Developing My Little World Chapter 20: (SPECIAL) The First Community of Sentients: Elven Kilta

Chapter 20: (SPECIAL) The First Community of Sentients: Elven Kilta

Authors Note: I set a goal of 80 powerstones thinking it would not be hit, yet in just 6 days you guys smashed it all the way up to 110 powerstones! Thank you all for your amazing support. As promised, here is a special 3k word chapter! Submit your characters!

Jay looked at the first civilization and it was as he expected, the elves. Because of their longer lives they have much longer to grow, allowing for a more rapid expansion in thought. The Dragons and Eastern Dragons were nearing this threshold as well because of similar reasons. However the dragons tended to not stay together for too long as they all needed their own hunting grounds to satiate themselves. They were forming a more communist system where the strongest made the decisions for the general population but didn’t directly control or suppress them. The elves on the other hand stayed in packs similar to humans so the need for a community and common language become a more pressing issue as time had went on.

The first group of elves to do this was on the main trecano continent. They had been placed in a thick forest that had trees that could almost touch the clouds. Currently they were floor dwellers but this group of elves were already starting to understand the advantage living off the ground can give you. It may only be a few feet off the ground but the Elven tree city was already starting to form here. The second closest Elven camp that will complete it next went a different route and instead left the jungle where they had spawned and instead migrated closer to the mountain they were about 100 miles away from initially. Curious enough their general location was only another 90 odd miles away from a Dwarf camp that had been growing slowly in the mountains. However these two were not fated to meet yet, at least in Jay’s eyes so he set a mental block so that until the dwarves reached the proper threshold the two sides wouldn’t even think about heading too far in the others direction.

Jay decided this was a perfect way to get the sentients developed safely but not technically interfering with them either.

Jay called for Star and after a few moments she popped into existence beside him. She curled her wings respectfully and asked,"You called for me father?"

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Jay nodded and said,"These elves are about to establish the first official civilization, go to them and bestow the one they consider the strongest a blessing. Such a fantastic feat of hardwork by their people should be rewarded."

Star nodded and then disappeared from the room once again, leaving Jay alone once more as he continued to watch his children grow.


Cilix walked down the long flower studded earth floor as his steps echoed across the forest. Today was the day that he officially established his home, to create a legacy his child will inherit when he eventually passes away soon. His time was nearing, he could feel it so he was going to establish the tribe, cement his dynasty in history forever and then immediately abdicate to his son, who he believed to be a much better leader than himself.

Cilix wondered if his parents would be proud of him as he got closer to the make-shift podium they had made from a dead tree.

Unbeknownst to him, he was an original, his only parent was Jay!

Cilix stopped at the top of the podium and turned around. He viewed the many elves and Elven children that had come to be under his leadership. A month or 2 after he had gotten to this area he had met another Elven couple and the two pairs, although hesitant of each other at first, quickly became like family and now considered each other as such.

Cilix’ mighty voice echoed across the forest as he wanted to make sure everyone heard his proclamation! "My Elven brethren, today we officially surpass our ancestors. Under my lead we have raised our food supply, we have more kids now, and we grow more as the years pass. So today I have come to make 2 announcements that will shake you to your core as we etch ourselves into the soul of this forest we call home! I, Cilix, first of my name, hereby announce that I am officially establishing our Kilta tribe! Glory to the Kilta!"

The elves, although surprised and confused, all felt a burning passion deep within their hearts. After a moment they all yelled back ,"Glory to the Kilta!" In uneven and unsynchronized voices.

Nonetheless Cilix was very happy with the positive reaction to this news. And then his face turned serious as he said,"My second announcement is that I feel my death is coming soon. I estimate that within 60 cycles I will perish. As this is the case you all will need a strong leader. Everyone must know who I am speaking about as he is the greatest warrior to our clan, has many accomplishments already in his short life so far, and lastly because he is my son. So, as of this moment, I, Cilix, first of my name and the first leader of the Kilta tribe, officially abdicate my position to my son, Seriax!"

Cilix’ son was baffled as this was the first time his father had ever said anything about that second part to him! He knew about the tribe but not about his appointment!

Seriax shouted in protest,"Father what are you talking about?! How could I ever replace you?!"

Cilix smiled and replied,"Come here son!"

Seriax rushed up to the podium and stood next to his father with an anxious expression on his face.

