.

But, Duncan’s heart knew that this was going to become a missed opportunity. It knew that if Duncan could just push himself a bit, he will be able to reach a whole new level that he hadn’t even known about before.

So, it was naturally unwilling to see it happen.

As the restlessness within his heart grew, Duncan began to become irritated as each second passed. Gone was the joy of fighting he was indulging himself in, in its place was something that was needling his heart.

However, it seemed that the heavens were aware of Duncan’s predicament and decided to aid him by sending a helping hand. When the roar of the demonic beast echoed in his ears, Duncan wasn’t afraid. Rather, he was overjoyed.

His swings, which had slowed down a bit imperceptibly by now, once more were induced with vigor. The energy that was beginning to drain from his body and mind received a boost out of nowhere.

And Duncan rejoiced in it.

He knew what he had to do now. He didn’t know why he needed to do it, but he knew that he needed to confront the demonic beast now. With his next target locked on, Duncan began to progress toward the direction he heard the roar from.

His heart was overjoyed by the prospect of a worthy challenge, and he started roaring back and killing indiscriminately in an effort to reach the challenge. And luckily for him, the dumb beasts had enough sense to step out of his path.

Now, a path opened up directly in front of him leading to his next opponent.

The battle lust in him boiled over and Duncan roared toward the demonic beast. The demonic beast roared back angrily. Duncan started rushing towards it with reckless abandon.

He completely forgot that he was in the middle of a beast tide, surrounded on all sides by wild beasts. All his eyes could see, ears could hear, and his mind could perceive was the demonic beast standing in the distance.

So, he started running towards it without even bothering to defend himself from other attacks that might emerge from the side or back. He paid the surrounding wild beasts no attention as he rushed toward the demonic beast.

The one good thing about the beast culture was that when two strong beings chose each other as their opponents and went ahead to fight, other animals would not interfere in it. They might surround them, but they won’t attack them until a clear victor had emerged.

As Duncan rushed recklessly toward the demonic beast, the demonic beast was also rushing toward him angrily. Duncan could see the bloodthirstiness and malevolence in the eyes of the demonic beast clearly. Instead of frightening him, it only excited him more.

Unlike the other beasts he had faced until now, there were signs of intelligence in the eyes of the demonic beast. It was clear from its eyes that it didn’t take him seriously and was only angered because it thought he wasn’t at its level. Someone weaker than it challenging it was an affront to it and the demonic beast wanted him to suffer for it.

The more Duncan looked into its eyes, the more angrier he became. He couldn’t stand the thought that this mere beast dared to think less of him.

So what if it was a demonic beast? 𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

So what if it had qi in it?

So what if he hadn’t cultivated till now?

The sword in his hand was made to kill and it will kill whoever and whatever he wanted it to kill. It was a weapon made to slaughter and he would use it to slaughter this imbecilic demonic beast for standing in front of him.

No matter who or what it was that stood in his path, they need to die. They need to be killed. They need to be punished for their audacity to stand in his way.

Duncan roared angrily and crashed into the demonic beast like he was a savage beast himself.


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