Deus: We are all Lords Chapter 113 Conquer: Undead City 1

The video displayed them still on their Griffons and heading towards the city which was already close, the environment was dark but a few tweaks from various members of the board here and the image was as clear as regular day. It was magical i know but it displayed our superiority over all the other races massively.

As the footage became clearer, i could see the target city, it was a surface city this time, thank his majesty. The city however, unlike majority of the cities we have attacked so far was fully fortified, with various crossbolts stationed on the wall, magic cannons lined the sides of the wall and a large moat could be seen in place.

The readings on screen showed the use of large-scale magic meaning that the inhabitants of this city expected our arrival unlike the others or they were just always prepared for an invasion. The liquid in the moat wasn’t clear which meant that it was either illusion magic that hid soldiers or it was poison to kill all invaders.

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"Arc team 01, be advised, the air in this area may be poisonous… the arch demons may have nothing to worry about but all arch angels are required to put on a gas mask" i said after a bit of analysis

"Copy that, commander" the voice of one of the soldiers resounded in the command room

With the soldier’s confirmation, I turned towards her highness only to see her nodding towards me as i smiled. Her approval meant a lot and turning back to the rest of my team, i could see them smiling too as everyone began to work even harder. It is sort of ironic that an Archangel is happy to receive the approval of a Demon Queen or if you wanted to take things literally a Demon Goddess.

That makes me wonder what his majesty did exactly to us all that removed our innate hate for each other. I know for sure that after i was born or when i first stepped out of the creation portal, i was immediately irritated by the demonic aura that filled the land but now for some reason, that same hatred is no longer there and so all my comrades have confirmed this.

Turning back to the video footage provided by the drones, some of the team members had landed on the ground except for the few snipers who would use the high ground provided by the griffons to shoot at the enemy and also lead the griffons to help in battle.

"Command, Enemy shield weak point detected… do i deactivate it" the sniper’s voice called out

"No, you are to wait until the ground team is in position…. i repeat wait until ground team is in position" Lady Athena responded almost immediately

"Copy that, command" The leader of the sniper team replied as they continued flying around the territory in an effort to make the enemy think their shield was effective.

As for the ground team, immediately they got down from the griffons, they all began running towards the enemy territory to await further orders. They all hid themselves in the bushes around the area and crawled their way towards the territory, our uniforms especially for those in active duty like the ground team had certain abilities attached to them that allowed us all be more efficient during combat.

One of those abilities was the camouflage ability which the team was using allowed them to blend completely into its environment. This blending also covered you visually, it covers your presence, your aura and even the sound you make. Making it nearly impossible for anyone to detect the wearer of the uniform.

"Sniper team, the ground team is in position, you are free to deactivate the shield" Lady Athena said as she actively took charge of the operation

"Affirmative Ma’am" The leader of the sniper team replied as he immediately relaxed himself and took aim

Seconds later, all of us could hear a soft ’klang’ sound which was immediately followed by a ’brrk’ sound as the now fragile shield began to crack open. In standard Archdemon style, the drone zoomed in on the territory and the faces of the now revealed undead who all had nothing but disbelief written all over them.

The Undead race we were facing now were still vampires but they seem capable of surviving in broad daylight. With the shield down, we could see the inside of the large city which was initially blocked. The defense force of the territory had already prepared a massive magic cannon that was almost aimed at the sniper team and the griffons they were on.


Her highness made a weird sound and almost immediately the griffons stiffened up as they all entered battle mode. Their guns immediately activated as all hell broke loose, the massive cannon was shot but missed as the griffons dodged its attack however the bullet rain didn’t end instead it was joined in by the slow but consistent mana shots released by the griffons themselves.

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The griffons were not a force that any of us liked to use purely because of their near invincibility. Their flesh was incredible resistant to magic in fact they were immune to magic up to a certain tier, physical damage may work but they were just as resistant to that as well.

The main fact that prevented their use was the fact that despite their intelligence, Griffons were still animals and they acted by instinct meaning that once unleashed. It was hard to restrain them, as long as their target has been set, their aim becomes to simply destroy it so if you wanted anything in said area, you just have to forget it.

Fortunately, none amongst us want anything that the undead had, it was common knowledge that there would be a lot of incredibly useful artifacts amongst them but his majesty’s orders were simple, "Destroy all then search for benefits later". If the artifact was powerful, it should survive the bombardment from the griffons.

"Sniper team, the ground team is in position to attack, retreat and wait for the walls to be cleared" I ordered seeing that the ground team had already entered the city

"Copy That, Commander, Sniper team heading now" The captain of the sniper team said as they retreated leaving behind the unmanned griffons to continue attacking.

Almost as soon as they left, the ground team began their assault as they released hell on the weird Vampire territory. The closest drone showed them as they immediately switched their ammo for holy rounds and almost immediately began to shoot at anything that moved.

The captain of the team, led his team as they walked into the city, undid their camoflage and immediately turned to shot the vampire soldiers on the walls behind them and immediately after that they turned to their surroundings, each shot fired was a vampire life lost and hundreds of bullets were being fired almost each second.

"Sniper team, the walls have been cleared, you are free to take up position there" I ordered the team which was just floating around on the griffons waiting for further orders

With the order, they immediately moved towards the wall and without even waiting for the griffons to come to a stop, the drones showed them jump off the still speeding griffon and land directly on the wall easily. Watching them move made my hunger for battle awaken but alas, i am an official not a field agent.

The sniper team spread themselves all around the wall, each with their protector or spotter as they covered the ground team during their attack, helping to kill any undead that attacked from their blind spot. Though it may be difficult for me and practically all of in his Majesty’s army to accept but we all know that despite our seemingly endless power, we weren’t invincible.

His majesty made sure that such a lesson was drilled into us hence why despite the fact that a team of just 10 archdemons or archangels will be more than enough to take an entire city, we still sent an entire squad for each city. Our power doesnt mean that we can’t die, the typical example of this would be the monarchs.

They were practically invincible but many of them had died if not Lady Athena, Sir Viktor and the others wouldn’t be here today. The only invincible being was his Majesty and even he was careful so who are we not to watch what we do. Minutes of nothing but death and complete carnage passed until the entire city was empty.

"Please standby for kill confirmation" I announced then turned to my team behind me to scan the entire city for any more vampires or hidden spaces, they could be in.

The drones, his majesty made were equipped with a lot of almost impossible technologies. They were capable of scanning deep underground, detecting the use of magic, see past illusions and all that. The team immediately performed the scans only to confirm that there was nothing left, the squad had truly wiped out every one in this city and they did so in a matter of minutes.



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