Cilix put a hand on Seriax’ shoulder and said sternly,"Seriax, son, first calm down. This is something that has to happen. You are by far the smartest and strongest among all of us. I have seen you do things that I only wish I could do, and while I appreciate all you have done, you are far from done my child. So to make this as simple as possible for you, there is one final order your chief will give you."

Seriax, eyes pouring with tears, shook his head and yelled out,"I will not! You are my leader! You will always be my chief! I am not worthy!!"

Cilix clicked his tongue and shouted out,"You are stronger than me! You don’t understand that everything here was built by my leadership, but under your leadership it could be 10 times better! What about your mother?! Your sister?! Your own future children?! You are the bravest warrior I know, and I will not allow you to sully my memory of your Glory! As the last order from your chief I ORDER you to take the mantle of chief and provide my future descendants the safety and loving world I never experienced! THAT is your duty from this point forward!!!"

Seriax didn’t say anything back and Cilix pulled the young man into a firm hug as he said,"Never forget that you are my son, and my blood runs through your veins. Anything I could do you can as well, that is what it means to be my son. The only thing I want from you is for you to grow and prosper."

Before the two could talk any further a Heavenly female voice that suppressed their souls suddenly rang out.

"Well said chief Cilix, I agree with your assessment!"

Seriax pulled out 3 large stones that were wrapped in cloth and tied together with vines and shouted out,"Who?!"

However Cilix quickly realized who or what this was and his eyes widened in complete astonishment. Then he hurriedly punched the back of his sons head and then forced him to a kneeling and bowing position while saying,"Kneel before God, Boy!"

Seriax didn’t fully understand but was definitely not going to question something his father called a "God". He still got chills when he remembered meeting the absolutely huge Darklight Leviathan for the first time. That thing was monstrous in terms of power!

"Greetings mortals, I am the Immortal Star Phoenix, God of Knowledge and the Holy Spirit." Star said as she landed in front of the pair on a low hanging branch.

The two, still sitting on the knees looked up in awe at the majestic fire bird in front of them. Her wings constantly changed different colors of red and orange, and it looked vivid like a moving sea of fire that had a life of its own.

Star looked at them and said,"You are Cilix and Seriax, yes?"

They both were too stunned to say anything and so simply nodded their heads furiously.

She smiled and said,"Good, I am here to inform you that the Ultima Creator has recognized your achievement of being the first sentient race to establish a community for your people. There is a reward as well for this."

Both men looked incredulous as Seriax pleaded out,"The creator has recognized us, father you are legendary! Your name shall forever be etched into history as the best!!"

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Cilix turned to his son and said,"That is true, but I still expect so much more than what I have achieved in this life from you. It is a shame that I shall not live to see this day."

Suddenly the Phoenix poked her head towards the sky and cooked her head. She asked out loud to no one in particular, at least in the elves eyes,"You want me to what? How would that..? Yeah, I mean I could but... wait, I can DO THAT?!"

The two men looked at each other in slight confusion as Star coughed and regained her bearing on the situation.

She told them,"I am here today to give you a re- I mean 2 rewards for your achievement here today. First off, as the reward for being the first to accomplish this feat, your strongest warrior shall be given a small blessing that will unlock more of his or her potential. So tell me, who is your strongest warrior?"

Seriax was only prideful in one thing and that was his combat ability and strategic mindset that had won him quite a few vicious battles with the larger beasts in the area, especially the karakts. He proudly said,"God Immortal Star Phoenix, I am the strongest warrior among the people present here, although Helix over there may grow to be close to my strength as well."

Although he was prideful, he made sure to include that there were other tribesmen who could fit the bill if he was not the correct choice.

Stat mused out loud as she said,"Hmm.. prideful yet incredibly humble at the same time. I am impressed Cilix, you have a worthy successor for your tribe. Alright then, I shall give you my blessing now!"

Before Seriax or anyone for that matter could understand what she meant by that, she shot out a blue fireball the size of a basketball right into Seriax!

Seriax literally caught fire at this moment as he was engulfed in flames! Cilix cried out,"NOOOO!!!" in anguish.

After a few moments Cilix heard Seriax’ voice penetrate throught the fire as he shouted out,"Father! I am fine! The fire is improving me, not hurting! Let it happen! As you said, I must grow for my people!"

With that he went silent and concentrated on the feeling of getting stronger. As he focused on this feeling he noticed that he also felt a very weird energy as well that seemed to be running through the ground into himself, but he didn’t understand what it was. It was not hurting him, and as far as he could tell it wasn’t helping him either, how odd.

