Demon Immortal Chapter 75 Feng Feixuan

Despite the alluring sight that was presented before him, Liang Tianye didn’t even bat his eyes. He calmly sat there sipping his tea and allowed the female to get near to him.

The female didn’t sit in front of him. Rather, she walked to his side and made sure her body touched his, as she sat beside him. The way she sat, every time Liang Tianye raised his hands to sip his tea, his elbow brushed past her tits. Her hands wandered playfully across Liang Tianye’s lap, as she stared at him hungrily.

"Well, Vice-Sect Master," the woman rubbed her tits against Liang Tianye’s arm and whispered into his ears in a seductive manner, "how are you going to compensate poor little Feixuan for her loss?"

Liang Tianye paused in his actions and glanced sideways at her. Seeing Liang Tianye glance at her, Ferixuan licked her lips in a seductive manner and met his eyes with a hungry gleam in her eyes.

Liang Tianye had to admit, Feng Feixuan was one of the most beautiful women he had laid his eyes on in his entire life. She wasn’t the kind of beauty that made him want to gobble up. Rather, she had something primal in her that appealed to him a lot more than other types of beauty.

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But, he knew very well what kind of a woman she was.

Feng Feixuan was the kind of woman who would fuck you as she strangled you. She was the kind of woman who enjoyed inflicting pain on others. She truly enjoyed making others scream and struggle.

But, that was just one aspect of her.

Feng Feixuan sought power over anything else. She was cruel, sadistic, vindictive, and petty, but above all else, she was someone who was truly power-hungry. She would do anything to obtain more power. There was no limit that she wouldn’t cross and no evil deed she wouldn’t commit if it benefitted her.

Unlike most women whom he had come across who seemed to be turned off by killing intent or got afraid, Feng Feixuan got turned on by killing intent and overbearing pressure. This made her a nightmare to deal with for many righteous cultivators.

She had seduced several righteous cultivators to the evil side and had killed them once they outlived their usefulness. It is rumored that many powerhouses from the righteous factions had wanted to conquer her, but ended up becoming slaves to her will.

Buddhists ran away from her and considered her to be the true embodiment of the devil. Female cultivators hated her with a passion and hungered to rip her into pieces. Male cultivators thirsted after her and wanted to make her theirs, but always ended up getting off worse whenever they met her.

Her list of enemies, lovers, and worshippers was truly long.

But this was all outside. Inside the Heavenly Demon Sect, ordinary disciples feared her more than they feared the punishment hall. They trembled in fear whenever she was in their vicinity.

Her mercurial nature and ever-changing attitude made her one of the most feared persons in the sect. She would be laughing along with you one second, and the next second, she would be torturing you for some made-up slight.

So, it is with good reason that people avoided her usually. Of all the different demons that were present in the sect, she was one of a kind and always made it uncomfortable for people to deal with her.

The only reason the sect tolerated her presence was her strength and her efficiency in completing tasks. It was made easier when she decided to farm her own playthings and stopped harassing the members of the sect for her enjoyment.

The cave he had thrown his disciple inside was one of the areas where she farmed her playthings. The people who had been locked up inside that cave were not cannibals when they were locked up. However, with her deliberate manipulation and careful guidance, she had turned the people who had been locked up inside into cannibals who ate others to survive.

No one knew how she had done it. And people were smart enough to not ask her directly either. As this focused most of her destructive tendencies away from other sect members, the sect also turned a blind eye to her actions.

It is not as if everyone here was a paragon of virtue. In fact, the opposite was true. Most members of the sect had their own perverted hobbies or some form of practice that would be usually frowned upon outside. That is the reason, Heavenly Demon Sect was considered to be a truly demonic sect in the cultivation world.

"Feng Feixuan, you do not need to worry. I will compensate you for your loss," Liang Tianye said turning away from her.

"Hmmm, while that may be true, you have interrupted my playtime, Vice-Sect Master. You wouldn’t want me to become bored and start playing with the other members of the sect, would you?" Feng Feixuan leaned in further and blew hot air into Liang Tianye’s ears.

"If you are not averse to it," Feng Feixuan rubbed her body shamelessly on Liang Tianye’s arms and whispered in his ears, "I may have a solution for you to help me out with my boredom. It is your fault that I can’t play with my playthings. You need to take some responsibility."

Feng Feixuan said sliding her hand up Liang Tianye’s thighs and fondling the region near his manhood. Liang Tianye glanced down at Feng Feixuan’s hands and snorted slightly.

The next moment, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and lifted her upon his shoulders. Feng Feixuan shrieked for a moment, but that shriek turned into delighted laughter as Liang Tianye vanished from the spot with her secured atop his shoulders.

Her fading laughter made the guards stationed at the gate heave a sigh of relief. Until the moment she disappeared, they had been worried that she would change her mind and turn her attention toward them.

They were glad that Liang Tianye took her away. As for what both of them got up to, the guards knew very well that it was safer for them to not even think about it. They looked at each other a little relieved to have dodged a disaster and went back to guarding the cave once more.


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Inside the cave…

Duncan almost vomited seeing the gruesome scene in front of him. He had to try very hard not to make any sound, despite how revolting the scene was to him. It made him want to puke.

As he took in the scene before him, he recalled the hungry gaze the person who attacked him had and felt a shiver go down his body. At that moment, he had merely thought the person attacking him was hungry. But now that he thought about it, the person was indeed hungry.

And the thing he hungered after was his flesh.

Recalling that incident made Duncan shiver from head to toe. It wasn’t from anger or fear, it was from disgust. While he had been prepared to encounter some kind of horrifying things in the cave after his master had kicked him inside, after all this was a cave under the control of a demonic sect, he was definitely not prepared to encounter cannibals of all people in here.

The disgust in Duncan rose as he saw the cannibal crunch on the leg of his victim. The anger that had been suppressed by his sudden encounter with his assailant came roaring back as he looked at the cannibal feasting before his very eyes.

Without much thought, Duncan executed and appeared behind the cannibal. The cannibal was alerted to his presence and tried to turn around.

However, Duncan was faster. He swung his sword to behead the cannibal even as the overpowering rotting stench assaulted his nose. The cannibal’s head flew away from his body and landed with a thud.

Green blood sprouted from his severed body like a fountain. Duncan hastily stepped back and took in the scene that was dyed green. The cannibal’s headless body was twitching on the floor beside him. Duncan scrunched up his nose and immediately vacated the area.

He didn’t want to stay a single moment more than necessary at that place. Even as he escaped from the gruesome sight, his eyes captured the mutilated carcass that the cannibal was feasting on.

The sight of the carcass truly revolted him. He couldn’t hold on to his stomach anymore and stopped his desperate escape to puke on the ground some distance away from the scene.

Duncan didn’t care if the sounds he was making were attracting any more of these cannibals. Right now, he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to care about anything else. All his eyes could see was something he wished he could unsee.

Duncan’s puking lasted for a long time. Every time he finished puking, and prepared to move, the sight of the carcass would once more haunt his mind. He would end up puking again. This lasted for some time causing Duncan to bonelessly slump against the wall nearby.

Duncan cursed his master inwardly for making him see such depravity. He had never thought he would come across such a thing in his entire life. It made him sick to even think about the cannibals.

Duncan clenched his sword angrily and got up from the place he had been slumped against. He had a look of determination in his eyes as he looked ahead into the dark tunnels that were littering the cave.

Duncan knew that he was truly lost in this maze now. He had fled from the gruesome site in haste not actually thinking about the direction he was traveling in. He could most likely trace back to the location where he had killed the cannibal. But, the mere notion of returning to the site made him want to vomit.

With no markers, he didn’t know which direction he was moving in or through which tunnel he was moving through. He didn’t know if he was facing the interior or the exterior anymore. He was truly lost inside this maze.

But, it didn’t matter to Duncan at this time. For the first time in his life, he was motivated and determined to do one thing he thought he would never do.

Start a massacre!

That’s right. Duncan was determined to scour these tunnels and put to death every cannibal that caught his eye. After seeing them feasting on another person’s carcass, he just couldn’t let them live.

He had one week to slaughter these cannibals like the pigs they are. And he was done wasting any more time. He didn’t care about whether he would be ganged up by them or whether he would miss the deadline to exit this cave anymore.

All he had in mind was to hunt these cannibals to extinction.

With determination shining in his eyes, Duncan picked a random direction and walked purposefully. He didn’t try to mask his sound or hide his location. Instead, he walked bold as brass in the hopes that the noise he made attracted some of these fuckers to him.


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