After a minute or 2 the fire stopped and out walked a re-molded Seriax who looked like a stunning Elven God at this moment! He could feel that several walls of power that had stopped him before now toppled over like they weren’t even there in the first place. His potential was much, much higher now, he could feel it.

Seriax, now completely naked bowed once again to Star and said,"There are no words to express myself right now, so allow me to simply bow and accept this reward humbly."

Stat chuckled and said,"Sure, do what you want." Her eyes scanned over Seriax for a moment as she smirked and thought to herself,"This brat is only a second generation yet he already has touched upon an element? Seems like that potential boost does more than we thought."

She turned to Cilix and said,"Bring me an acorn or seed for a tree."

A bystander elf quickly brought forth a "Coliscar Seedling". Which were the planting seeds of the gigantic trees that surrounded them.

Star took the seed and then under everyone’s gaze wrapped it in her fire. The seed caught fire for a few moments in a beautiful green hue before extinguishing itself. What was now in her hand was a tree with divine energy. She threw it to Cilix, who caught and treated it with the highest respect and honors.

Stat then said,"This seed is now known as the World Tree Seed or the Holy Elven Seed. Before you pass, swallow this seed. After you have passed on, plant your body with seed still inside it into the ground. You shall be granted your wish."

Cilix was baffled at what thus could possibly mean and he asked,"Immortal Star Phoenix, please, what will this seed do?"

Stat shook her head and then flew off, back into the sky. She only spoke 1 more sentence as she left,"I cannot tell you, you must simply have faith."

Cilix and the crowd of elves all were now coming back to their senses as they started to organize what had just happened. What should have been a tense yet peaceful event had turned very crazy, very fast.

Seriax stood on the podium and said,"My people of the Kilta tribe, we have been blessed by a God. Let us rejoice and celebrate the founding of our tribe. In the morning is when we shall tackle the problems that await us! Tonight we celebrate!"

The crowd cheered and decided to wait until the morning when everyone had a clearer head as Seriax had said. Celix stood by on the side, clutching the seed as he fervently prayed,"Lord Star, thank you for what you have done for me today. I am now able to die without regrets. Even if this seed does nothing, I am completely fulfilled. I can only hope my sincere gratitude is enough for now."

Time passed as the elves got adjusted to being a tribe. A few weeks and many other eleven tribes across the planet were also starting to establish, but with much less commotion. Finally, Star was heading to the dragon camp and Eastern Dragon camps respectively to bestow a potential unlock on their own chosen champions. Jay had decided for every race, even it only had one group, the first group for a race to hit the threshold got their strongest warrior boosted.

Just as he had predicted, Celix started to deteriorate at around day 30 of 60. He got extremely sick at day 50 of 60 and at 56 of 60 he swallowed the divine seed, giving everyone explicit orders of where to bury him. On day 58, Cilix passed from the world and the elves of the Kilta tribe wept and mourned the loss of their great leader.

Just as instructed they buried their former leader in the dirt with the seed still in his stomach and then covered it.

A few weeks went by when suddenly Seriax was doing his morning exercises and he felt like he was being watched. Spooked he called people over and everyone of them unanimously agreed that a small sprout where the former leaders body was buried was the source.

Watching us? Seriax was the first to understand that the tree that was growing right now was his dad. His dad was the tree and his dad was watching over them now, everyone single one of them.

Of course as soon as he realized this he immediately sectioned off the area and had elves that were highly attuned with nature and plant growth to keep a 28/8 watch on the plant at all times.

His prediction was true, because as the tree got larger the feeling of being watched got stronger, but it was not like being watched by an enemy, and instead felt like a caring father watching their child from afar to make sure they stay safe. It was a comforting feeling to always feel like someone had your back no matter what.

The weeks and months passed and the tree continued to grow larger and larger, it’s growth accelerated by the constant nurturing the elves were giving it on a constant basis. Soon the world tree was as tall as the other trees its original seed came from, only the trunk was much, much thicker at the bottom in comparison. It continued to grow and grow and 10 years Into its growth it stopped at about 3 times the height of the other trees. Seriax swore he saw a cloud pass through the leaves at the top.

With this, the Elves had officially created the World Tree, which was the second wonder of the world, right behind the trench guarded by Kraken.


Jay smiled as he had viewed this event from his godly room. He was glad he did not fast forward through it, then he would not have remembered the world tree that a lot of fantasy Elves had. It was basically a must, and luckily Celix was more than willing to take that role. It worked out perfectly in the end.

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